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RP: LSDF Val'ta [Expedition 1] - One from Another

LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Deciding he was done with the drama Akemi moved far off to the side somewhere away from the others. He figured he'd more than adequately defended himself and explained his rationale. He definitely wasn't going to act all meek and submissive and apologize because of what others allowed to offend them, especially given how hostile they were. Even with how bad things had gotten he'd still try to reconcile with Aran'ya later. He was extremely glad there were many more people on the ship besides them and in a way he was happy he could essentially write them off and save himself a lot of unnecessary trouble trying to befriend people with such disgusting values. It was YE 37 for goodness' sake. The actual mission couldn't start soon enough for him. At least the spider chick was cool.
Ghost stared after him, her hackles lowering.

“I forgive you and accept your eventual apology, fffff,” she muttered under her breath at his back. What a disgusting, petty person.

Shouldering the staff, she allowed herself to be shepherded by Menelik. She looked left, to his crotch—she found herself level with it—and then up to his face, or at least his chest area somewhere. Briefly she wondered why she had been born short. How had she survived into adulthood? Then she looked up at Mirage, in the frame, and decided that she had most likely survived by doing what she did now – climbing.

Giving a sudden burst of speed and energy, she trotted forward and leaped onto one of the legs. She briefly held to one of the edges of the moving machinery, then, when her legs were planted on good footholds, she jumped straight up again, catching the next gap she noticed. Her boots weren’t treated with anything, but they did have studs, and she found enough purchase that even one-handed, the staff in tow, this seemed simple.

It took three jumps to come to around chest-level on the 25-meter machine, and Ghost hung there, pleased with herself and the exercise, as her camouflage Wind began to adopt the machine’s coloration.

“Hi, Mirage. Sorry for missing you at breakfast.”
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LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck
Porrim cleared her throat after looking at her watch, clapping her hands and looking amongst the hopefully calmed crowd. "Alright. Ladies, Gentlemen, to attention." She ordered, waiting for people to get into position. She saw Elm clambering up Mirage's frame, and clicked her tongue. "Elm, come down, quick smart."

Once they were down and in formation, Porrim begun. "Alright. Today marks our first expedition. Despite the rocky preparation," she levelled her gaze towards the belligerents, "I am sincerely hoping for a smoother expedition. Before we take our shuttle down though, I'd like to outline how we survey a planet." A hologram appeared by Porrim. A facsimile of Tange IV, where the exploration would be going specifically. It zoomed out, and revealed the rest of the system it was in, with the Val'ta represented as a glowing white arrow near Tange IV.

"When the Val'ta enters a system, we send drones through the system to examine the area, be it a planet, a section of asteroid belt, gas planets, or other phenomena and signals." She nodded as an image of a drone appeared. A grey-white drone with a sharp, spindly body and fluorescent cyan accents. "The science team has authority over those drones, mapping the area over the course of half an hour or so as the Val'ta moves through through the system and between the planets. More specifically, we're they're scrubbing for any signs of remnant Mee-shoo-vurthar."

"Good news is, no major signs have been found on any of the non-inhabitable planets, nor have any hostile IFFs or signals been found. Or anything, really. Tange I is just a mining ball, Tange II was one of the easiest to evacuate thanks to its small agricultural population, Tange III is a rock," Porrim was reciting the systems out as she'd been told to, "Tange V is asteroids, Tange VI is a gas ball - there used to be a military installation there, Tange VII is another asteroid belt that was not mapped properly and is actually getting data on the system now while Tange VIII is to the best of my knowledge, an unexplored ice ball colder than the winter where we're going."

Porrim did omit something though, the one planet they were not far from at all. "Tange IV though, was the capital planet, where a majority of the system's population was centred, was the main target of the Mooshyvorthy three years back - nearly four, and where some areas of interest have been highlighted by the drone exploring it, especially in Misato City. Photographs please!"

