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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I'm assuming the away team is all aboard, since it looks like all the talking people are either aboard or carried aboard, in the case of Suites/Mehi for the sake of coherent writing and so forth

Also, no idea if that light net thing SHOULD work, but it sounded legit enough and nobody said otherwise on the chat so. Will edit, otherwise.
@Wes, I'm currently assuming that Astrider is MIA, presumed KIA. To give IC reason for the character's dismissal from Eucharis' infantry team Candon could privately review her mission performance and request transference.
Attention all YSS Eucharis personnel.

Suites-Heisho is going to be submitting a personnel report thingy (professionalphrase) to Hanako SOON!
We're talking infantry!
We're talking bridge crew!
We're talking engineering!
We're talking about a Renaissance guy who's a cynical 'old man' surrounded by gorgeous young women in a deep space vessel that is Candon's polar opposite yet not so different that insists on being a crippled little human when he could easily be a Mary Sue Minkan and acts like it's so horrible that Yamatai is protecting him because the reality is that Yui probably just took him in to piss off the Nepleslians and keeps him around just in case he proves useful despite the fact that she's gotta know he has ties back to Uso or some other unlawful entities which means-
Wazu, come on down!

On a serious note I'm doing letters of recommendation/GTFO to justify advancement or demotion on an IC level.
IF YOU WANT RECOGNICIAN for your character CONTACT MEH or risk both me and Wes potentially overlooking your character and saying MEH, which happens in the military often.

I promised I would do it and here it is, but here's the catch. I'm not writing it, Candon is. I think we all have a pretty good idea of how he works. He's quite thorough so if I make a mistake and don't include something in my letter it will translate to Candon as him knowing and just not caring. If you only got shot he's not recommending you for Tomoyo's Kikyô, if you got injured he'll think about it, and if you died(like Astrider) that's your guarantee but keep in mind that he's also the one sending her off to Fort Minori which kinda sets an IC precedent of 'don't die under his command or else' and finally, please keep in mind that he is recommending your character, not promoting them.

@Wes I hope this can ease your burden, my friend. I'll get it ready ASAP, hopefully by weeks end.
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BTW, I was hoping to let the new science guys handle the science station on the bridge, and it looks like Wazu wasn't going to get to go in a power armor, so I assume Wazu has been sitting in his room working on reports with a very dramatic backdrop.
His coffee cup just keeps getting rattled around a little bit and every so often someone starts screaming.

That being said, @Rizzo I'll keep Mehitabel's reports to pay and service ribbons. I'd also be happy to do some sort of IC JP on the subject if you wanted to add on to the process.
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Seeing as how Shiho is hoping to be overlooked? She's just going to take a nap instead of talking to Candon about getting promotions or medals. Unless these medals come with side rewards like cash or exotic butters or whatever.
Seeing as how Shiho is hoping to be overlooked? She's just going to take a nap instead of talking to Candon about getting promotions or medals. Unless these medals come with side rewards like cash or exotic butters or whatever.
Lol, ignore Candon the Grump? Just do your job? He'll give her the Medal of Honor!

Promotions come with a pay raise. That's about the only benefit but money, right?
Well she's half aiming to buying out her contract because she thought the Eucharis was some sort of cushy admiralty rearguard position when she applied. In reality she got plunged into the front line of an interstellar war.

She'd need to talk with some sort of ship's accountant to see if the buyout cost increases with rank, before aiming for promotion. Or if alternately she can use her inflated pay scale to get more money faster, then just cough up a hairball on Candon's bed to get herself busted back down to a cheaper rank to buy out of...
I don't think that's necessary, I don't believe rank determines buy out, but if she's looking for a more aggressive role she can IC talk to Candon and he'll ensure she sees it... if she's strong enough.
Buyout is paying up money equal to the rest of your pay for the term of your enlistment, and rank determines pay.

And you'll not trick her into standing out by challenging her to show her beef! She's wise to the tricks of you superior rank types...
well, this is going to be very interesting!
that has to be one of the most simple yet elaborate concepts I've seen. There's going to be some fun RP in the future
Well general idea is that eventually she'd be finding acceptance and camaraderie, such that she would stay on to protect fellow soldiers, etc. It's certainly more interesting than being fresh neko who just wants to do the Empire proud in my mind.
you're right, the hair does make her look more mature. I can imagine that it would fit into her helmet with greater ease as well
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