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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I don't think that's a good point. Let me explain.

How do teleporters work? We don't use magic so there must be an explanation and that explanation is going to have to hang around the technology we set in the universe and the realistic physics we employ.

Matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time, so when matter instantly appears where other matter is(ex. Air) it will rapidly explode away from the area to accommodate the matter that has appeared there.

Through what means does matter travel to 'appear' in a new location? Through subspace, maybe?
We fold space in big ships, right? Matter must have space to exist in, even during transit.
So we are essentially folding the space(the unit's local space) between location and destination like a paper map and moving directly to the destination, skipping the space between.

Using this as our explanation to describe the instantaneous transit during teleportation would justify the explosion that occures when we arrive in an atmosphere. If each PA mounted teleportation unit has only enough power to teleport a maximum of itself and one other, like medevac situation not exceeding 350kg, then it could easily be able to coordinate with multiple teleporters to accomplish the task we have just performed. So regardless of whether any other characters have thought that this is possible, based on the physics used to justify instantaneous travel in our setting we can conclude this is well within the capabilities of setting technology.

Furthermore, teleporting is not a new concept in the SAOY. It would be out of character for our premier teleporter to be unpredictable or inflexible given the massive amount of usage, and dependency, this technology has seen.
Just to let you know: I'm a little short on time right now, therefore I did not post in a while. I think as of next week it should improve.

Should I note have? I wasn't sure with how quickly the topic/events were moving. It seemed like a case of "Do it, or it might not get done by the next GM post".

Also, given the Eucharis is such a notable vessel and we're fairly full up on PCs, would it be a bad idea for us to have an NPC starfighter wing stationed aboard?
No worries, it doesn't really make any difference to how things are playing out. Tsuguka is just rolling with it in order to give herself more concentration for aiming at this point, anyway.
Using the solid volumetrics(not hard light, they are similar but different) wouldn't work. You can only cast it 2 meters from you and they do not operate within a combined field. The result would be several missiles exploding in your face whilst you float around without decent propulsion.
we're probably using that too the CFS is more efficient in space because it allows us to perform inertialess maneuvers, which makes dodging those missiles a greater possibility.
Just got home from a super long day - My mom is in town due to hurricane evacuation and my wife got us all to drive up to the rural Georgia mountains and we picked apples at the orchard and went and got pumpkins at the most impressive pumpkin patch I've ever seen.

I brought home this medium white pumpkin:

It was only $13. There were some there that were significantly larger!

I'm super tired and sunburned but it was a pretty good day aside from the lack of me getting a chance to post for you guys, lol.

I've been reading all the posts on my phone though and hope to get a post up tomorrow if things permit. It's been a little crazy taking care of the grandparents (grandpa's mind is slipping) and the herd of animals (7 dogs, 1 cat, 1 fish, 2 tortoises, and a talking parrot).
Edit: Answered my own question.

I haven't been getting OOC posts as updates, so, allow me to belatedly comment:

That's a huge pumpkin

What kind of apples?
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The they were called "Rome Beauty."

There was some huge pumpkins there! Look at these (my mom for scale):

@Ametheliana, I like your post, butt there is just one problem. Candon removed the pack and mounted his sword there. He wouldn't have any repair equipment.
Butt mounted weapons/ etc aren't on the loadout charts but several on the team have them in their inventory lists, such as yours. How do I go about finding out which of them has it with them on this particular mission without tapping each player on the shoulder?
Unless otherwise directed, I'm going to wait for some sort of damage description for the PA Bay before proceeding.
It would be found in the utility/cargo space on the chart. I think Junko would be the only one packing one, the space on her chart is empty.
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