A short sideshow begun to take shape, four places of interest within a few kilometres of each other in Misato City's CBD, mostly intact and wrecked to hell.
  • One of the buildings had collapsed parallel to the road and took out a few others nearby, leaving a main road of the city blocked, and the only way down the street through the building's wreckage. The rest around look a bit shabby too. Caution is advised when traversing through this area.
  • A weak distress signal was detected in atmosphere. An aerial photo revealed in detail that a section of the neglected and overgrown park in the city appeared to have been cleared for what appeared to be a crude homestead with a couple of acres of land to spare. The occupants were not distinguishable on the map. The beacon's weak signal source might be due to poor power, and coming from a crashed spaceship resembling a Courier 2A.
  • What appear to be a handful of buildings are on top of a car park, erected from local materials. No use of infrastructure or signals have been found in the location. Snow on the top of the carpark was cleared too, showing signs of use, or at least care. Drone was unwilling to go further. Written in was a note reading 'that is one sturdy car park'.
  • There appears to be music being broadcast from an inner-city radio station, close to the river. The music sounds like smooth jazz, and has been identified by a pop-cultured member of the science team to be work of Aoi Tanaka, Yamataian Musician. No advertisements play, no speech is heard, no other handling or microphone noise, nor does the station supply any digital information, being a purely FM-band transmission.
"Our survivor policy is diplomatic quarantine. Medical staff, be alert and for Goddess' sake watch their hands. If they cooperate, search them. An additional shuttle can come pick them up if need be." Porrim advised firmly. Good, unseen hands could cause a whole world of hurt. "I'm anticipating we split into two groups moving not far from each other." The hatches of the shuttles opened up, ready to take people in. Projected to the left side of each one was its number. Everyone had their number allotment from 1 to 3. "As stated in your briefings you will pick a shuttle, we will ferry down together and start the expedition. Frame Team."

She looked behind herself to the three Whirlwinds, standing tall behind her. "You will be deploying shortly after we do, taking the catapult at minimum strength since you'll be taking an atmospheric entry and providing three points of overwatch. Please try not to break anything." She then levelled her gaze to the Sally-Come-Lately-And-Previously-Underdressedly. "J'ann Sulei," Porrim pointed at J'ann and snapped his fingers at her - at least he'd gotten into something more suited for the task at hand, "you're in Shuttle One with the Helashio, the Doctor and I. I'll have to inspect your gear for you. Do you know where your towel is?"

Porrim looked up to the others in her briefing. "Do all of you know where your towel is? Quick smart, time's up!" She snapped her fingers and turned around, pivoting on her heel, feathers of her wings rustle behind her. Any faster and she could've lost some. "Commencing mission!" She walked towards Shuttle 1's hatch. "And move, men!"

She wasn't referring to just the men in the group. It was meant to put down the Lorath soldiers since men were the fairer sex. All throughout she seemed particularly snippy. There was more to officer's college than making connections and having loads of carnal encounters, and it was boring - or possibly exciting to adopt personae. Perhaps she'd calm down with the views.

Tange IV, Misato City, A Clearing by a Shack and a Wreck a Park
The one running at the farm and getting the snow off the roof could've sworn they saw something zipping by overhead. A spindly white-grey thing with a glowing cyan motif, leaving a trail as it went. It certainly didn't look like any bird they'd seen, or a beacon from the Nepleslias - it was moving too quickly to make out who made it really.

Was something coming? Surely they didn't send just that...
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

It seemed that for the moment that the squabbling had died down among the ground team, and Mirage returned the audio pickups to normal levels returning the full spectrum of sound to her out of muted quiet. Noting the approach of the Nepleslian Marine and Elm, Mirage was a little surprised to get a notification that someone had made contact with the body of the Whirlwind. Tracing their progress, Mirage found that she wasn't surprised when the helashio settled their optical camouflage making them appear as some sort of cancerous growth on the Whirlwind's chest from Mirage's perspective.

After a brief moment of wonder at the decision of the helashio to climb nearly twenty meters just to say hello, Mirage replied cheerfully the Whirlwind's speaker supplying a cheerful simulacrum of her voice, "No need to apologize Petra, we all have our own duties and rhythms that we follow. It isn't expected that we will always be in one another's company during our tour." Before more could be said, the Captain called the small helashio girl down to participate in the briefing properly leaving Mirage to contemplate the information given in silence.

There was little to say in the end she realized, though perhaps the mission would stir up something worth chatting about. For now she merely signalled that she was ready and awaited direction to mount the catapult. No need to show off.
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Ghost had landed without rolling, and regretted it for the rest of the briefing.

The briefing seemed brief. Mostly buildings, it looked like; a few settlements where it seemed possible people could exist. Nothing dangerous, at least overtly. Now, it wasn’t that Ghost didn’t trust the Captain, but she got a flutter of nervous impatience in her stomach when she viewed the first holographic image of the building’s wreckage.


