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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Hey all, it feels good to be back and Taharial will be back, after an interesting trip, I may make a full story somewhere for people to read and a little basic story for her bio on what happened and seems there is new medical personnel so no more lonely med bay stays.
I should probably get off my ass about putting Junko's 3 month thing down somewhere. Creative thread, maybe?

@Wes Not expecting much, but did Junko's cursory examination of the mission info tell her anything?
@Wes Not expecting much, but did Junko's cursory examination of the mission info tell her anything?
Yeah, the big computer in the core of the planet is still running.
Same here. Out of all the action threads I've been in, it's the one that managed to keep up that video gamey flavor of super fast pace.

Pally was the nicest guy ever, too.
I like how nobody has questioned the true mystery here...

How did a Rixxikor manage to poo on the outside of the spacecraft?

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Tsuguka Zone.
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