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RP Concluded Farewell For Now

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SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
🌟 Site Supporter
FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
Njord System
Following: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/belmont-resort-on-gashmere-belmont-lac-de-cratère.70949/ , Picking up Rin on Yamatai and dropping off passengers in the Akina System.

U.N.N Narsho​

Njord System, Kikyo Sector, Kagami Galaxy​


The final batch of cargo pods made its descent through the atmosphere of Njord Prime, bearing mail and packages for the Iron Company mercenaries. These parcels were from their allies operating within the Chrystalis Unvorsum. Upon touching down just outside Skaditown, the pods' transponders activated to facilitate their collection. This might be the first communication many mercenaries had received from their allies in over a year, and it was likely they had presumed them to be deceased.

"Cargo pods have successfully landed," the tactical officer confirmed upon verifying the landing through sensors.

In response, Uaeso instructed, "That concludes our last mission objective. Initialize the Transuniversal Breach Drive and get ready for departure. Engage the internal shielding systems, max out inertia systems, and have everyone assume transit positions. Be prepared to reactivate native systems upon cross-over." As Uaeso finished his directive, the protective harness system activated, securing him in his seat.

VIP Quarters, Common Area​

Katara settled into one of the chairs at the table, the safety harness automatically securing her in place. As she found herself bidding farewell to her birth universe once again, a mix of nostalgia and frustration swirled within her. This place, with its peculiar emotions and lingering questions, beckoned a return, especially if they pledged support in the ongoing war. However, the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty. She exchanged a fleeting glance with Tetsuya and murmured, "You ready?"

Securing himself in his seat, Tetsuya returned Katara's nod, saying, "As ever, time to go home." The notion of returning home and reclaiming his place had once seemed a far-off, foggy dream. Now, as reality inched closer, he gripped the armrests tightly, leaned his head back against the headrest, and closed his eyes, ready for what awaited them.

U.N.N Narsho​

SARPiverse to Chrystalis Unvorsum

The cruiser's sublight engines ceased, allowing the craft to drift momentarily before a rift appeared. As the ship was pulled into the breach, it transitioned into transuniversal space. They felt a jolt resembling turbulence while crossing the universal membranes; the craft's internal shielding and inertia systems ensured protection as they journeyed from the Kagami Galaxy to the Yirune Arm of their native galaxy. In mere minutes, they emerged on the other side, the ship momentarily dark before reserve power kicked in. "Purging Aether plasma," announced the mindhive as aether was cleared from their reactor system. "Asune Power Tap, established," it added as the main power systems were restored.

Uaeso momentarily massaged his temples, finding the inter-universal transition far from comfortable. "Systems check," he commanded. Shortly, diagnostic data was displayed on the screen beside him. "Void Transit Drive online and network map confirmed," the Navcomm officer reported. The safety harnesses unlocked automatically and the internal shielding system deactivated. "Set a course for Noria," Uaeso instructed. With the ship's shutters and blast doors securely closed, there was no threat to the crew as the VTD activated, propelling them from realspace into their transit network through the voidspace, and hastening the cruiser towards home.

To be continued in the Multiverse Gateway/Chrystalis Unvorusm.​

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