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OOC Eucharis Discussion

It's skin tight and cheesy as heck, but you gotta admit that there is just something very iconic between both Yamatai and late 80s anime that makes it work. No wonder the design just won't die.
Added this to the wiki article!
I'm planning on getting a post in tonight, after I get home from work - hopefully wrapping up the mission and starting a new one.

We're going to be heading to Yamatai for repairs (probably the same hangar as last time) so this puts your characters in position to attend the YE 38 Trick or Treat thread in Open RP for some holiday crossover action.
I started a new thread! Time to run around the planet and we can also figure some stuff out for the next mission.
Until the new year!? Did I read that right? Is that because players tend to take leave during the holidays?
[Insert Ramiro]?
Insert Ramiro!
Until the new year!? Did I read that right? Is that because players tend to take leave during the holidays?
Yeah, I figure if I rush to start a new mission we'll miss the holiday RPs because we'll be in the middle of blowing up some aliens.
I'm not afraid to say I'm disappointed, but that could be because I have plenty of characters to enjoy the holiday threads and not so many that get to blow up aliens like we've been doing :/
Since holiday events and the like are limited to such a short period of time, I'm honestly surprised we haven't developed a system of having a single character be in both at once. Something like having the one/two-week Halloween thread open, but just stating that it takes place after the conclusion of each currently operating thread.

Especially since those threads don't usually effect meta-plot, so there really shouldn't be any continuity issues. Idk, that's how I did it the year I had Ramiro go as the Nepleslian with the "overcompensation" rifle.
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