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Eyes up front and focus


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
YSS Tokyo
After the party, most of the 17th pilots got back to their wings to discuss further plans. They gather the next morning for an early briefing. The fleet was soon to be jumping to get their war engine going, but the 17th had been given permission to do a few quick runs in practice what they were able to do. It was at that moment that Chusa Yuuka got in front of them with the other Wing Commanders standing behind her at attention and waiting for their chief to begin.

Taking a deep breath "Alright listen up!" She raised her voice as everyone was still talking not getting the hint to shut up. Yamashita narrowed her eyes at those that dared to continue talking, who quickly shut up also "We got a golden chance to do this, impress the people up the chain to show them what we can do. Most of you are are just fresh out fo the academy, but your squad leaders are not, so keep in mind if you screw up, they pay the ticket for it" She carefully looked at each of them "This drill is also to give you a mild idea of what you might expect with the Kuvexians out there, these beings are serious and quite annoying...so focus and keep your surrounding in check" Leaning a bit backward she looked at her side and waved to her right "Nitô Juni Hasumi will take charge of a selective temporary created wing that will represent the bad guys. It will be composed of both 118th and 214th pilots. The rest of you is to listen to your Squad Leaders instructions, get the practice mission done people...war ain't waiting for no one" With that, she nods to them and walks out of the room as Hasumi steps forward "Those that received now a message from me, meet me at the hanger bay port four....the rest of you good luck.." About 30 to 40 pilots stood up and followed Hasumi out the door.

Now Kelda of the 74th wing CO stepped forward "All may leave, except for the Squad Leaders, you are to receive your orders" With that notice everyone, aside from the squad leaders, left the room as Miyu was ordered to stay behind and looked over her shoulder seeing Reiko walking out with her squad "Listen up..." With that Miyu turned back as the door closed. The rest of the 66th was waiting at their bombers preparing their planes and waiting for their two squad leaders to return to them.

15 minutes later, Miyu and the other squad leaders enter the hanger bay with their suits on and walking to their respective places. Miyu looked at her fellow squad leader and wished her luck as she arrived at the small gathering of pilots and took a deep breath "Listen up, no jokes or whatever... I got 5 minutes to brief you down before getting into that plane and shoot to the stars. Reiko, Barná you are both to fly the Ke-V6-2A "Hayabusa II" Starfighter as an escort of our bombers in this squad. Soren and I will pilot solo a bomber each. I want Fay, Matsushima on my plane and Datenshi and Sanger on Soren plane. The regular staff of each bomber stays unchanged" She opens quickly a holopath that gave a 3D screen of the situation showing asteroids and such "We are to enter the asteroid field, as SAINT intel has concluded that there is a secret Kuvexian base at one of them, we are to bomb their defenses and hanger bay. The enemy has been alerted by the Tokyo jump in, expect resistance!" Miyu had little time to explain more "Red Dragon and Sparky" Looking at Soren" Will take lead towards the field, other bombers stay behind us..." Looking at the remaining Ginga pilots that nodded to her "Final note...if anyone gets hit and marked as KIA....your fighter or bomber gets disabled and you get shocked for a brief moment, take note I take the most as Squad Leader. Dismissed get into your planes pilots!" With that everyone started to move as Miyu fist bump Reiko as a good luck and she placed the helmet over her that had the red dragon on it.

This is an exercise before the real mission, we thought it would be good to give some action for our pilots while we are waiting for the fleet to jump. Looking forward to this! Do know, the enemy will shot blanks and so do we, its all computer aiming system that will either hit you or not. The enemy are using Ke-V9 "Nodachi" Assault Fighter against us, I will mark when they will appear. For now get ready to fly!
Aliset scrambled into her Ginga as she slammed the helmet down over her head. She watched the screen icons light up as she slipped into the hatch, climbing the ladder to her seat. She had spent her life flying something far more finicky than the Ginga, and far less precise. She was confident in ther ability as she took a deep breath, starting her preflight and warmup.

"Hey, Nic, how you looking back there? Tenshi , give me preflight checklist and go/nogo."
"Everything is green as far as engines, wings and all that. Warming up the Hype drive now, to make sure she's ready and eager to go when needed." He finished securing his helmet, then strapping himself in his seat he makes a few taps on the displays in front of him. He'd been preparing the rig for extended flights, making slight modifications to their rig to allow for ease and comfort during most scenarios he could think of. He swiped up on the display.

