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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [Fall Of Osman] 'An Oath of Swords'

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.7
RP Location
Converted mass container ship HMMS "Stupendamonia"
The vast interior of the converted container ship, now known as the "Stupendamonia," was a massive beast of a vessel. Five miles from keel to stern and close to sixteen million metric tonnes in weight the Stupendamonia predated some starfaring nations in the Kikyo sector and over the course of a century had transported enough bulk goods in its one thousand bulk cargo containers that the estimated price of all said goods combined could have purchased some star-systems with capital to spare.

It floated still now, but not dead as numerous other ships sizeable in their own right held place around it but no more than fat flies in comparison to the lumbering giant of a vessel as shuttles ferried to and from the smaller to the larger ships.

In one of the massive berths of the Stupendamonia, a hundred men and women from different factions and backgrounds mingled, meeting, and greeting one another. The air was stale and hinting with either mold or some kind of grease but was just as charged with anticipation and purpose, the atmosphere electric with the knowledge that they were united by a common cause: the liberation of Osman.

Mercenary commanders, Corporate leaders, Humanitarian groups, starship captains and military leaders all exchanged greetings and exchanges of information with each other in more than just greeting but a grand collection of information as they all sized one another up and gauged in their minds the value and weight of each individual and what they perceived to bring to the table.

A few had already begged off and slipped back to their ships and were trying to sneak away; The risk not worth so little reward in their minds.

A new set of shuttles docked to the Stupendamonia and captains, business moguls, and mercenaries alike were greeted by a robotic humanoid drone lacking facial features but instead a complicated dome and plate combination as the surprisingly effeminate voice that came from the maid-dress-wearing robot gave the newest arrivals a curtsey in greeting and led them to the others deeper in the ship who already moved to the sight of the newest arrivals to gauge their investment and disposition.

Antiarchon Theoni Philothamnus, head of the Interstellar Patrol's Expeditionary Force Alpha was acommpoanied by a few of her officers. Theoni was a Venis Separa'Shan, with a short tail. Alterrnating orange and white rings ran down her body. Her head was very snakelike, triangular with steel grey eyes. She and her officers projected from their Dendra the formal uniform of the Interstellar Patrol. The uniform appeared to be made of a black skirt, a jacket, and white turtleneck undershirt. The double-breasted jacket was a dark blue, closed over the right shoulder by a white clasp with silver trim. The silver trim also outlined the edge of the jaket. On the left breast was the shield of the Interstellar Patrol. It was silver with a jade stone in the middle surrounded by two gold Separa'Shan with thier tails twisting around each other at the bottom. They wore a silver belt with the Interstellar Patrol symbol as the buckle. The rank insignia seemed to float an inch above their shoulders. Theoni's was a pair of stylized gold lightning bolts pointing outward. They were unusual in that they were an actual legal force within Yamatai. Their enforcement of the law meant that they had negative interactions with a not insignifigant portion of those here.

To this point, the Interstellar Patrol had been satisfied with mostly preforming law enforcement duties or acting as part of a larger fleet. However, since the occupation, Essia's emphasis on being able to defend themselves without the need for the Star Army had grown. They were here because the Interstellar Patrol needed to test themselves in ground combat and to develop their own strategies and tactics without the crutch of the Star Army looking over their shoulder at every step.

Mixing into the mottled gathering strode a rather odd EM-J6-1 “Rayleigh” combat android, its paint scheme invoking an obvious mimicry of a businessman's black suit with a tie. Though its perfectly undamaged armored panels and flawless paintjob would give it a nearly noble appearance the obvious wear and tear present on its subframe betrayed the reality of the android's purpose. Contrasting itself yet again, the Android stepped into the room with a dignified stature bowing slightly to the fellow android greeting him inside. "Thank you, miss," he greeted her as he made his way further inside at a gaited pace.

Adding to the androids within the mixture of personnel and uniforms was a long raven haired and fair skinned Yamataian Iris-series android dressed in a maroon and onyx uniform. But there was a spark of "enlightenment" within its the single eye that could be seen (the other covered in a rather low-tech eye patch). She watched the group as she and her commander walked into the establishment with an assortment of other personnel in similar new maroon and oynx uniforms.

Compared to the woman, the bulky gentleman was older and looked like he had been through quite a few conflicts in his time. But the well-trimmed facial hair spoke loudly of his discipline, as did his eyes as he looked over towards each group as he made his way to a part of the location not occupied by clear mercenaries. He respectfully nodded towards any that attempted to greet him, but his face clearly could not hide his disdain for them.

None of the ranks seem familiar on their uniforms, but the name tape on their right chest at least gave a name. The female android was named Yokota, while the grizzled commander was named Stevenson.

The Interstellar Patrol and Fujiko Ground Self Defense Force groups drifted together given their similar posistions as Yamataian local forces.

Trailing behind the various Yamatai affliates came the appointed leaders representing Galactic Horizon, while they hadn't achieved household name status like some of their competitors the black and gold modest jackets with the "GH" embroided in the collar were a dead giveaway.

Kyrss Black, the CEO's daughter and corporate level rep led the way followed by the much broader figure of Brin Bluestone, the company's Chief of Defense, while Kyrss seemed to fit right in amongst the others gathered so far Brin stood out with a more stiff demeanor as he quite obviously scanned the room keeping an eye out for his boss.

The corporate rep had been checking out the others as well, but mainly to tell if she knew who any of them were, while none of the faces seemed familiar she certainly recognised the Yamatain insignias on several military looking folk. The gruff looking fella and his android caught her attention, Kryss wandered over to him casually while trying to place the uniform mentally with Brin a few steps behind.

