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RP Expanding Horizons: Welcome to Arcadia


Well-Known Member
RP Date
Late YE41
RP Location
SX-02 "Nephis" System
After a long flight to a new world, Calandri had a large bag, her armour and her weapons. She had come to this new area of the universe because people still needed stuff done, new world same job, A mercenary always need their own territory and maybe here she could get somewhere no one would judge her for her practices. As the ship landed in what was Arcadia, Calandri grunted and got up, her hooves clicking against the metal, with two of her four arms she picked up her large bag and left the ship. She ignored the looks and murmurs of the other on the ship and touches down on what she hoped would be a new home.

Calandri looked around as she grunted, it was still being made, but looked like it was coming along very nicely, she smiled as she ran a hand through her maroon hair, accidentally breaking her braid, she groaned but decided to keep it down. She couldn't be asked to do her again while standing in the middle of a port, realizing she was just holding up some people she grunted loudly, letting them know she knew they were there and was annoyed with their attitude. She stepped out into the fresh air, looking more alien now with her hair, and fur, but most importantly, her four large arms that were all on show. "Ah Noct Felia Arus, greeting new home" She laughed as she she thought to herself, the two main things to do, were getting somewhere to live and food. So she ventures off into the streets of Arcadia, to find somewhere to eat first.
A blonde haired man was at a full run down the still partially complete streets, his gear saying merc, but the amount of disorder to the outfit said something else. He had clearly been working here for quite possibly a while, and he seemed to be in a rush for something as he was sprinting to the arriving ship. In his haste, he was a bit reckless, and accidently collided with the faun woman. Falling onto his rear, he rubbed his head as he wondered just what wall did he smack into. Looking up however, he found himself very much wrong on that assumption, "Oh shit! I-I-I am terribly sorry! I was in a rush and not looking."

He said this apologetically as he rose back to his feet, his sudden stop and subsequent fall, leaving him rather sore. Patting himself off, he offered a hand in greeting with an apologetic smile to the much larger person. "Zeke Rykiel, local merc and mech pilot for hire. Helping with construction and security efforts."
For a while, Ayla had been a little lonely back in Obsidian City, in the place she shared with Zeke. She thought of calling Zeke, but long-distance wasn’t doing it for her. The Faun wanted to hug him, and Rihanna, so she decided instead of having another long-distance call, she’d go to Nephis, to the new Arcadia settlement. She wanted to surprise him, but she’d get a surprise of her own when she saw him running and then gasped at the unmistakable sound of an accident.

Using her strong legs, she jumped over the people ahead of her, doing a leapfrog action, getting herself to the doors, and hurrying out to her lover’s side. Zeke had gotten hurt and that concerned her, hoping it didn’t damage his body too much. She glanced over to Calandry noting her clearly faun, features, and other additional features. “Welcome to Arcadia, sorry about my speedy man here, I’m Ayla, Ayla Knight.” She told her before she glanced at Zeke “Hey Flyboy” she said with a sweet grin.
Calandri was a little shocked by what had just transpired in a few moments, she was knocked by a man claiming to be a Merc, the hit had forced her to brace and face to one knee as not to fall over herself. Then when the guy was introducing themselves another person had run up to the pair, on first glance, she got really excited and then sighed when she realized what they actually were, just body mods, not one of her own,

She laughed as she looked at the two with her "Calandri, Calandri Valtok, I am a Merc as well, thank you for the welcome, I came here to um, Kanitra Oakin, that roughly translates to new beginning, not many options for a newer merc in most places, too many other mercs, so I thought I would come here and try my luck." She laughed a little more "surprised I basically got attacked by another merc in my first hour planet side" with this Calandri takes the man's hand and gives it a firm shake "it is nice to meet both of you,"
"Perfect timing sweetie, surprised to see you out here, we'll have to catch up later.", Zeke offered in quick and surprised greeting to his lover. "Miss Valtok, Ayla here, is one of my girlfriends. I had actually planned to mention her if our greeting had continued into more conversation heh. She doesn't have many people like her to talk too, so I was going to introduce you two in time perhaps. Appears she beat me to it."

The blonde merc chuckle as he took Ayla's hand, shortly after having his handshake accepted. They certainly were an imposing figure, but certainly reminded him of Ayla to an extent, but seemingly mixed with Tsumi aspects. Her race was not certainly known to him, and that made him curious. Wondering, from which far off world had she come from, and what was such a place like?
The Faun’s elf ears picked up the sigh as she looked over her lover. She grinned at him as he spoke to her alerting her to his surprise at her being there. “Of course, I didn’t want to have another long-distance call, and wanted to give you a hug in person so here I am!’ She said brightly before turning her head to their new friend.

She observed her taking note of her hooves which made her smile, as well as her other features like Zeke, had been. “I’m honored to meet you, Calandri Valtok,” she said and now that introductions were made, they can get on a tour or something. She’d like to look around herself and see how things are.

Her hand held Zeke’s which she squeezed tightly as she stood there. “So, Zeke, you’ve been here longer than us ladies, know a good place to eat, or perhaps sleep?’ she asked him, thinking about Calandri considering she had just arrived, the cool looking alien probably didn’t have a place to sleep yet, maybe they could help with that.
Calandri fixed her eyes on the two in front her, the emerald green looking a bit unnerving without any pupil, it was obvious she was processing what had been said. After a bit, she blinked a few times and smiles as the two "Ah I see, multiple partners seem to be the norm, I have run into into these relationships a lot, but don't expect me to be one of your girls." She looked over to the faun and bows to them, she seemed more respectful to the woman "Well I would always be happy to chat to you, if you want to know anything about me or my species."