"Sending you pertinent HUD data now to you, Soren. Nav systems are online."
His flight suit now secured, snapping to attention, hearing his duty, Leventé salutes."aye aye Ma'am!" His response almost second nature, before securing his helmet. With the helmet attached to the suit, a hiss can be heard as the suit pressurizes properly."comms check, gold dragon, this is black dragon actual how me over?"

His system check taking place as he climbs into the cockpit of his Hayabusa the hatch locking and pressurizing the sleek design, was admittedly, more elegant than what he was used to."treat me well" whispering to his new home as the systems whirl to life, connecting with his suits navigation and heads up display, the familiar rush of the connection from his ocular implant and Spider linking with and converting data to be processed in a familiar way.
" Red dragon actual this is black dragon, all systems green, weapon systems online. Ready to send the hate ma'am".
RP Date: YE 42
RP Location: YSS Tokyo - Hangar Bay One

A training op.

It was a chance for her to put her skills to the test after months of training her skills and reaction times in various simulators and exercise programs. After her rejection from the Basic Pilot Course, at the encouragement of a particularly handsome Taisa, she had begun to train her reaction time every morning, in the hopes that she would be fast enough to pass the course when she inevitably retook it later on. After all, she had joined the military in the hopes of becoming a starfighter pilot. Her failure to reach that goal had been particularly distressing for her, but her volatile emotions had never stopped her from training or quenched her relentless desire to improve.

She supposed that was something to be proud of, at least.

Rowena listened to the briefing in calm, attentive silence, processing every important detail to the files of her digital mind as her commanding officers delivered their instructions. Once the briefing was dismissed, Rowena stood to attention, shouted a response, and moved into her assigned bomber. After sealing the helmet of her environmental suit over her head, she took a seat at her gunnery station and plugged into SPINE. Immediately, a stream of information flowed into her digital mind as the connection took hold. However, months of extensive mental training took over, which allowed her to almost instantaneously process, filter, and administer the data, before executing her portion of the preflight checklist. Only a few months before, that process would have taken far longer for her to resolve than it had now. Her morning rituals of exercise and training were already beginning to pay off, but there was still room for her to improve. She could always be faster. However, Rowena suspected that she was already fast enough to pass the course, if she were to take it again.

She just had to prove herself.

“All gunnery systems are green and ready for launch.” Rowena mentally transmitted over her bomber crew’s designated communication channel. “Standing by.”
"Everything is peachy as it can be." Datenshi's words were a little curt, wondering why she was getting asked about her ship when she was checking over her own suit's systems. She powered her Mindy on, her suit configured in it's normal comfortable load out as she let out a sigh and flexed her fingers. It was her first time really back in and fighting in her Mindy since she had been grounded by Yaichiro, but after the party and her seeming challenge to him to look down on her again, she was ready to get back out there again and show him he had made a mistake that day, grounding her and sticking her behind a sensors station. She double checked her chakrams at her hips, made sure her rifle was loaded with a battery, extras on her body, the shoulder mounted cannons, the countermeasures.... She double and triple checked everything multiple times before she shut her communication lines off, leaned over and screamed into a dead helmet.

She stood and shook her arms and legs out before she looked around her and to her wing mates to see who was ready. Already a number of green lights flicked on her hud from her fellow squad members to show they were ready, and while Tenshi wasn't exactly in charge... There weren't many on the Tokyo that had the combat experience in a Mindy that the redhead held. Save for her stint on the Fruna Ruica, the power armors had been her life basically since her start on the Sakura. She knew to look to the leader of her group for instruction, but she knew in a tight spot she could step in and help.

"All systems green and ready to go ma'am."

