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RP: 188604 [Exodus] Part 1 - Brave New World

Alex Hart

Well-Known Member
Skyguard 2nd Feet Headquarters

Fleet commander Tim Aricson had called the highest ranking of his fellow officers to the meeting room to discuss what could be very well considered treason. Many of them were of a similar mind to him, that of desertion.

As soon as the others had gathered, he spoke. "Alright, you all know why I've called you here. The Skyguard isn't what it used to be. When we all joined up we wanted to protect our home, but lately we've just been whims to the higher ups. We've been sent out on errands that don't benefit our people, but those at the top. This isn't what we wanted.

We're going to desert."

One of the fleet officers-a petite, hyperactive, and very curvaceous human by the name of Sienna Nelson - stretched. "We are? Coolios..." - a pause, then, as an afterthought - "...sir. What'cha need us to do?"

She didn't appear to have grasped - or, more likely, cared about - the magnitude of what Aricson had just said.

Aricson looked at Sienna. "Sienna, you've never taken anything seriously since we graduated training. But this is a serious matter. I don't want you, or anyone else for that matter, coming into this without understanding what they're getting into."

Sienna looked at Aricson. "I know, I know, I know - we're gonna have'ta hope our former friends and lovers don't shoot at us like their orders will probably tell them to. I also know we won't be able to, you know, ever come home again." The pale-skinned, reddish brown-haired, sapphire-eyed, headband-wearing officer shrugged. "Doesn't bother me, or probably anyone else here."

Aricson sighed. "I hope it doesn't come down to a fight. We all joined the Skyguard because we wanted to protect our home. But this just... doesn't feel like home anymore. When the USO liberated the planet, it seemed like a good thing, but I guess we just traded one despot for another."

He drummed his hands on the table. "The hard part of this is going to be getting all the equipment we'll need to survive wherever we're headed."

"Eh, we'll make do. We've survived just fine on this rock for a loooooong time, and I think the 'swords have recycler-thingamabobs, so we should be fine for supplies." Sienna wasn't the kind of person who worried about those kinds of pesky minor details - she was the kind who worried about not having fun. "Sir."

"Sienna, aren't you from offworld?" Aricson asked when she mentioned surviving for a long time on the 'rock' that he used to call home.

"Nope, sir - twas' born here, just like everyone else."

"Okay, if you say so." Aricson had his doubts, but this wasn't the time for them.

"How soon can your task force of broadswords be ready to leave?"

"Hmmmmmm..." was the answering reply as Sienna pondered the question. "A week-ish from the Twenty-Second? I'll have'ta check with Wally and see how we're doing on supplies n' stuffs." Wally, better known as Wallace Fitzclarence, was Sienna's beleagured task force XO - and was the one that typically bore the brunt of his commander's.........peculiarities.

Many wondered how he was still sane.

Aricson nodded. "That fits in line with the estimates I've gotten from the other task force commanders." Tim almost felt bad for Wally, but he was the only officer who was able to keep Sienna's task force running smoothly. However exhausted the man always seemed at the end of the day, he got things done like no one else.

"I'll let everyone else know the official timetable. We've got work to do. Dismissed."

Tim Aricson, soon to be ex-commander of the Skyguard 2nd fleet, turned to look out the window of his office, and hoped to hell that everything played out smoothly.
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