"Good morning, don't mean to bother you but I was curious who you work for, I recognise plenty of the Yamatai ranks here but I don't think I've ever come across such a modest attire. Kryss Black, look forward to working with you." The human stuck out a hand to shake, one didn't make it in business without taking some bold steps now and again.

Stevenson looked over towards Kryss Black once he was sure that the Galatic Horizon representative was making a direct approach towards him. When Kryss offered her hand to shake hands, Stevenson grasp it with the required firmness without making it seem he was being aggressive with the handshake.

"Force Commander Stevenson, Fujiko Ground Self Defense Force." Stevenson said before turning his gaze towards his companion. "This is my diplomatic attache Commander Yokota." Yokota, despite herself being an android, moved with a gracefulness as she bowed her head towards Ms. Black in response to the introduction.

"Archon Philo, Interstellar Patrol. Theese are some of my command staff." Theoni added, joining the conversation with a shortened verison of her name and rank.

"Nice to meet you commander Stevenson, commander Yokota, Archon Philo" Kryss replied before sweeping her hand towards the man beside her. "This is our Chief of Defense, Brin Bluestone, given the nature of the little congregation we have here it seemed sensible to bring someone who can lead a fight as well as I can talk off a pair of ears." Kryss gave a small smile, she certainly seemed far more relaxed than some would be in her position.

"So Fujiko Ground Self Defense Force, I presume that's a Yamatain department? Are you a more focused group given the name?"

Stevenson shook his head no.

"While we are certainly an approved local defense force working with the Star Army of Yamatai, we are Nepleslian Reds through and through." he said despite himself hailing from New Bernese. "The name comes from our mandate to protect the Fujiko, Rufusland, and Ukmirt systems within the Fujiko Region. But the Empress' decree has allowed us to fight the squids and their neko thralls where we can." he continued, seeming to watch his wording a bit when it came to the NMX Nekos.

"Interstellar Patrol is also a local defense force, for Essia. We've been working on building our capability. To this point, we've mostly engaged in law enforcement and anti-pirate activity. The decree says we can fight the Mishu, so we will fight the Mishu." Philo added.

"My apologies commander, I haven't had much free time to keep up with such matters, though I did get to read up on some of the Mishu matters. What do you think our chances are here at Osman?" Kryss made a mental note to discuss with Brin later being Nepleslian himself.

"That's what I'd like to know as well." A newcomer echoed as he managed to move towards the inner circle of the growing gaggle of military leaders. The relatively young, thirty-something human wearing a Duskerian officer's uniform adorned with the holographic emblem of a Commodore was hard to mistake for anything but the New Dusk Conclave's primary representative at the meeting. Another holographic tag identified the officer's last name as Ralston.

The Duskerians had come to the meeting with just one cruiser, but the rank of the officer present made it clear that there was at least a squadron dedicated to this endeavor. "Essians, Reds, and Galactic Horizon. The only thing you've all in common is that you have little to gain from this endeavor." The man said, finishing his thought.

Stevenson and Yokota looked over towards the Duskerian newcomer. Yokota's single visible eyebrow went up, but the Senator that was used as the basis of her program kept her from saying something. Some sort of diplomatic contact with the NDC was a goal for the Fujiko Trade and Cultural Exchange Office. Seeing the increasing rank of the leaders, she decided it was her time to flank off and find some lower ranking NDC officer to start talking to.

"I am worried less about what 'gains' we might get saving Osman and more getting everyone to work together efficently, Commodore." Stevenson said, not sure if it was more of a statement of fact. But that really wasn't his job to figure out from impressions alone. That was Yokota's.

Kryss raised an eyebrow after the android before shaking her head. "Hey now, is that any way to greet old friends and current business partners. To be blunt and avoid dodging the topic, Galactic Horizon has 2 goals in this endeavour. Keep Osman from a common threat to the sector, and if we happen to get some phone numbers during the process that will be a happy coincidence."

"That and during the exodus there may or may not have been things left behind. Nothing too dangerous or exciting, but company property none the less."

"I am afraid any company property of Galactic Horizon may be out of reach at this time, Commander. The situation planetside is quite by hostile aliens," the Raleigh android butted in, the tone of his hollow mechanical voice unreasonably polite, "Excuse my poor manners, Force Commander, we've never been introduced. I am Mr. Donovan, president of the Frontier Service Corporation. We are currently combating the hostile takeover of Planet Osman."

"The fact is that we forsee a lot of fighting against the Mishhuvurthyar in the coming years. While we have plenty of members trained and capable of law enforcement, we don't have experianced line troops. We want to gain experianced troops and save Osman from the invaders." Archon Philo added.

Stevenson nodded his head towards Mr. Donovan. He then looked at the Archon "As are we. As terrible as it might seem to anyone that considers this their home, it is better for us to learn hard lessons outside of our comfort zone. What is learned here can be applied or removed to the rest of our forces." Stevenson continued, using the Archon's words to explain part of the reason they were here. Not like anyone was going to believe the Reds were there for the kindest of their hearts or to defend humanity given their past chaotic history. He was going to have to show that with actions.

Theoni nodded, "Ex-"

"Hey-hey! That's a lot of fancy wordplay to say you guys are here for the cash!" A peaking voice interupted the congregation of the NDC, Galactic Horizon, FDC, Patrol, and Reds as an arm hooked around Kryss Blacks neck and a weight settled on her side in a far too-personal manner as someone slipped between her and Brin.

Dressed in a spacers jumpsuit overlaid with a gaudy black fabric duster with ostentatious gold trim at every possible seam with the Yamataigo words for "Lawnmower" and "Discount Ramen" embroidered on the back like a delinquent gang leader, a man of startling youth likely only just entering his twentieth year with groomed and smooth snow-bleached hair imposed himself only to pull off just as quick before Brin Bluestone could do anything about it.