She couldn't help but feel odd in the suit though, for some reason something felt... off...
Letting her hands slide over the controls as she started to check the controls and started to do a pre-flight check as her hands slide overall equipment as her mind had memorized everything from her days "External inspections check, Flight controls check, tanks filled and sealed check, ammo, and explosive bolts to safety check, seat motors to safe check" Nodding to herself as she hears her gunner clear the guns "Good, get ammo check on those as well" She orders and looked at her console and took a deep breath while starting the starter check "Area is clear, communications are up, tactical navigation is up" A display comes up that indicates her surrounding "Weapon systems in green" Even though it was already checked, she had to say it for herself to go down the list. Pushing a few buttons the engines started to spin up "Engine spool up got greens on all engines..." She taps another console "Sensors to active, power flow is checked to active"

Looking up from her pilot console, she could see various ships already jumping off the marked enemy craft and narrowed her eyes as she gets her hands onto the controls and pushed forward "Getting to shooting lane..." With that said the Ginga moved towards the position of the hanger bay launch pad and turned to location followed by the other Ginga's "Area clear check, Doors open, Heads Up Display active, Tactical Navigation put to active....flaps in position for launch. Assuming launch position, Okay. Tokyo Actual this is Red Dragon, ready for launch"

"This is Tokyo Actual, Red Dragon you are a go"

With that, she nods seeing the lane getting green lights "Launching" With that, she pushes the gas and the Ginga pushed forward with great power into the blackness of space as Miyu pulls the landing gear in and checks all green lights as the Ginga pushes forward "Lethal weapons switched to non-lethal weapon for practice drill" She orders Rowena and looked at the equipment then presses the information communication link of her squad "This is Red Dragon, form up with my plane. Keep to the plan as discussed in the hanger bay. Black Dragon you cover Sparky and Thunder Dragon, Gold Dragon you cover Ice Dragon and me." She switches to another frequency of the squad leaders still able to hear her own squad "Good luck with the hunt..." She spoke as she saw a thumb up from her fellow squad leader and switch back to her own line.

"Tokyo Actual to Squad leaders...your amplifier is activated, be aware that you will receive a shock when your pilots are KIA"

"Red Dragon understands" Hearing a click in her neck of her device and shrugs.
"Understood." called out Reiko to Miyu's orders. Smiling at the exchange of fist bumps with Miyu, the Neko turned towards her fighter. It was time to rock and roll. Stepping into the Pilot Pod of this sleek, fast craft, the pilot briefly let out a sigh of disappointment. She preferred flying the Nodachi's assault fighters over the Hayabusa's. But she understood that speed was needed for this mission.

Feeling the SPINE connecting with the Pilot Pod, Reiko closed her eyes, eased her muscles, drew a deep breath and relaxed back into her seat. When she opened them again, she wasn't just Reiko. She was the ship and the ship was her. Thrust vectors and attitude controls, check. Ordnance, check. All was green across the board.

"This is Gold Dragon. Ready to roll out." Given the all clear, she blasted into the void of space. How wonderful it felt to be in a cockpit again! Pilot Pod was the truly best way to enjoy space. Hearing Miyu- no, Red Dragon calling out, she responded with "Copy that Red Dragon, Gold Dragon moving to formation."
[the void of space]

Watching the first Hayabusa slingshot into the void of space, Leventé couldn't help but breathe deeply, it had been quite a change. However the new systems were much easier to control."red dragon, this is black dragon actual, I read you loud and clear. Black dragon actual to bombers Sparky and thunder dragon, I'll be on your four o'clock position over." The ship skirted towards the launch zone, as the lights began to flash green, his tactical navigation providing augmented HUD in his cybernetic eye." black dragon is clear for launch, launching."

The sleek ship ripped into space, as it took less time than he thought to fully adjust to the newer, more modern systems."red dragon this is black dragon, be advised I am moving to position now over, drinks are on me if we win." a comment he was sure he might regret later. The ship slid into formation awaiting the bombers for escort.
RP Date: YE 42
RP Location: YSS Tokyo - Hangar Bay One

“Ammunition system green, priming weapon systems for non-lethal module.”

Upon sending the silent mental transmission, Rowena waited quietly as the Ginga launched into the void of space, taking in her surroundings as the fighter escort moved into formation around the imposing craft. She couldn’t help but to envy the pilots of the sleek, dagger-shaped Hayabusas, but she had made peace with her role as a Gunner. She could still be a loyal, brave, and effective soldier, even if she were not in the pilot pod of a fighter as she had hoped. If she was especially skilled, it was quite possible that she could get more kills than the fighter pilots.