She boarded up with the others – found herself the first in the drop ship. She took a seat near the corner and unshouldered her gear, waiting for the Captain and the Doctor and the Morale Officer.

Ghost mulled over the people in this shuttle, discovering that they all had a common ingredient; they probably wouldn’t actually be doing anything. She closed her eyes and sighed. Well, 'doing something' hadn't been what she had signed on for, anyway.
Er'red didn't even look at the neko throughout the episode, simply sorting through his box of immunizers with a calm, straight expression on his face. As turned on his heel to assemble with the others and boarded as ordered. For the record, he kept his towel inside his medical kit.

He took a seat on the Wayfarer with the other specialists, in the corner with his arms crossed. The silky sheen of his WIND's mask coming over his face, leaving it blank as he sat there. Carefully he took his medical bag and put it over his thigh. It seemed like an ordinary thing, but there was a faint feeling of embarrassment as the stone thread bag settled over the skintight thighs.

"I hate wearing tight clothing in public." Er'red grumbled to themselves quietly, clearly more comfortable in a pair of medical scrubs.
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

"Apologize?" Aran'ya replied somewhat in disbelief at Akemi's attempt to turn things around on her. His mocking tone was met by a countenance that while returning to its normal shape was still largely incredulous, Widow quipping in frustration, "Ugh... just... go screw a Nightmare or something." Honestly, there were much worse things she could've said to the Neko, perhaps keeping the glimmer of hope alive that he still might have a sympathetic comrade left after the blatant faux pas. At least the alien had put on a WIND suit so he should survive...

Ny'za outstretched hand meeting hers and Ji'xa, however, reminded the Medic that there was important work to be done. Widow shunned thoughts of the disruption for the most part now to focus on her two friends and the task at hand briefed by Porrim. Akemi's antics were an unnecessary distraction from the fact she needed to get down planetside where survivors of the devastation in Misato City needed her. She knew this role well, for it was a reprise of how she first came into the LSDF to aid victims of the moonfall incident... a penance for her sins then, and a convenient catharsis for her still-aching heart today. For its sake, Aran'ya hoped the trail of a certain science team member hadn't grown entirely cold in the Tange snow either...

"Yeah, enough sideshow, let's get down to the main event," replied the L'manel to her fellow caste-mate Ny'za, and also returned Ji'xa's grin with a sarcastic chuckle, "Slow us down, little bit? Nah, I don't think so." Widow then thumbed the junior Medic Er'red's way as he seemingly was all too eager to skip the hellos and run into a dark corner of the shuttle. "That's his job. Too busy poking necks and yet preserving his modesty like a good boy." It was obvious she was trying to lighten the dark mood before they departed, reaching up to get her own hood and mask in place.
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LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Akemi thought the slideshow images were pretty cool as they reminded him of some of old post-apocalyptic literature that romanticized living freely off the land by the skin of one's teeth. He quickly floated into his designated shuttle after Porrim spurred them on while briefly wondering what was meant by asking if they all had their towels. Maybe the Lorath were such a sensitive people they needed something very absorbent on their person at all times in case of an uncontrollable case of the sniffles. Hopefully if anyone gave him any more trouble they'd either drown or dehydrate shortly after starting. He really wished he was in Aran'ya's team as he'd only have to deal with the bitchy loli. At least she might be cute and tolerable if she tried. Besides, having what looked like a little girl giving him grief would be just like his Yamataian cartoons. Then again, he hated the violent tsunderes that were almost all tsun. He wasn't some beta masochist after all. Instead he was stuck with a total killjoy and mister super serious sword guy. It was too bad he didn't still have a female body so the former would leave him alone. Then again, he might try obnoxiously white knighting him. Ew-ew-ew. Gross.