Placing his hands up in a placating gesture with a too-friendly smile like a snake he skirted none too subtley around the group to stand closer to the Essians as if his snake-like demenor somehow made him their kin.

"Yeah theres gotta be at least a trillion KS worth of combined personalities here. So of course the 'Reds' are here to beg and scrape just every time the cats let them leave the core. Oh! And if it isnt 'Section-6!'; Though you guys gave yourself some new and fancy name. My old boss before he bit it told me all about when you guys stole everything that wasn't nailed down on your way out when you bailed on Osman once!

And people act like 'I' am the sleezy one just cause' I don't hide that me and my crew are here for the payout."

Clearly the loudest one in the entire meeting so far the newcommer had begun to draw attention as individuals and even some groups began paying close attention and drifting closer to eavesdrop.

Stevenson turned his body to face the spacer. Being from New Bernese and the FDC not really having a database of gangs and pirates within the sector, he hadn't a clue who this individual was. But he didn't like how he just galivanted into this like either her personally knows everyone or worse feels confident that he can get away with it.

"You must have me confused with someone at the Red Dawn Electric Power Corporation on the Black Moon of Halna mister..." Stevenson said in response to the Reds begging for scraps.

Theoni was annoyed because 'being there for the cash' was perhaps the exact opposite of why she was there, which she had litterally just said. "I don't think your sleezy because you have the possibilty of dying for a living. It's a good profession, long as you stay on the right side of the law. People probably act like your sleezy because you exude all of the authenticity of a used starship salesman. No, not a used starship salesman, too smart. You display the intelligance of his Inflatable Wacky Waving Tube Man instead." Theoni said with a knowing smile in Stevenson's direction.

Kryss had been moments away from making a quip when Mr Donovan introduced himself but was interuppted by the sudden arrival of the loud mercenary putting an arm around her shoulder. Stunned by the man's sudden appearance Brin lept into action a second too late and the man had already moved on, instead opting to give him a death stare.

The blonde woman almost let out a snort at the comment from Theoni, she had to admit it was fairly on the money too. "Well before you go getting yourself dumped out of an airlock, care to introduce yourself? Because you better be someone important in your line of work to pull an stunt like that and expect to have a seat at the table when the real discussions begin."

"Core-dwellers only bring out their 'polite society' when dealing with other core dwellers these days, eh?" The excentric tisk audibly before offering a flourish and bow. "Then as I know of most of you, I will introduce myself as your equal; Commodore Lucien, No surename if you please, of the 'checkered fleet' at your service."

Waiting in a half bow for an extended few seconds the man now identified as Lucien looked up, confused clearly at noticing no recognition before harumphing dramatically. At least the polite combat android had bowed in return.

"I am one of the representatives of the Checkered Fleet; A joint venture of outcasts, rouges such as myself, and other indipendent ship captains who have banded together in recent years to support one another who are not readiliy accepted in the core under what we consider to be tyrannical and targetted laws imposed on free captains such as we."

Not quite waiting for the admiration that was sure to come Lucien added immedietly after, "Almost thirty other captains of the fleet have answered little Abigails call. That's almost a quarter of the ships here and more to come; And more than a few of the fleet worked with the young Abigail on Gashmere so we are more than affiliated enough that I'm sure I could facilitate a meeting if you make it worth our while.

You didn't think you could just show up to an operation like this and expect being from the core as a bunch of reds, cat lovers, or think throwing your money around will get you in this operation after all, did you?"

Luciens smile was only part snake, part used starship salesman, and at least two gold teeth as he quirked an inquisitive brow at the group of strangers while more than a few onlookers murmered amongst themselves more than willing to let any one of them be the canary to test the mans legitimacy and claims.

<We're going to have to support him? He sounds as reliable as the wind.> Ypoarchon Mari Macroprotodon, head of the ground component asked over the chat the Interstellar Patrol was running through their Dendra.

<We'll support all of our allies equally. We won't be the weak link that isn't there when their supposed to be.> Theoni replied as she watched Lucien and the other representatives.

<There was an intresting ping on the name Abigail in relation to Gashmere.> Ypoarchon Codebreaker Delphini 35-3420-2537, head of the command component noted. She was a Freespacer who had joined the Interstellar Patrol and swifty rose through the ranks for her analytical skill.

<We'll review it when we get back.> Theoni replied as she watched and waited to see what would happen next.

Stevenson decided to Lucien was the type that was boastful because he knew he is a threat or is connected enough to be become one. He decided to take a more watchful approach and watch how the other more Osman-connected forces were going to deal with him. But he was certain that the Reds were going to have to keep a wide berth from his own where ever it was possible without giving the Mishhu room to manuver. He just smiled a bit at the Archon's statement.

<Commander Yokota, contact the Senator's office and see what information they can gather on this Lucien or an Abrigail during the latest Kodian unrest on Gashmere.> Stevenson sent via encrypted digital telepathy with his aide. While he didn't expect much though since the Fujiko Trade and Cultural Exchange Office were also new.

"Well Commodore, of the fleet I am seeing today I can see you truly do plan to commit significant assets into this venture," Mr. Donovan acknowledged, but shifted his incessantly polite tone to that of a businessman's, "per the owner's last directive, the Frontier Service Corporation was to protect the people of Planet Osman and its economic security. With the current situation planetside we have limited options in who we receive assistance from. However, I remain worried that we may end up with investors who will cause more harm to the people or simply wish to plunder what is left of the planet. What are your intentions for the planet after we repel these invaders?"

"Indeed an important question," Commodore Ralston echoed. "The Conclave and its allies obviously are prepared to devote resources towards this endeavor, and at the very least those under Yamatai's wing can be trusted to not be outright malicious even if there may be some territorial ambitions at play. Galactic Horizon was born of Osman, as the conclave was."