If she could prove herself to be effective in the gunner’s seat, she would be one step closer to achieving her ultimate goal.
"Kay, Tenshi's not onboard. Got it. Horizon, you're my nav, now. I need a full systems check, go nogo, both drives spooled and ready to rock and roll!" Aliset started moving through her switches, feeling the bomber come to life at her touch, and the small shimmer of her necklace wrapped around the yoke of the wheel.

"Main engines."

“Purring and ready to go.”


“Solid green there.”


“Well rested and alert.”

"Fire Control."

“Targetting is primed and ready.”


“Munitions are full and primed for payload delivery.”


“On a swivel.”

"CFS maneuvering."

“All go.”

"Inertial dampers."


"Hyperspace Fold."

“Prepped and ready.”

"Continuum Distortion Drive."


"Secondary Avionics."

“Good to go.”

"Damage Control."

“Suppression systems online.”


“Up and ready,” Nicol mutters with a sigh, the flare that woman liked to add to things sometimes got him mildly irritated. A few taps on his screen and the functions display scrolled as he read the data the slipped by while the rig they were in screamed to life.

"All systems go, proceeding to the runway." It wasn't long before she was taxiing out the bay, feeling the launch braces slide into place, and she slammed the throttle forward, the great flares of plasma washing over the flight deck as she left the hangar pulling off high and towards the right, where she would hopefully get what she wanted.

"Tokyo Actual, Sparky. Request coordinates of the target and line-of-sight position for dine and dash maneuver."

“Sparky, this is Tokyo Actual. Target altitude above system ecliptic 752 Megameters, 200 kilometers, radius from system i 1543 Megameters, 825 kilometers, vector 0.8 radians spinward from new year, over.”

"Tokyo Actual, Sparky, reading Lima Charlie, en route to jump. Out." She switched her comms to squad internal as she pulled the bird to the side, one hand flying across a board to her left. "Horizon, I need one-eight-zero bi-axis vector for counter jump, fife point two fife second delay, doors open at J minus four seconds. Origin point target primary, destination primary origin, Black Dragon, reading you four o'clock high. Red Dragon, please verify maneuver parameters and go-nogo. Recommend mirror maneuver from vector niner-zero Zulu, four-fife prograde relative, delay one point one fife second on my jump."
Party, party hard... so hardy hardy hard...






But the next morning there she was, on time and standing at attention, helmet under her arm. More or less. Just a yawn here and there, the red dreads flowing down her back, her rings all in the right places. She was ready, more or less to run. And she knew this was going to be a training run, so just a little less deadly, not that made her perform less of course.

As she was dismissed she made her way to the bomber and by the time the pilot and superior Ittô Heisho Miyu came, she was (lounging) sitting at her station. As the various system were checked, she added her own check "Bombing bombs ready to poop." it slipped her out, she of course planned to be far more officially official but you know, too much partying... she smirked between herself. She had only to keep an eye out and wait now, the work was going to be on the pilot and the gunner~
Finally seeing the ginga bombers, beginning to align into formation. Leventé's Hayabusa levelled out with the remainder of the squadron, keeping a close eye on the black void in front of him. The ocular HUD scanning every couple of seconds,for any enemy fighters/bombers. To no avail, the scanner gently beeped in his head, dismissing the light noise and the ships plasma propulsion systems, were nowhere near as turbulent as his older hammerhead fighter/ bombers."sparky, this is black dragon I read you Lima Charlie, over. Break- Red dragon actual this is black dragon. Starboard side airspace is clear, no enemies in sight over." To the right of the main console, Lev had attached a rather innocent photo his implant had taken of Aliset, from their last date. Her sitting rather mischievous, with crossed legs and her hands on her lap. Just below the photo was q much older photo, one of his family. tapping them both gently, he focused back to his sectors, maintaining his distance to the other bombers.
"Copy that... Red Dragon. This is... Thunder Dragon forming up." Datenshi felt strange as she used the call signs. She just shook her head and used her gravity control to lift herself off the floor of the bay, not sure who all was still around as she pushed her suit out into the black before activating her CFS and shooting ahead. She felt strange being back in the suit, a little sluggish and slow but... She just chalked it up to her time away and her last time she had been in a suit. She shook her head and soon enough caught up to those she was to be beside, already her weapon ready to fire and her suit's systems running at full power to seek out enemies and get ready to fight. Her shoulder mounted cannons were ready and the fake ammo loaded up, her teleportation mod charged, and everything else she needed ready to be used.