Hopefully he could find Aran'ya a neat gift on the surface. He had already been thinking about that before the drama started. Too bad talking to her was questionable. He wanted to find out what she might like. At the same time he wanted whatever it was to be a surprise so that didn't really matter. Hopefully he could potentially just buy whatever caught his eye off the locals as once they were no longer cut off from the outside world his money would be worth something to them. Of course maybe there no survivors and everything was a super duper spooky trap. Then he could take whatever he wanted. Maybe he'd even get to fuck a Nightmare. That'd be a dream come true compared to what had happened a moment ago even if he didn't seriously want to do that once. The Neko felt some consolation in Aran'ya knowing how to make amends for hurting his innocent feelings. He really did want to try eating a Lorath egg.
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Ashlinn had managed to arrive just as the briefing started, her gear was a visible indicator of just why she'd been so late arriving. She'd had her Daisy repainted a dull grey and had altered the configuration of the suit slightly to include her LASR, and fore-arm mounted shield. She hadn't had a chance to locate her suit and fully check it before the mission had been announced. which was probably exactly why she'd been late. Still she fell in as silently as possible, helmet off and her attention focused firmly on the briefing. She felt slightly out of place, and could feel the shakes starting. She'd gotten them during training right before a drop, and they never went away until right before landing ground side. Spotting Mirage, and Ghost she'd give them both a grin and wave before she piled into shuttle two with the rest of the Squad she'd be marching in the mud with. She had her datapad out and was going over the briefing once more, thankful the suit itself kept her hands steady even if she wasn't.
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Noticing someone he hadn't had any trouble with so far had joined him in his shuttle Akemi decided to strike up a conversation to entertain himself. "Hey other mewmew I have yet to converse with, how's it going? Using my Zesuaium sharp senses I have gleaned you are a Santo Hei. Should you bear any apprehension about our first operation together given your lack of experience fear not for I was formerly an Itto Heisho and my vast and prestigious combat record all but guarantees we shall win the day."
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LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Ash's attention drifted from her datapad towards Akemi as he started talking and she managed to keep from visibly grimacing, she'd glance towards towards Akemi once she fully realized exactly who it was. She was silent a moment before clearing her throat, "The lack of rank patch must have been the tip-off." She mentally kicked herself as she leaned forwards and softly deliver her next comment,"I would like to humbly ask, Why so light on equipment?"

She herself had opted to bring a bit of everything, Offensive Augmentation Pods, One of the 50mm Cannons was compacted over her right shoulder, And a Missile pod on the left. It left her suddenly feeling comically over prepared compared to Akemi's lighter load.
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LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

"Oh, well I'm with these guys now so I'm just using what they've got." Akemi pointed to the extremely classy purple patch with a cat face outline on his arm which he had made for himself seeing as he had no caste. Conveniently it apparently could stretch and was worn over his armor. "I've got my NSP and this Deshe'vo thing and I'm content. We're primarily expected to be trying to help people not fight 'em right? I was originally gonna go with even less but if everyone was going to use power armor I figured I'd follow suit. Plus changing gear gave me a moment to see this thing." He raised his Lorath rifle and casually aimed it at her head. "I just had to switch my Ek'yra railgun for this since lasers are cooler." The Neko gave the younger soldier a massive idiotic smile. "Seriously though, I figure I'll be the guy specifically set up to pacify any hostiles since both weapons have a non-lethal option. We've got frames to do the real fighting."
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LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

With the situation mostly diffused and the Captain pushing for the expedition to get underway, Ix'ion made it a point to speak when spoken to unless there was something he absolutely needed to say. Ashlinn's appearance, having reached the Launch Deck just in time to make the briefing, gave way to a slight feeling that things might have actually started to come together for the better. Not that Ashlinn was truly the deciding factor, it was that the fourth and final piece of the infantry team was a welcomed addition. With everyone else loaded up on the shuttles and the information fresh from the slideshow in his mind, Ix'ion found his seat, finding his eagerness to get out into Misato City slowly returning.
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Menelik had to actively force him to ignore what was going on clearly within his field of vision and pay no mind to the incredibly unsafe and dangerous bullshit going on with the two nekovalkyrja. With deep breaths and more self control than he thought he had in his reserves Menelik managed the feat, stomping right past Akemi and Ash before he stepped in. 'Let the damn cats talk among themselves and break rules,' he figured, ' Not like a rifle shot would even hurt one of them.' The faster they got on planet and got something to do, the faster that he'd be able to focus on the mission, and that was for the best.

Looking forward to the mission, another date with a cute girl and feeding her some of his home cooking, and even being promoted from being a simple infantryman to pilot; he sat down across from Ix'ion and closed his eyes. Not that the Lorath across from him could really tell.

