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OOC Eucharis Discussion

The comment was mostly an offer to get Bel involved in the SOFT team if HK wanted that. No worries either way!

Hope we'll have both the player and character back in action someday.
Been super busy this weekend. My well pump is broken and I've had to cut and clear trees. My posting is on hold temporarily
Take care of yourself out there, Rizzoman. We will miss you, but no judgement from us!

So... Is Junko secretly Doomguy or what?... *_*
I was talking about that a bit in chat. With rows B and C removed/folded/whatever, the Heirophant could easily lay down with 6 meters left at its feet and 2.5 meters on each side. The floor-to-ceiling height of a 'Coon is only 1.9 meters while the Heirophant is 2.3 from back-to-chest, so it'd likely have to squeeze in at some weird angle (and thus leave some more room on each side of it).

That said, the current depictions don't really bug me or anything. We're squeezed in like sardines!
Junko didn't either. But since Gunsight's post said everyone's in can we just assume everyone is in now?
Its convenient shorthand so we're all not doing a carousel endlessly and we can move on with our lives.

I mean, we're all kitted up and we don't exactly have a reason why we -wouldn't- get on the shuttle. I mean, besides "I don't want to be packed in like a sardine." but thats airlines in general, right?
Yes, I said Natsumi squeezed in after everyone else, buttoned up the shuttle and told the pilot to go
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