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Approved Submission Eye III Stealth Corvette


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Submission Type: Starship
Template Used: Starship Template/ modification to Eye II
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:iis:eye_iii_stealth

FM Approved Yet? Yes @Ethereal (Corporate product)
Faction requires art? As far as I know, yes.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: An improvement on the Eye II jump frame released late last year, with significant improvements in software, sensory hardware, virtual sensors, surviveability, and a third module slot. Also comes in multiple colors, now. Not just rustbucket bronze, thanks to @BRindustries for the art.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
There needs to be text underneath headers.

Optional Aetheric reactor (Yamatai clients only) (Costs extra) [How much extra, please link aether, why is it Yamatai only?]

Please wiki-fy this article. Things like IIS up top, 188604, etc.

That's just from a cursory formatting glance.
Links are done, including links to the originators of the swarming AI system, and I'm not sure what you mean by the headers. All of them seem to be working for me.
Sorry for not explaining, but clubbo knows whatโ€™s up!
I... Don't quite see where I did that, but I'll find and fix it.

As far as the reactor and engine go (The aether one) being only Yam and Nep clients, the system's difficulty in integration makes it a difficult "upgrade" as the rest of the ship needs a cooling system to compensate for the loss of the hydrogen fuelled reactor. Sure, it gives you 50% better power, and the aether thruster's great for its nonuse of fuel, but both of those systems destroy whatever value you get from the stealth system.

in this spot here, you'd need text between both headers and text between general and the list, even a single line is fine
"General statistics and performance used to loosely define the ship for registration, hull numbering, and titling purposes."

Just gonna slip that in there.
Before I forget: Your damage rating is the same as your size rating.

These headers need text under them:

My DR is NOT the same as my size rating. I intentionally took a huge DR penalty to improve the thrust to weight ratio. The ship is T2. It's a T6 size, but the hull is T2. This is true of BOTH other ships I got approved.

As far as the sections go, while they are ripped straight out of the Eye II article, I will fix them.
DR system doesnโ€™t allow you to do that (But it should).

Instead the ship would be Tier 6 unarmored (unarmored unarmored unarmored unarmored) to bring its effective DR down to 2. Iโ€™m not sure you can stack the unarmored modifier either, but itโ€™s closer to what the rules are.

Another great idea would be to start making ship templates for specific ship types with speed / armor / shields / weapon amounts already filled out and balance everything using that.
Okay, so despite the precedent set in the series of ships by the Eye II's approval and the two approvals of the Oracle in DR 3, I have reduced the armor penalty to T6 Unarmored, effectively T5. If requested by the approving authorities for both precedent starships, I will fix those, too.
It's one or the other. Choose one tier number, not two.
It's T6 unarmored. I missed a few references in reading through, but the armor penalty is completely cleansed from this iteration.
Link Thorn.

"surviveability" (spelling)

Link Freespacer Junkers.

Kikyou Sector (spelling and link the Kikyล Sector)

"Theoretically, the jump capability is potent enough to ignore gravitational field effects of nearby stars." (Can't ignore gravity wells, take this out)

Speeds are not in standard format.

FTL boosters were banned as of Jan 1, 2011.

nonexistant (spelling)

mark problems, such as places where you need text before bullet lists or other headers or where I found problems with DR values.

Do not use forced line breaks (\\)

Link Minkan and Nepleslian

"Turbo Aether Plasma Drives are banned from the civilian market because it is also considered an aether weapon."

Tokomac-explain in the article

Costs 5,000 extra (5,000 what?)

"Subspace Antenna array A heavy duty antenna operating in subspace to determine various quantum events and detect FTL communications and passing FTL vessels." (Explain how this isn't overpowered in the thread)

Laser rangefinder should only be capable of 1 AU as it uses the thermal imagers which only have a 1 AU range.

This needs FM approval, but I will tag Wes once changes are made.

There are other things, but I want to see what it looks like with these fixes before I go on.
Problem with removing the FTL booster is that it's not a traditional FTL booster. It's a secondary drive of a different type and extra fuel. It is NOT designed to increase speeds of FTL or cause any game-breaking effects. Thusly, I renamed it as a "CDD and Fuel module"

Second, the subspace antenna is technically already kind of a thing based on how ships communicate FTL. While it can detect that a ship is moving past at FTL, it cannot make out what kind of ship it is, mass, or other useful data. Just that something just went past it. Too much doppler effect and not enough time. Remember, DETECTION IS NOT OBSERVATION!!! Just because it can see that subspace communications are being used or a ship is passing by does not mean it can get anything useful out of that observation. It literally just knows that it's there.

The laser rangefinder should not technically be limited to 1 AU, but I will because of the 16 minute return delay. The cameras have the resolution to identify a soda can at one AU. Ships are far larger, more complex shapes. Technically, that means a theoretical resolution to identify a Plumeria at 1.5 AU or something far larger far further away, up to 4 AU for the largest craft in the game. However, due to the speed of light, that means that the detection will always be minutes behind at such ranges, due to the fact that 1 AU is 8 light minutes, or the distance light can travel in 8 minutes.

That said, I linked the Wikipedia article on Tokomaks and put a footnote in with a crash explanation, fixed all the other problems with it, and tinkered with a few other bits.
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