Fingers curled out as the man seemed to count up the participants in this alliance of convenience, "Leaving yourself and the Checkered Fleet, Lucien. What do you want of Osman?"

Kryss and Brin nodded along with Ralston, "We may not reside here any longer, but Osman still has a place in our company history and our interests are to keep it free." The young Ms Black stated.

"What do I..." Lucien seemed confused from the questions and even a bit offended on the matter as his grin turned to a frown and lines began to crease his brow before he very literally spit on the deck and gave a flamboyant groan.

"Don't want not one single thing to do with the old dust ball!" He declared with a renewed grin and a slapping of the flat of his hand on his leather coat.

"Place aint got a thing me or mine want, I'll tell you that now! But what it does got..." He paused, looking around for something before putting two fingers in his mouth and giving a very impressive whistle that more than a few guests glared at him for as he gave several 'come hither' gestures.

Making her way through the crowd an individual came to join the group with Lucien. In a simple loose-fitting spacer hardsuit not at all unlike Luciens own the woman was a sort taller; With elfen-like ears and four-fingered hands she was clearly some kind of neko but being slightly taller than an average 33A and a few other discrepencies like a very visible barcode-like tattoo under her eye any other Nekos hemosynth would have healed away practically screamed 'NMX' of a sort.

In a loose-fitting spacer jumpsuit much like Luciens own but clearly of second-hand quality and without any of his flare the neko had one other very obvious take to her in the form of a tight metal bar-collar around her neck with no seam or discernable lock other than a small box-like device that took the circumference of the collar.

A very obvious 'bomb' that would likely decapitate her and make any natural hemosynth ability moot without a head...

"This!" Lucien declared, offering both hands in a 'look and be amazed' gesture up and down at the neko who seemed ambivilent to him as she casually placed a small piece of charcutteri in her mouth while looking over the group unimpressed despite being showed off.

"Her names something long and abwerhern sounding. So I just call her 'Becky'. Caught a few of them off south of the Moto's colonial sector where they got a whole planet of rouge discount cats. They tried to board our ship and the survivors opted to take an offer to join the crew instead of walking back out the airlock when their ship fell apart on them.

They cant make more of themselves, shame that; Aparently whatever the YNNX do to them they don't let them breed.

'Becky' Here is what I want. Where there are 'squids' there are 'cats' I want as many of them as my berth can handle and especially the ones that aint got their baby-makers turned off! Likewise since the fleet aint got no care for none of Osmans resources we'll take out pay in salvage; NMX ships, while bio in origin still got lots of tech, parts, weapons, and the like that are a cut above what we can get out here.

so THAT, Donnie-B is what the checkered fleet wants. The rest of you can worry about what each other wants cause so long as we get our scrap and bodies we're content to stay in our lane and not act like the sector belongs to us like most of you guys."
Stevenson could air could audiably be heard going through Stevenson's teeth as he listen to Lucien speak. It got even more audible when he presented Becky and his slaver ways so visibly. While the Nepleslians had their history with slavery, Stevenson over the years made sure to take care of it where ever he found it with the Reds. But this was a diplomatic function and he was restraining himself. He just eyed the Commodore with a look of bewilderment for a moment.

Mr. Donovan stared lifelessly at the commodore, his glowing eyes picking up a new shimmer as his opinion formed. Only a few moments passed before the shimmering stop and he replied, “I am afraid the ethics of selling slaves is something the Frontier Service Corporation cannot involve itself in. However, seeing as they are not our property and our defense force is the last remaining authority on Planet Osman we will instead permit your fleet to aid our crippled government in detaining as many prisoners of war as your fleet can handle… to care for their well-being, of course.”

Theoni didn't need to look to know her officers feelings on the matter. Due to the taking of many Serpara'Shan as slaves during the occupation, the Interstellar Patrol had plenty of dealings with slavers. Mostly at the end of a gun. One of her officers had even been enslaved by the Kuvexians at one point. <We knew this was a possibility. While civilized space has banned the practice, it's dreadfully common outside of it. We're not going to enforce our law outside of Yamatai or Yamataian Citizens. That doesn't mean we don't keep our eyes open and keep notes.> She reminded them.

"Selling-" Lucien retained, seemingly sliding back into a defensive or hostile attitude as became increasing the more he spoke with them as he put a clasping hand on the taller nekos shoulder and gave her an agressive shake to which the girl merely grunted in annoyance.

"We don't 'sell' anyone. Furthermore you don't get to 'permit' a damn thing, Donnie. Watch your next words or when my fleet moves into that little system of yours i'll- gack"

The berth where the meeting took place was rather dark. Ambient lighting enough illuminated much but blinded all save perhapse the Essians with their greater night vision and senses as to who or what moved just outside the spots bathed in illumination.

The Essians, perhapse one or two others with enhancements or cybernetics saw it right as it was about to happen as a form coalesced from the darkness and reached into the light as a hand large enough that it could have enveloped Lucians head entirely and then some put thumb and forefinger around the free captains neck from behind and then closed gently but firmly around his throat.

Seven foot tall and likely as many hundreds of pounds heavy the mutants massive rhinoesk face leaned into the light, squinting against it. The massive cybernetic lower jaw he had gave an image of considerable underbite but did nothing but enhance his snear even as Lucian managed to somehow turn a hundred and eighty degrees in the grip only to be yanked into the air as his legs kicked and dangled above the ground.

Bringing the 'much' smaller man to his leathery face the massive mutant snorted.

"Being awful loud, Lucy." The mutants voice was like a revving engine as it rumbled even as the mans gags and coughs turned his face beet-red and tears streamed from his eyes as he pounded against flabby arms each thicker than his own torso.