It was nothing new for the Neko, but even as she streaked ahead to gain distance on the bomber she was to protect, she readied herself and fought the feeling off that everything seemed slower than usual.
Space, on route to Asteroid field

Hearing the formation was getting done by her protection detail of both Gold and Black Dragon as Miyu adjusted the formation to make some space for the planes to line up. She kept everything in check and knew that the upcoming battle was going to be rough, even though it was a training. Taking a deep breath to gain some focus as she heard Rowena speaking "Good, keep weapons aimed at the north side of bomber, asteroid field is in sight" She spoke over the communication and looked at her side seeing Sparky there and her communication. She blinks a bit at the mention of a jump "Sparky, Jump is not required, we will be in target range within in a few minutes. If you jump you will expose yourself too much and might be dealing with enemy targets that you can't handle. Stay in the formation and keep your eyes upfront. However, maneuver parameters are a go with recommending mirror maneuver."

She made a gesture from her cockpit with fingers from her helmet to the front to keep the focus on as she heard Leiko and smiled at her reference of ready to poop. That inside joke was going to hang, she was sure of that "Confirmed, bombs are ready for pooping" She smiled looking behind her and then back to the front. Miyu did a scan and saw the asteroid field coming closer "ETA 1 minute...ready your guns...we got no idea what is waiting for us" Well Miyu had a global idea of what was going to happen and sighs at that as they enter the Asteroid outer field some targets popped up "Incoming enemy target, radar check confirms five targets, Guns up front, lock on targets and when in range open fire. Defend wing shoot to kill...I repeat shoot to kill" She orders and saw the enemy squad flying from behind the asteroids and blinks when two actually retreated "Two pulled back, keep eyes open" Getting alarms as a lock as being traced to her plane "Crap...they want me...of course they want me" Two fighters were targeting Red Dragon as the other made a dive for Sparky.

The enemy targets open fire at them as Miyu made a harsh dive to avoid getting hit and as expected the Ginga behind followed the example. The fighters were quicker then them, but that was the purpose of the whole operation, outsmart your enemy, even if they are superior to you.
[the void]
Ensign Barná
17th SBS
(Black Dragon)

The HUD flashed with two green dots, moving in towards one of the Gingas, Leventé was to protect." Sparky this is black dragon, bank portside at your 8 O'clock I'm coming down to say hello." The pull was immense, manuvering the ship to intercept the fighters. As the engine roared again starting into the direction of the fighters, setting his course to redirect the attention onto himself"be advised red dragon, black dragon will intercept these bastards. I won't let them come near sparky or thunder dragon over." The ship was more agile than he was used to. however, Leventé smirked , adjusting his systems to fire, the spider system kicking into overdrive,attempting to push the engine to its limits, seeing how quickly he could make it to the bombers aid.
The sound of Aliset's heart breaking was almost audible over the comms until hostiles popped up, she immediately gave them her smallest profile, which gave her guns more room to shoot back.

A minor quirk of the CFS gravity control system the Ginga used in stead of a reaction wheel or gas based thrusters was that she didn't have to cut acceleration to make a turn like this, simply match thrust with her CFS and rotate. Such a maneuver took mere seconds as her gunner snapped to, Ali using her bomber's targeting to lock her guns on and share data with the wing, including her lock.

The dull thump of her ship popping off early blanks reverberated through, giving her targets plenty of time to break off their approach and give her a view of engines to lock to and send the target data to Tenshi and Black Dragon for covering fire.

"The plan, ma'am was to jump in, drop everything, and jump out the instant ordnance is clear. Alas, I'm a mere delivery girl, and will follow your lead."
RP Date: YE 42
RP Location: Space, En Route to Asteroid Field

Rowena perceived the approaching bandits in her digital mind, her link with SPINE perpetually feeding her data which she utilized to determine the exact location of the hostile craft in relation to the position of the guns on the hull of the bomber. As such, she knew which guns were presently the best angle to deal damage, in addition to which ones would imminently be in position to fire based on the position of the Ginga in relation to the maneuvers of the enemy fighters. The information was refreshed and updated by the femtosecond, based on the perpetually changing conditions of the battlespace which left little room for even brief lapses in concentration. It was exactly why her reaction time was so important in the context of space-based warfare, so that she could not be compromised by sensory delays that could leave her vulnerable to the actions of faster hostile actors.

