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RP: 188604 Family Issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Raphael's room...

Raphael stirred from his deep sleep. There was a annoying beeping coming from his computer terminal... As he stirred, he looked over to see that he was still intertwined with Ivory. She was still fast asleep, resting her head in the crook of his arm. He looked over to his computer to see that there was an incoming call, from an unknown ID...

Raphael carefully moved Ivory onto the pillow and kissed her on the cheek as he stood. He threw a black teeshirt and shorts and sat down at his computer, hitting the accept button. To his shock it was... "Mother?" Raphael asked.

A rather well kept Elysian woman was looking right at him, her makeup, hair, everything seemed absolutely pristine. "Raphael." She said, her voice cutting right through to the point, "You are aware that your employer is now working with us?"

Raphael shook his head. "No. I thought we weren't going to take your money... You are looking well." He said, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

"And you are looking just like your father," She replied, a bit of spite in her voice, "Uso has agreed to allowing us to setup an enclave on the planet and I would prefer you not be involved."

"Oh? Is that so..." He said his own voice dripping with venom. "Then what should I do Mother..." He said putting emphasis on that last word.

"Leave, I can send you some money to get established elsewhere." She responed. "I am certain you and your... female friend will be fine."

Raphael's face looked sternly at Cassiel. "You will leave her out of our conversation." He said evenly. "And I will not leave or accept your money. Why should I trust anything that comes from you?"

"You leaving will be best for boh of us. We have important buisness to conduct with this world, and while your superior is unprofessional, she does known the importance of delivering on her promises promptly. I would rather she not be influanced by your poor work habits." She replied.

"My poor work habits? How would you even know? You weren't even around when I had to fend for myself, join the military, crawl through the ranks of a foreign military who were leary of our kind." He said his voice lowering with anger. "And yet you have the gall to question my work ethic."

"Like your father, It seems you couldn't fully commit to what you were doing. You've fallen in with a bad crowd and you seem to be bedding a Nepleslian." She said, not hiding the distaste on her tounge. "This is your opportunity to leave before you screw this up just like everything else you've laid your hands on."

"Oh, bring your dead husband in on this. Spit on his grave while your at it." He said angrily. "My own kind abandoned me, so what does it matter if I bed with a Nepleslian. She is more loving then any Elysian I ever knew." He said tossing a glance over to Ivory. He then lookedback to the screen. "I will not leave. And I will put my hands all over your op. Just so I can fuck it up. Hell I will do it just out of spite." He said spitting out the last word.

"I gave you a chance. It was more than you deserve." She responded, ending the transmission shortly after.

Raphael stood and took a deep, shuddering breath. Trying to calm himself down without waking Ivory. He began to pace quietly in his room, curssing his mother under his breath.
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