"You many release the good captain, Mr.Cruz." A machine-tinged voice almost that of a young girls sounded as a new form, considerably smaller than the first stepped around the mutant and placed a single white gloved hand on his forearm eliciting an amused snort from the former who released Lucian causing him to crumple to the ground and start wheezing.

"Sure thing, Abby." The mutant grinned a half and half of real and durrandium teeth between his original and cybernetic jaws as he noticed a trail of spittle and snot left on his massive four-fingered hands and with a snear wipped it on an already dirty tea-colored shirt that might have once been white.

"I'm afraid I missed your last statements, Free Captain." The clear android, perhapse robot of some kind quirked a masked face of a faceless demon horned visage that was topped on of all things a very classical maids dress with an exceptional number of frills and knee-length skirt that showed bare robotic if humanoid legs of bulky armor.

"Fuck!" Lucian still wretched, managing to pull up onto his knees, glaring up at the newcommers. "Some nerve you got!" He spat, wiping tears and snot from his face as he took a knee still unable to stand as he wheezed.

"It is 'my ship', lucian." The robot quirked her head as she bent over and offered a white-gloved hand to let the other man up who just glared at her.

"And you need mine." Lucian growled, slapping the gesture away which got the massive mutant to leer and lean over him, jaw set to lay down the law once more before his mistress held up a stiffling hand to stop him.

"I 'want' your ships, Lucian. I do not 'need' them any more than I 'need' you." The childish voice admonished sounding very much like a preteen girl with an undiscernable accent trying her hand at sounding like an adult.

"Both you. And your ships are replaceable in my operation and you would do well to-"

Blinded with anger at the disgression the android slumped and fell forwards as the hidden laser-pistol lucien had drawn under his coat burned a hole the size of a coin dirrectly between where the faceplate of the robot would have been had she a face. Her clearly heavy body hit the floor with a clang of metal through fabric moments after Free Captain Lucien ceased to exist.

From several angles beams of blue-purple light followed by the split second reports of tearing paper as a fist-sized hole passed through Luciens left shoulder, hip, pelvis, and finally through his chest from no more than four different dirrections at ground level from the dark. In mostly clear dirrections nobody else had been caught in the crossfire if they had not already ducked or moved to cover as four humanoid clunky-looking drones stepped out from the shadow with long glowing-barreled rifles all now trained on the neko Lucien had named 'Becky' who was staring down wide-eyed at her former master.

The Interstellar Patrol group had drawn their weapons, not pointing them at anyone just yet.

The Duskerian officer cursed as his hand went to his side underneath his dress coat, brushing aside the heavy fabric as a pistol was retrieved from the holster concealed beneath the long garment.

"Clear!" All four drones shouted in simular but distinctly different tinny voices not at all unlike the first as, quiet enough to hear a pin drop the sounds of metal feet on deck sounded as a fifth strode from the dark and back into their midst to stand next to the mutant who seemed right as rain to have barely noticed when the man was put down.

Much less sophisticated than the first and bulkier if still humanoid in shpae and size it gave a mchine-tinted sigh as the first girls voice spoke through it to the neko.

"Does he have a second? A second in command." She clarified, as the neko gave a short nod and slowly pointed to herself.

"Very good then, Mr.Cruz?" The returned Abbigail in her backup body looked up at the mutant who just looked back at her with a "Yuh?" in response.

"Her collar, if you would?" The drone clarrified as two of the four drones retrieved her fallen body and dragged it away while the other two lowered their weapons and lingered.

"Oh yeah, sure abby!" The mutant took a step forwards, causing the neko to lean back cautiously even as a finger as thick as her arm slipped under the collar and with some effort 'pulled' as a loud 'pop' sounded and the mutant pulled his finger back now with a trickle of blood where the small charge that would have blown off the nekos head removed a dimple of flesh from the flat of his digit which he waved around like a burn before putting the finger in his mouth to suck on it like little more than a casual burn even as the remaining metal of the collar hit the deck with a clang and the neko named Becky patted her throat as if unbelieving it was all there.

"See to it that your ship is made ready and pass the word on to the checkered fleet that we leave for Osman within a fortnight... That's three hundred and thirty six solar hours from now if any do not understand. As agreed the salvage rights remain and any refugees the captains wish to take on they will have right of first refusal; Do these terms remain favorable to you, 'Captain?"

The neko nodded and took a step back to turn before pausing. Reaching down she wrestled with Luciens gaudy coat and, despite having several new holes in it and more than a spattering of bodily fluids dawned it over her jumpsuit and gave a grin laden with filed-down teeth made to points as she strode with new confidence through an only now recovering crowd.

Military leaders, buisness moguls, and important people all they may have been. But few enough made it to their positions in the kikyo sector without seeing or knowing violence first hand. While some weapons were drawn, there was more reproach at the suprise of the event than the actual killing as yet another drone strode in. Wearing the same dress as the first there was a slight twitch between the two identicle drones as Abigail wandered off and the dress-wearing robot remained.

"Are you okay, Rhindol?" Abigails voice sounded through the new robot, clearly able to transfer between them as she tried tugging at the mutants elbow who did not relent to show his injury to her and only grunted at her.

"Very well, Thank you for that, Mr.Cruz. I suspect that will be all."

Standing now close to the center of the group the robot gave a faceless stare around to appraise many before clearing a non existant throat with the almost-embarassed tone of a child.

"My appologies, good people." She started before offering a curtsey in her maids-dress in greeting, Donny-B returning with an immediate bow again.

"My designation is Alpha-Beta over-underscore model #01. Though my lady prefers to call me 'Abigail,' I thank you all for joining us here today on my ship though I do wish it was under better circumstances... And location...