The moment her weapons were range, Rowena unleashed a salvo of fire at the three incoming fighters from six of the twelve hull-mounted turbo aether cannons, precisely designating four of the muted stun bolts for each craft, which she aimed to strike at the fuselage. The other six turbo aether cannons were held on standby, ready to fire the moment a threat presented itself on the bomber’s six. As she discharged the cannons, Rowena transmitted the firing data to Miyu, so that the woman was constantly aware of her gunner’s active firing solutions.

When she perceived the enemy squad at Red Dragon’s six, Rowena brought the other six cannons to bear, directing muted stun bolts at four of the fighters, aiming her fire at the front part of the hostile craft’s fuselage, since that presented the easiest target. She was only able to discharge two bolts from each of the six cannons before Miyu executed her dive. Nevertheless, the diminutive gunner quickly reassessed her surroundings now that Red Dragon was actively relocating to a different plane in space. Given the smaller size of the fighters, she anticipated that they would be easily capable of pursuing Red Dragon as the massive bomber took defensive maneuvers. Fortunately, one of the escort fighters seemed to be moving into position to intercept the pursuing bandits, which would hopefully alleviate the threat at Red Dragon's six.
Arrival at the Asteroid Field

"While I understand your thinking Sparks, I really suspect that they are already counting on our arrival" She pushed the Ginga downwards to avoid some shots and a smooth move towards the right as fighters were pushed away by the shooting of Rowena "Well done girl!" Getting the data that was sent towards her by the interface and smiled pushing back up to give the Ginga a boost "Get ready for an ambush" The remaining fighters were going to retreat for now into the asteroid field as Miyo expected them to do so.

Yet she suddenly gets a jolt of electrics through her neck and takes a tied hold onto her controls "Fuck...." She looked at her side seeing that one of the Ginga got taken out by two fighters that were hiding in the dark side of the floating asteroids "Weapons hot, open fire! Escorts protect the hell our bombers!" Miyu barked out orders as she took another dive between two asteroids that were floating when two fighters ere trying to get the better of them. The flight was rough, but the simulation was very well done and realistic to the peak.

"Ginga's form up with me, we are going to get to that target, Sparks we will jump as soon as the load is delivered, we can agree on that!" The Ginga slides into the open as Red Dragon realigns itself with the target. Yet the enemy as prepared for their assault as a few more fighters appeared forming up on the Gingas and ignoring the escorts. Miyu tried her best to avoid the shots as she looked at her side seeing another fighter in the dark side and pulls away as the shots flew right blew the hull "These clever bastards..."
Ensign Leventé Barná
17thSBS (dragons)

Diving in with just enough time to almost ran the enemy fighter, Leventé fired into the cockpit of the fighter, watching their systems spark, before several additional blips came across his HUD." Sparky this is Black dragon, hang tight I'm going to ease the tension with red dragon. Red dragon be advised, bank 15° to your portside I'm going to engage at high speeds, they want to fight hiding in asteroids, then we will fight like it's in Atmo." Wrenching up in the slim Hayabusa, the thrusters engaged once more sending him screaming towards the enemy. In doing so he noticed the fighters ignoring the escorts almost completely."don't you know it's rude to ignore us? I will say, kudos to the ambush, but you're worried about the wrong ships at the moment." His demeanor changed, it was easy to tell flying was his element.

"Red dragon this is Black dragon actual, be advised I will maintain overall integrity of this flight space, one enemy fighter kia, we will continue to protect the squadron." He chuckled after the radio chatter.Dodging several extremely close calls, Leventé started a steady rate of fire into the two fighters now in his sights, turning their ambush into a dangerous dogfight of cat and mouse. The ships narrowly missing asteroids and smaller debris in the belt. Though taking at least a bit of the heat off of their main bomber element, testing to stay true to his escort role. Refraining from hunting each fighter down separately.
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