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Famous Educational Facilities of Yamatai

Perhaps a good idea would be to have characters acknowledge where they were trained, even if they never mention it IC - perhaps some sort of 'Basic Training' medal in the school colors, or maybe a uniform patch like the ones some starships have.

Also, 'The School'? Doesn't that sound a little ominous to you*?

*Disclaimer: I am currently playing Super Robot Taisen OG2.
I agree with FM, there is currently little information on pre-SA life for Yamataians and Nekovalkyrja, which is a shame. Just an idea for the sake of detail, you may want to add specialist faculties or schools. e.g., Faculty of Telepathy, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Starship Engineering, and so on.
Star Army training is (going by canon) suposed to last a year, which I figure is divided something like 4 months in basic training (all star army soldiers) and 8 months of specialty training (for occupation). But, once we get a trainingRP up, I'd like to shorten it and make it more requirement-based.
I assumed from birth that nekos could complete training within 6 months. Many character entries (especially newly born NH-29s) seemed to reflect that. Those would be the run-the-mill-get-in-a-mindy-and-go-die-against-the-mishhu kind of nekos.

However, some more experienced character that did well enough in basic training were permitted a specialization. I assume Kotori started as an armor pilot and specialized as a starship operator (or at least I retconned her background that way *shrugs*)... which led to her being around 2 years old when she went to serve on the Mikomi.

I also was under the impression that SARA would be the branch of the Star Army taking care of the training of the soldiers itself... another organisation name being lacking.

Seeing that the educational facilities Yangfan submitted are mostly PNUgen originated... I suppose we could expect the Ketsurui Zaibatsu to have taken over or even added facilities to this. I mean, they're pretty much the pro-neko organisation... considering most are nekos anyways.
PNUgen doesn't train Star Army people, only its own (the Star Army trains its own people internally whenever possible with the exception of the samurai). 6 months for a neko sounds fine, though. SARA does research and development, but not much training (although it runs some of the advanced science and medical schools).
Has this always been the case or only since the SAoY took control of the government? The history, as is, has EF1 starting in PNUgen's hands but transferring over to SAoY in YE 23.

I can always change that.
Yangfan said:
The history, as is, has EF1 starting in PNUgen's hands but transferring over to SAoY in YE 23.
I have three facilities listed: EF1, EF2, and the boot camp. Please read the history sections of my submission again, Wes. I want to iron out all the wrinkles before we make it canon.
FM said:
Also, 'The School'? Doesn't that sound a little ominous to you*?

It's meant to reflect its students' elitist, "I'm the center of the universe" attitude.

Length of programs corrected. I'm working on Fort Victory's description and history. Help and suggestions are welcome.

Also, I could really use something that even vaguely resembles a motto in Japanese.
Okay. I'm officially submitting this for approval.

It's not the most exciting piece of writing I've produced, I know. But background information is important, no?

Until Wes has a better idea of how people can be trained, I say this can serve as inspiration for those members whom wish to refer to something regarding the origins of their characters.

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