For expedience' sake I think it best if we begin our meeting. If, that is you are all still resolved to continue this endevor considering the regretable scene that has already transpired I can guarentee any who wish to depart now may yet leave unmollested to their vessels."

There was a pause just before she stopped speaking where the robot turned to the essian delegation as if either remembering they where there or noticing them for the first time.

"I do hope this matter will not cause an issue." The young voice spoke in Yamataigo after switching from trade and then back again, "It was self defence, after all."

"No issue here, Abigail," Mr. Donovan expressed as steady and unflinchingly, as he had been during the entire confrontation. Steady like a statue, it was as if the android had no sense of danger. "The late captain Lucian could not even understand my statement was one of compliance. Certainly our meeting will improve without him."

"Told you, boys, bodies are piling already," came a deep, Nepleslian-accented drawl from back where the others had entered - though it's origin would likely cause some confusion. Standing an impressive six-foot-four was an exceptional example of an orange-furred Shukaren Laibe, a magnificent champagne-coloured mane framing the man's angular, handsome snout. The man, and his security detail of three Shukaren Daur, all wore grey replicas of Neshaten Navy uniforms paired with tan pants, a hint of their vaccum-rated undersuits barely poking past the collars of their crisp uniforms. While the three trailing Daur's uniforms bore more simplistic markings it was quickly made apparent that the leading beast-man bore a significantly higher ranking, a fur-lined overcoat resting on his shoulders, casting shade over the leather holster and sheathed blade occupying his hips, massive tail slowly flicking side-to-side with each silent step he took.

One blue eye keenly studied the room while it's next-door neighbour sat behind a simple black eyepatch that mirrored Yokota's own apparent disfigurement, a metal-plated cybernetic arm appeared from beneath the dangling overcoat, producing a chunky cigar that the Laibe took a brief puff from before speaking further.

"P'Iurebe Vitteri Zhukyiv, Tri'se Collective. Ain't gotta act like most of you have heard of us, but you will have before this is over... and we do apologize for the lateness of our arrival, my shuttle's cargo manifests didn't quite line up after that recent flare, needed to make sure all of our ducks were in order," Vitteri introduced himself as he joined the group properly, the security detail scattering slightly but remaining within sight incase something else flared up, the man took another draw from his cigar as that single eye shamelessly sized up everyone.

Theoni relaxed slightly, finally placing the firearm back in it's holster. While she couldn't blame Abigail for self-defense, it didn't actually feel like an improvment in the situation. <Who are they?> Theoni asked.

<Looks like Neshaten, probably pirates or exiles. Their notoriously closed to outsiders and xenophobic. I don't know anything about his collective.> Codebreaker 35 replied.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Archon Philo, Interstellar Patrol." Theoni said by way of introduction.

"I see," Abigail declared, her expression thoughtful, her gaze shifting between Mr. Donovan, the newly arrived representatives, and the enigmatic Essians. With purpose, she ascended to a slightly elevated position on a small catwalk, ensuring everyone in the assembly could see her clearly. The clasp of metal hands brought the room to order, their resonating sound commanding the attention of all present, punctuating the end of the recent tension-filled encounter.

"Welcome to my ship," Abigail began, her voice resonating with authority. "I am Abigail, Commander of the 'Pledias,' and I lead the Strays and the Terror Wolves. Many of you are familiar faces, whether we've crossed paths in the systems of Gashmere, Stenkagorad, or on the battlegrounds of Malaise or Freehold. Some of you are here due to favors owed, agreements with your corporations, or simply because you answered our call through SYNC, the InterNep, Polysentience, or by word of mouth."

She paused for a moment, her gaze sweeping over the assembly, encompassing the diverse group that had gathered. "Regardless of how or why you find yourselves here today, we share a common purpose—to liberate Osman from the clutches of the Mishhuvurthyar. Some are driven by principles, others by necessity, and some by the promise of profit or experience. It matters not. What unites us is the resolve to confront this threat."

Abigail's tone grew somber as she delved into the perilous situation they faced. "The Mishhu have returned to Osman, and their presence is more substantial than ever before. Local forces," she gestured toward Mr. Donovan, "have put up a valiant fight, but they alone cannot withstand the might of a Mishhu fleet that now numbers in the hundreds. We face at least two hundred ships, with more than half of them being midline warships—frigates and destroyers. There are at least two cruiser-sized vessels, six carriers of varying sizes, and a vessel that, by all indications, appears to be a Battlecruiser or fleet anchor flagship."

As Abigail shared this daunting information, murmurs and discussions broke out among the attendees, their faces reflecting the grim reality of the situation. The presence of such a formidable Mishhu fleet weighed heavily on their minds.

With a resolute tone, Abigail continued, "Our coalition, as it stands, is not equipped to face such a force head-on. However, the situation is not as dire as it may seem." She allowed a brief pause, emphasizing the gravity of her next words.

"The Mishhu fleet in the system is not as overwhelming as it appears. Over the past months, many damaged vessels have left the system for repairs, and logistics ships have departed multiple times with noticeable gaps. Currently, there are approximately fifty warships and an equal number of secondary vessels in polar orbit."

She leaned forward slightly, her voice unwavering. "The flagship and its two cruisers remain in the system, but for every two or three auxiliary vessels that depart, they take one or more frigates with them. We don't have to defeat them."

Abigail's words hung in the air, a beacon of hope amid the dark storm clouds of uncertainty. The assembled leaders and commanders absorbed her strategic insight, realizing that victory might be within reach if they could exploit the weaknesses in the Mishhu fleet's presence in the Osman system.

"We have a small window to contend with the current forces arrayed in system and in all likelyhood break the blockade they have around the planet long enough to get forces on the ground."

