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RP [Fall of Osman] Echoes of War (Nepleslian Reds Osman Naval complement)


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RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
Osman System
6th Planet

The 1st Fujiko Expeditionary Force's Task Force, comprised of more than nine ships, held a vigilant watch from the shadows of the Osman system's sixth planet, a colossus ice giant. Although not drafted for the front lines of active combat, the commanders were hesitant to leave the destiny of their ground forces solely in the hands of the Shasta No Sekai' without an option to attempt rescue. With their Mass Mesher systems engaged, meshing their EM signatures to the ice giant, their hidden stance within the planet's gravitational embrace would endure indefinitely, provided no Mishhu scout stumbled upon their cloaked presence.

The task force's composition was a formidable display of tactical diversity and strength: the flagship, a Mizumoto Class Frontier Development Vessel known as the "FS Spirit of Hope", commanded the formation, bolstered by the sturdy defenses of six Nuwa Class Frigates and the swift, nimble maneuvers of two Mogami Class Light Cruisers. The fleet's capabilities were further enhanced by the addition of three Red Hope Class Cruisers and accompanied by 24 nimble Drake Class Corvettes. This impressive assembly marked the most significant projection of power by the Nepleslian Reds in recent memory, though still paling compared to their final stand at Kennewes in YE 29.

Though their ranks lacked the imposing might of a battleship or the formidable presence of a heavy cruiser, the strategic deployment of drones that swarmed like a protective cloud around the Red Hope Class "FS Dido" was a testament to their readiness and technological prowess. As the crew diligently maintained their flight operations, the coordinated ballet of drones served as a constant reminder of the Task Force's readiness to defend, deter, and, if necessary, engage in the dance of interstellar warfare.

FS Spirit of Hope
Cloning Bay Beta

The crew of the Spirit of Hope were aware of the occasional news reports generated by FDC journalists on board about the fighting happening deeper in the system. Word did not reach them about the first casualties of the 1st FEU's efforts against the Mishhu on Osman. But a pair of clone technicians (dressed in the monochromatic gray uniform with black accents, featuring a high-collared tunic, fitted pants with articulated knee pads, and mid-calf black boots typical of medical and science personnel) quickly became the first individuals to learn of the deaths within Alpha Company, 1st Expeditionary Battalion before a message flashed with an reactivation authorization request from the local node of the FDC's Cerebral Echo Memory Implant System.

There were no clones under development, so beyond routine operator level maintenance, there was not much for the team of cloning specialists currently on duty within the cloning bay. As such they were permitted to engage in other activities of self-improvement during their duty shifts. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Zhang spent most of her time within the bay working on her undergraduate thesis for a remote course from the Fujiko University. It was a quiet place and the ship lacks a library to do any work outside of her 5 man cabin.

She looked up at the chyron at the top of her personal lapdeck's volumetric screen before she swung over towards her workstation's display with access to the relevant systems. "Looks like the first fatalities are coming in sooner than I expected. I guess I am going to owe Radcliffe that bottle of Hanako's Chateau after all." she said with a frown.

There was a snicker behind her, but she didn't bother to respond as she approved the request. "Athena, assign echo 45-FU-1000-01721-AR to Prometheus 1, 45-FU-0127-01989-AB to Prometheus 2, 45-FU-2142-03221-JH to Prometheus 3, 45-FU-3540-03222-JH to Prometheus 4, 45-FU-3540-03223-JH to Prometheus 5, and 45-FU-3540-03224-JH to Prometheus 6."

"Assignments acknowledged Ms Zhang... Echo data has been uploaded. Oh, 01721's echo does not have a brain scan. Will default to standard Nepleslian profile for his ethnicity." Athena, the bay's installed Olivia AI, said. Athena (full name Hopeful Athena) was unusually chatty and friendly for a Olivia AI which were known for their more sassy attitudes, especially towards those that manage to befriend them. Athena much preferred to call everyone by their gender pronouns, thinking ranks were too informal. Some guess being linked directly with the nutrients used to build new clones was a reason for the behavioral change.

"Task complete, starting finalization process in vats 1,2,3,4,5, and 6." Athena said as six of the ten pre-loaded vats were activated. Having 1,000 on board, generic bodies shaved the normal development time from one of the Spirit of Hope's Genesis Bioforges from 35 days to 20 minutes. The downside was, they had a limited supply and they did not have the biomass (preferably other former living carbon based organisms) to create more. Not that it really mattered, it took nearly the same time to make a new Prometheus body as developing a normal Artificial Nepleslian the cloning bay was designed to make.

Clothed in nearly translucent body-hugging onyx and maroon leotards or trunks, the pair looked over the volumetric display's begin streaming data with some interest as the 20 minute process begun. Compared to growing Artificial Nepleslians, the finalization process was a far more seamless process. Once the donor's DNA (via seeded stem cells) completes the genome of the Prometheus body, the nanites were busy monitoring and guiding the new stem cells morph the spare into the donor's true form. There was not much need for the technicians to watch closely for errors.

Zhang looked at her display as the reporting from the nanites and clone vat were nominal. "Shift's almost over. You got any plans for after?" she said stretching and looking over towards her partner, Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Peterson. A somewhat portly darked haired man, he looked out of place compared to the much more toned artificial nepleslians, white haired around him.

"Probably going to hit the recreation deck. I heard they installed a new volumetric module, something about zero-gravity racing. Sounds like a good way to unwind. Not quite as good as the real thing with there being no real inertia. But it should be still interesting pretending to be that Koerlander Lewis Verstapen. 7 time Ukmirt One Champion he is."

Zhang snorted at the mention of Lewis, obviously not a fan of the man. "Verstapen winning all the time is boring. Beside the turn one crashes at the start of the race that always happen, I much rather that one Mareesha win. What's her name... oh! Carolina Patel. Might join you. I’ve been stuck in this cloning bay or my bunk for too long working on this paper; a volumetric race could be the change of pace I need."

"Definitely. Hey, you thinking of grabbing something to eat first? I'm starving." Peterson said, busy looking at the outputs from the cloning vats in the outside room.

"Yeah, me too. What are you in the mood for? I heard the mess hall is serving that new Alexandria Beef stew. Supposed to be quite good with a hearty amount of potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, and green beans. The green bean part is a little interesting. " Zhang said, resisting the urge to lick her lips just thinking about the meal she was going to have eventually.

"Alexandria beef stew, huh? Well, it beats the usual protein bars and nutrient shakes they were giving because the agricultural deck was having issues. Let's give it a try. Maybe it'll actually taste like something from back home."

"Sounds like a plan. After spending hours stuck here, a hearty stew doesn’t sound half bad." Zhang said, nodding in agreement.
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