As she spoke she stretched "But food and sleep both sounds like really good ideas, I need to find a place to live and I am starving." She wiggled the bag on her shoulder a little "I want to make sure I am not walking with all I own on my shoulder, for more time than I need." She cracked her knuckles and looks at the two companions she was with "well natives choice I guess, you decide what we do first as I have no idea where to go for any of this stuff."
Zeke chuckled slightly nervous, a bit off put at how the woman was seeming to act. "I uh wasn't asking you to? I just met you, and I think two women in my life are more then enough to try and handle.", he said apologetically to maybe smooth things over. "But yeah, so uh, there isn't a ton of things around here just yet as colonization is still just getting into swing. Even the capitol world is just one city right now, but here, they're lacking anything not housing, or a mess hall."

Trying to get back into the swing of the conversation, Zeke gestured with a hand to the habitat buildings being built, somewhat modular in design, but still clearly built from ship components. Here and there, a few more simpler style cabin homes could be seen beyond the immediate colony construction efforts. "Checking in with the nearest settlement officer would be a good idea. They can assign you available quarters, at least that is until you've finished a cabin somewhere if that route is more your fancy. Thankfully the mess hall isn't far, and the government building is just across from it."
Ayla blinked, and almost perceptively an eye twitched when she spoke, and Zeke replied. “He’s right,” She said and carefully allowed her anger to go down at her dare to be rude to Zeke, though she liked the respect to herself, she preferred Zeke get the respect too. She was curious about her species, since clearly, she had hooves too. “ok, so honey, why don’t you lead us to where we need to go?’ she asked him.

“This world is beautiful, I’d heard there aren’t any Mountain Beasts here, or any giant predators, everyone seems pleased by this from what I have been hearing. “Here she moved closer to Zeke “Of course your safe in your Mech, but I’m still pleased by this though.” She turned to Calandri “he didn’t tell you did he? He actually saved my life a while ago, I was trapped in a derelict, dying and he got me out of it. This guy is so heroic.” She told her as she held Zeke’s hand.
Calandri listened and noted the reactions to what she said "I am sorry if I offend, Trava Mahka," She looked down "still getting use to other places, for where I am from, the declaration of partnership is also an invitation to others, you calling Ayla here your girlfriend, for my people would be also basically saying, please join our partnership." She looks back up and smiled a little "Oh I did it again, Trava Mahka, means um I think the best way to explain, this is the two with one soul."

She listened to the two and nodded to the male "well then that it very heroic of you." She cracked her knuckles "I think food first then, if you both are okay with that?" She smiled a little at the couple and bows gently again "sorry for the misunderstanding again, I will do my best to learn more and not make a similar mistake." She then waited to be lead around "Miss Ayla, there is one question I have for you, why did yo choose that form, you smell the same as the others around, so I assume you chose to look like my people, I am interested in the story behind it."
"It's not like I wasn't expecting some misunderstanding when meeting someone of a new culture, and vice versa. I've.....had a lot worse said to me before, so don't worry about it. Anyways, you can follow me, and we'll show you where the new mess hall is. Feel free to chat without me, I'm sure you ladies have a lot of questions for each other.", Zeke offered before giving an apologetic smile for sending the wrong message unintentionally. He then waved them both to follow before taking a casual stride as he lead the girls through the still developing colony, and towards the place of the community's dietary consumption.
Ayla listened as Calandri apologized for the misunderstanding which Zeke accepted. This pleased her since she knew she didn’t want to have to awkwardly arrest a newcomer. She hoped that by telling her about Zeke’s heroics that it will help her to see that he wasn’t a bad guy, someone that forces things and people to be in a relationship with him. It turns out their culture was very different from what was common.

As Zeke led them, he did mention that the ladies probably had questions which were true, and it appeared that their blue-skinned newcomer would be the first to ask. She was surprised that it would be a personal question. “Remember how I said earlier, that I had been in a derelict that Zeke saved me from? Well, my previous body was severely damaged, beyond what we were able to take care of, as a cybernetic being, my battery was almost depleted, so I had to be switched to a new form. Your race wasn’t known to as back then, and the inspiration behind this form was a race called the Faun, a being that was said to have the top half of a Human, and the bottom half, of a Goat, as some might say, but of course, I made some modifications to the image.” here she indicated her ears, even now with her shoulder-length hair, her ears, pointed, like an elf was visible, and the next item she indicated was her arms which had some noticeable cybernetics, as well as a difference in terms of fingers from herself and Zeke’s.

“My feet are strong, and I can go places I couldn’t before because of the stairs. It’s also superior energy efficient too.” Though she chose not to say that her body was efficient in other ways more sexual too.
Calandri listened to the man and then the woman as they head to this mess hall "I see, so you chose this form as your new body.." She tilts her head as she thinks for a moment "how long have these Fauns been a thing, I wonder if my people had any influence in these stories" She looked at the woman and then glanced at the man "well I can see why you look up to him, if he done something like that."

She rolled her shoulders and sighed "since we are sharing about past stuff, I guess I will let you know, I was a slave for awhile, until I broke out with the others I was with, it was kinda how I started my life as a bounty hunter, before slavery I was um, I was." She had trouble trying to remember the word for it "Um Valtok, my family were high up in birth rights." She looked a little annoyed about not knowing what some words were.
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