"And then what?" A voice asked, followed by ascent from others.

"While the sector-core may be ripe with habitable planets the same can not be said of the outer rim of the kikyo sector or its periphery. Osman is a rare habbitable planet with near-baseline gravity and atmosphere. Were it as developed as any of the planets in the core this operation would be impossible but Osman lacks the same infastructure to support what my estimates are between six to seven million troops the NMX would be able to carry in all of its auxilaries. My sisters and I suspect that once conquered the Mishhu would expand on that infastructure development to make a base and staging point for those troops and more to inevitably launch a new invasion into the Kikyo sector,

With the combined forces of those already commited to the coalition and those of you who join our ground forces number between fifty to seventy thousand."

A pin drop could have been heard clearly for the silence of that moment.

"For those unawares the odds on the ground at between 400:1 and 700:1. This is, however, if we were to count the majority of those forces still in auxilaries in orbit. Osman doesnt have the established logistics or infastructure to support that many troops and the planet itself would claim at least a third of that number without the propper logistics already in place the Mishhu cannot ferry enough supplies for a full scale invasion."

"They'll take the major cities then." A gruff mercenary commander declared, "Force a capitulation of the locals."

"Hence why they are still blockading the planet. With sufficiently advanced troops and technology it is a matter of time but it's likely that the NMX have deployed no more than 500,000 troops spread across several battle groups. With ours and the local forces combined if we can break the blockade we will have the advantage. We take and hold the major cities and logistics hubs and entrentch them and even if they are able to reinstate the bloackade it will be impossible for them to field enough troops to make a breakthrough before our second wave that is already being cultivated arrives, or one or more of the systems powers arrive and the system turns from contested to simply in dispute for which in all likelyhood the NMX will flee the system.

Archon Theoni Philo considered the plan. "If we don't know how long our window will be open, we will need to bring our engineers in close in behind our spearpoint. I'm sure this big ship will bring a lot, but what are our priorities for infrastructure construction?"

"We may be able to assist with that," Donovan chimed in, "the area around Howard Station is relatively secure as it is heavily fortified by SHIVA installations and gun platforms. Between our constant artillery strikes, naval raiding, and Ashigaru scouting squads we have been able to influence the enemy fleet's movements to our advantage. It is possible for us to create a big enough diversion to draw enough ships away to create a gap in their blockade."
"Between allied movements, any distractions that FSC's local forces can provide, and our own capabilities, my task force ought to be able to slip through an opening and secure a foothold for an allied landing." Commodore Ralston said, taking care not to detail exactly what the capabilities in question were. Rumor held that Duskerian stealth systems were rapidly approaching some of the most advanced in the sector, but their true capabilities were closely guarded.

"If enough of the enemy fleet is drawn away, we should have the capability to escort allied transport vessels as well, enough to ensure that we can hold our ground until our fortifications, airfields, and depots can be constructed." He continued, seemingly addressing Philo's question in the latter half of his statement. After all, depots would be needed to offload all of the supplies the coalition had brought, airfields would be needed for shuttling assets from orbit to the ground and securing air superiority, and fortifications would be need to secure the latter two items.

"It would be easier to strategize if there was a visual of current intel regarding Mishhu deployments in orbit and on the ground." Stevenson said as he thought on how the 1st FEU would be of use. Being designed to operate in an area with either semi-aerospace supremacy or areas with no Navy to challenge them, the Nuwa Class Frigates transporting them were going to have a difficult time fighting on their own. While they were not simple transports, they carried too many valuable assets to be considered escorts in that role.

"The FDS Braveheart, Courage, and 4 Nuwa Frigates can help clear a way. The FDS Charity is going to have to keep their distance while the Mishhu remain in orbit." he continued, he then shifted his thinking towards the ground fight. He felt sorry for the logistics element personnel that were going to be crammed into every corner of the transporting Nuwas. "What are their forces around the main city of this planet?"

"It is not in our favor to wage a prolonged space battle." Abigail interjected, several small lights in the top levels of the berth hundreds of feet above flying down and dispersing into nanites that took on a glowing shape of a sphere with tens of red obviously hostile icons seperated by tens of thousands of kilomiters between them with greater concentrations in some areas like the northern magnetic hemosphere.

"While our numbers may seem advantageous the enemy is not only a united force in not only purpose but consistency of arms and doctorine but each are dedicated militar vessels who for their class can often compare to the starships of the Star Empire or Democratic Imperium.

While we have some true military vessels the degree of inconsistency of performance, doctorine, and armaments puts our current fleet at a disadvantage-"

The hologram shifted to show a new fleet of blue icons moving in. Many if not most of the red icons moved to take up positions oposite of the new fleet. The two fleets moved to spread out and small dances of simulated weapons fire crossed between them. The red fleet took noticeable damage and losses but the new blue fleet was taken down at twice the speed and in growing intensity as each lost vessel removed fire against the first fleet and allowed more concentrated fire on their allies.

"Not only that but part of the enemy fleet has left and returned in incriments and will reinforce our enemy in short order in a matter of weeks at the most. Our best option is-"

The hologram shifted to a scene like the first, this time as the vessels engaged it moved to show a mockup of the Stupendamonia in their midst, small objects ejecting enmass from its broadside and all moving planetside.

"We make short engagement long enough to break the blockade and deposit as many of our ground forces as possible in the time we can buy. The situation on the planet is unknown beyond that there is organized resistance on the ground until we can discover the situation for ourselves.

As soon as we can accomplish this we must break engagement into smaller sectors of control. Hit and run tactics in orbit, skirmishing, and all around engagement to keep the Mishhu from re-organizing a new blockade. We keep their fleet broken up fighting our own and never let them regroup while we use periodic missions to resupply and reinforce our own troops in orbit.