"Have you ever been to Tange, Corporal A'kai'nan?"
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Ashlinn seemed to passively take in everything Akemi was saying, even going so far as to make a reasonable effort at a smile, "Good point, though I think I'll stick to my Daisy for the simple reason of someone in the squad has to be the designated 'heavy support'. And an old adage of the infantry tends to be 'the smaller the person, the more hilarious it is to make them carry the heavy weapons.' I don't think, other than Ghost, anyone here is smaller than me." As he went on about the gear she actually paid attention. Uptil he leveled the gun at her head. Her shaking abruptly ceased as her eyes dilated and a hand shot up with the intention of using her forearm to deflect the rifle up and towards the hull and far away from her face, failing that? she'd simply duck her head and actually manage to growl in irritation. Her normally violet hued skin seemed to turn a bit pale and ashen, "Holy ancestors, Are you insane?" No, she was no longer amused, Livid perhaps would be the word.
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Ny'za gave both Aran'ya and Ji'xa a pat on the shoulder. "I'm going to do a final prep before heading out. Once we get back we can sit down and have a meal together." She smiled and then made her way back to her whirlwind and climbed inside.

After a moment the armor stood and walked back to the armory rack. She had not grabbed her weapons beffore because she didn't want any misfires while everyone was gathered, but she did have them readied so she could grab them quick. For a primary she chose a single Combined Particle SMG. Her missile racks were already loaded before hand, her M sized missiles were almost all conventional explosives except one rack was sensor package munitions. As for the Mi size it was a large assortment of conventionals, kinetic projectiles, fragmentations and counter measure warheads. She did not want to damage the environment so she made sure to stay away from the more exotic explosives.
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Akemi chuckled as he let the rifle swing wide to the side while still maintaining control of it. "No." He paused with false uncertainty. "Maybe?" His face still wore a goofy smile. "We've got super reflexes and coordination and its safety is on and its set to incapacitate so I figured I'd mess with you a little. Sorry, I just couldn't resist." The Neko raised and waved his left down in front of him dismissively. "Don't worry, I can go in front of you even though you're better armored. Don't need to fret about me watching your back."
LSDF Val'ta, Shuttle - Awaiting Launch

Ix'ion regarded Menelik with a bit of a neutral expression, but lacking the hard edge his features had held a short time before. "This will be my first time on Tange." He offered as he shifted some of his hair out of his face. "I am definitely grateful for the opportunity to go along with the Captain for this expedition. What are you goals Menelik? What do you hope to get out of this excursion... not just on the short term scale of this expedition, but on the whole of the Val'ta's run." His Aqua colored eyes focused on the Nepleslian for the time being, more or less interested in his response.
LSDF Val'ta, Shuttle - Awaiting Launch

"Give me a sec, Corporal-" Menelik started before he pulled his helmet off once again, shaking his head so that his hair could be freed, the dark and voluminous dreadlocks that weren't tied back behind his head hanging to the side. The Marine was back to smiling again, meeting Ix'ion's neutrality with a friendly look, hazel against aqua.

"In the short run, I want to get out of this here armor," he wrapped on his Hostile's chest with an armored hand, " and into a Frame, officially. I've already started the training and all, so its just a matter of doing well on this mission and impressing Captain Porrim. 'Course if that doesn't work out, I can always do my best to excel in the Marine Infantry, but that's kind of an overcrowded profession. Now, what I really want to do here on the Val'ta, is prove that I have what it takes to be more than just a grunt. I want to, well maybe this is a silly reason, but I want to do what I can protect my home and the people around me. And you can't do that at all as just some faceless grunt. What about you, Corporal?"
LSDF Val'ta, Launch Deck

Ashlinn's blood slowly came to a boil , "You're completely serious aren't you?" Her eye's narrowed as she leaned back and slide the datapad away, she'd read everything important that she needed to know by now as she eye'd Akemi, "You on point? By all means." she'd motion towards where Ix'ion and Menelik were conversing, "I'm quite sure they're very reassured that you're willing to stretch your neck out." Her helmet snapped shut abruptly as she leaned back, too angry to shake at this point and hissed to her suits system, "Stars." The sounds of the stars started playing in her ears, gas giants screeching through the night with red dwarves hissing softly. Yellow suns crackling and the softer tones of neutron stars in the void. She sought to calm down before she lost it. Akemi had straight up terrified her, and then the casual dismissal of it all. She'd sigh quietly, "off." the music ceased instantly as she opened up her helmet, "Are you always this way?"
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