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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Wanted to share some things Wes said in chat that I caught myself thinking about a few times today.

The Kuvexians are eventually going to be shown to be a huge empire that is essentially the size of every player faction in SARP combined.
Also, the current Eucharis mission will determine whether we attack them in their territory, or if my crew fails, they will invade us in our space.
I'm kind of struggling here to post and I feel like at least part of the issue is that everyone is posting what I would normally be posting, which is NPC actions/reactions and about the surroundings. It's actually helped move the plot along so I've let it slide so far, but I have to admit it gives me an uneasy feeling to see you guys having your characters effortlessly plow through what was supposed to be an equal opponent.

So basically I'm warning you that when you auto the NPCs, I may call you on it and ask for an edit, or just add unforeseen consequences to your actions in my next post.
Sorry. To be honest, I just wasn't sure what to post if it didn't involve barging forward like this... We already did loads and loads of forward planning.

I sort of thought you were telling us to get a move on, so that's what I did. >_>
I really expected my character to suffer some consequences for going all Rambo on them. Not that I am complaining she didn't end up getting murderized. :/
Also worth noting that all four of the enemies I mention Tsuguka hitting were not strictly finished off... Was sort of intentionally leaving openings there. Nobody has even been disabled by that grenade launcher yet!
Aether stuff seems pretty much like it just wrecks through shields. I know the ABSR is distortion based and does that so I assumed the Aether sabers are similar. I'm trying to give the OpFor some skill but seeing as they're just base guards and Candon's is Spec Ops it seems like he would kill enemies at a faster pace. I'm trying to be accurate in my description of Candon's maneuvers to account for that.

Is there something I should change or do better?
So after returning from having to do my papers and exams, I find I am totally confused as to what's going on in the Flaming Arrows thing. What's going on here, exactly?
Armor team is getting swarmed, we're making a last ditch effort to escape with the mainframe. My last post contains the plan.

Eucharis had to split, they got busted up. Realistically I'm not sure why the fleet wasn't directly behind it. I thought they were seconds behind.
Dont we have to take out the guns of the station, at the very least to extract safely?

I kind of recall those guns being the initial focus of the planning thread before everyone got hype about the mainframe.
Well, once you get the data, you can blow everything up, which may help fuxxor the long-range targeting abilities of the station's guns.

As for the Star Army's fleet, it can come whenever Hanako gives the word, so if those guns are down they'll take less casualties. But once they start bombarding the station, the Eucharis team needs to teleport out or they'll get slagged with the rest of the station's occupants.
the station we are attacking is massive. trying to disable all of the guns would be an act of futility. Odds are that the OpFor thinks we intend to hack. they probably won't expect us to be teleporting the entire Mainframe out of the station.

when we jump we will be just under 100,000 kilometers away, so we won't be close enough to the point defense weapons to need to worry. artillery might try to take a few shots but they wouldn't be expecting us at that range. 15 seconds and where another 100k
I'm still alive! College is kicking my ass! That, and I've been getting zero notifications. Am I needed for a post?
Sorry, I was working on the email system lately. Yes.
@Dumont She has been told what to do, just not verbally. In my last post Candon put the plan straight into everyone's brain. We're surrounding the core and we're going to use the AoE from a synchronized teleport to jump into space with their Mainframe.
Honestly? I'm really struggling to reply to this.

Everything on the aether weapons wiki page suggests they have large areas of effect, and how the entire room hasn't already been blown to bits by dozens of "constantly firing" aether rifles is kind of a mystery to me. Never mind just the computers we were supposed to be recovering intact.

Know it sounds like I'm just being difficult, but... Yeah. It kinda made Tsuguka's orders completely pointless for the second time in a row.
Well, their dudes are closing in on the computer room, but they're not in it until my next post, and the Kuvexians are trying to format their drives. Hanako is a computer expert and you have communications with her. She could probably say what to grab. And you can avoid the Kuvexians by teleporting anywhere that's not where you are. Hope that helps.
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