The Stupendamonia is converted for this task and this task alone. Buying and retrofitting it cost my lady a signifigant portion of our availiable funds to do so but each and every unit in this ship; All 'one thousand' of them have been converted into entry-devices to deploy planetside.

Men, vehicles, supplies, equipment. Each unit can store a signifigant compliment enough for an etire company of less than three hundred men if not all of their vehicles in some instances. Our organization uses them to considerable effect in our military operations and have found an 87.3% sucessful deployment rate. Using this ship a force or multiple forces can be deployed all at once or in short order as compared to the ferrying of shuttles or seperate drop craft with time we do not have. Our forces will be deployed as needed in these windows of opertunity that we can buy and can be done so into close enough proximity to one another to justify their use.

Whats more we have retrofitted the Stupendamonia with sufficient supplies and fabricators to 'keep' the operation ongoing as long as we can keep finding windows of opertunity to deploy additional forces.

So you see my ship is not here by coincidence; It has been aquired and converted for the sole purpose of waging and supporting a ground war from orbit."

"Well this is certainly becoming a coalition of the damned. My kind of odds." Stevenson said, almost smiling.

"That is the spirit!" Mr. Donovan replied, "and if you all die Yamatai will quickly clone you!"

"No, Yamatai has no control over that. We die, we die. If the FDC decides to clone any of us, the new clone has the option to accept our their previous genetic incarnation's identity or to become their own line of individuals. You can imagine how that might confuse some people that knew the previous individual." Stevenson said in response.

Donovan paused a moment before asking, "curious, why would you surrender immortality? You are a race with digital minds, are you not?"

Stevenson just blinked at the suggesion that Donovan was making. "If I survive this conflict, we are going to find some way for your to get drunk and we can learn the ways of the Nepleslian Reds together."

Theoni looked curiously at Stevenson. "Among Separa'Shan it is said that we are in a cycle of reincarnation until we have made peace with everyone who we have wronged and have wronged us. If we die, we will come back sooner or later. Yamatai's tech just makes it sooner." She remarked.

"Moving on," Abigail interjected to the mortal dillema, metal fingers tapping on a rail as far too many people in the gathering started waxing philosophy about their mortal coil.

"The Stupendamonia will act as both flagship and logistical hub for the operation. The majority of our forces will be loaded on it and deployed in waves as we can find opertunities to open windows of deployment. Most of our other ships will need to take priority on engaging enemy vessels, screening the flagship, and ensuring that while we have armored the ship to a degree that it does not come under threat with the bulk of our ground forces loaded on it.

We will hit hard and fast, move the flagship into position and deploy forces before retreating. The first window will be the easiest before the Mishhu get wise to the flagship and after that every single ship in our fleet will be instrumental to keeping the mishhu off of it and occupying their vessels; Sometimes outnumbered, sometimes even alone. The objective, to state it again is to make a prolonged ground invasion of Osman untenable for the NMX while also keeping their fleet engaged enough to ensure they cannot and will not be able to do signifigant damage to the planet before withdrawing.

If we are unable to contest the space above Osman then regardless of anyones feelings on the matter we will withdraw and wait however many weeks or months it may take for our second wave to arrive. And any with investments in Osmans liberation should cede any hope of it then as the planet will either be taken by then or the NMX fortified enough in their naval assets that we must either break their fleet regardless of the cost,

Or we must remove Osman from the equation."

There was a heavy pause at that, the implications setting. Few enough seemed willing to argue, the threat of the Mishhu already nearly condemming the planet in most other cases. Some still did, however, and it took several minutes for the chatter to die down.

"So do not fail." Abigail intoned, her child like voice sounding mock-serious and grave.

"It will take roughly a month to coordinate the fleet, load our forces onto the Stupendamonia, and coordinate our logistics. Whats more-"

A voice interupted her with a shout of "One month?!" As one of the notable mercenary commanders shouted in protest. "That's an entire month my boys arent being paid!"

A few others, the monetary minded of the operation there for the money over Osmans well being started to grumble.

"Can you even afford to cover an operation this size?" Another interjected.

"My lady has already invested close to five million KS into this operation and another one and a half towards covering expenses." Abigail reasurred, not getting through to most.

"Likewise we have investments from numerous parties such as the Baron Tichmont-"

Abigail nodded towards a Kuvexian in the back in traders attire who inclined his head subtly, More than a few Kuvexians using the osman system durring the war to coordinate as well as a final refueling location before the long trip to and from their own sector.

"Who has generously donated seven million KS towards this operation. Likewise the CEO of the Osmans miners leage has offered an additional four million KS and even stock in thier operations under the condition that all efforts are made to secure and keep from harm their osmanium production facilities in Osman city.

From various other if less substantial backers we have acrewed a total investment of fifty-million KS equivilent from six different currencies after conversion. Likewise Mr.Donovan here has offered the use of FSC facilities and resources as needed.

All told we have enough financial backing at current for just over 'one month' of ground operations on Osman of our mercenary forces. All efforts are being made to secure additional funding at this time to prolong our resources and bring more into the coalition as they become availiable."

Most of the mercs shut up at that.

"Now are there any other complaints or concerns before we plan this war?"

Mr. Donovan raised his metal hand.

Char Response, or others criticism

“The Frontier Service Corporation also promises full repairs of all surviving vessels and equipment damaged even after this struggle is resolved and 20% off of all purchases… provided we still exist, of course.”

"Then welcome to the S.O.S. Coalition." Abigail intoned as the wider planning session began. It would take the better part of a month while Osman still hopefully held to get organized and prepare. But one way or another salvation was comming for Osman and retribution for its besiegers...

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