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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Wazu is also kinda stuck having nothing to do right now, but my 2cents is this:

1) Grab everything that looks like it might be a hard drive
2) Teleport out with as much of the server room as possible as per Candon's plan
3) Leave bombs / have the fleet come in to gank the station
4) Don't look at the explosion

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It occurred to me tonight that there's nothing in canon that says a suit of Mindy armor can be used as a drone, so I think we should avoid doing that in the future. Also I don't want to replace Star Army nekos with drones. If we start just sending robots on away teams instead of crew that kind of cheapens the experience I think.
I always assumed they could, but the SA avoided doing it because of the whole "black box" technologies thing, like the teleporter module. Keeping stuff out of other people's hands would be much harder if it goes walkies.
I'm unable to post again. Been the only technician in my company lately.

@Primitive Polygon Candon's impression of being in a crossfire is to teleport away. If you want to include home in any orders please do.
Fair enough man. Cheers for the heads up.

As for this situation, hurm... I agree that they shouldn't stay out in the open, but not quite sure where to go. Stylus has a point about just half of them moving being a possibility, but it's not like they would be able to match fighter speed or firepower at any rate. If the Eucharis still has it's shields up, it's not like we wanna 'boop' wildly into them, either.

Gonna sleep on it, but will reply later.
Just a few to act as thrusters for the core. Ideally we ought to slave the TAPs together, then give the Eucharis a projected course. Swoop into it, open the hangar and just scoop em out of space.

Assuming the ship can, in fact, just get in and out that close safely. Its difficult to say without having a concrete and complete look at the station. Knowing things like relative speeds, how many guns have a viable track on that angle, if they even work without the computer core, can they drop a small section of the shield, etc.
Theoretically the station is so busy fighting the fleet that the Eucharis won't make an appetizing target to the station guns. Theoretically .
Okay. Three of them on the rocket-core thing. Rest can go on overwatch, maybe use those drones to soak stray shots.

Eucharis can swoop in, swallow the infantry and burn out like a bat out of hell.

Any other plan at this point is probably going to be a variation of "FUCKING RUN!"
Just to let you guys know, I'll be making a post tomorrow evening and hopefully get us closer to wrapping up the mission.

Do you guys want some social time after this or more combat?
This mission taught me a lot about combat, but most of all it taught me I have a lot to learn. I would love to have the opportunity to learn more, soon! My vote is combat!
*peeks in*

Just making sure Wes knows I'm still here

@Wes just to make sure I don't miss the end of mission and start of next, can you message me once it would be a good time to transfer Ramiro back in?

Hey Wes, college has been kicking my ass. I'm pledged to a frat, and I joined another student organization on top of that. I really don't have time for SARP for the rest of the semester. You may NPC Jax if you wish.
Combat really depends on what you have prepared, Wes. I mean, I'm sure there is going to be a counter attack, but what you have prepared personally certainly factors in to all this. Guess I'm fine with either. If you have something planned for combat, then just go combat.

@Blizzard ; Thanks for the heads up mango. Sorry to see y'all go, through.
She didn't actually know that the teleporters were capable of doing that to begin with,
That's a good point. For story purposes I'll roll with it this time, but teleporters in SARP have always been the power armor and whatever it's holding, not a circle around the person. And when you try to carry too much mass what happens is only some of your molecules teleport which is usually very bad.
*peeks in*

Just making sure Wes knows I'm still here

@Wes just to make sure I don't miss the end of mission and start of next, can you message me once it would be a good time to transfer Ramiro back in?
Sure, will do!
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