Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Yamatai News (YINN) FDC CEO Declares Need to Manifest Destiny

YE 46.4.19
Defense Base Hepburn
Fujiko IV

sun_horatio_speech.png"We have been forgotten in the annals of time. When mention of a Nepleslian Red reaches the ears of others, only ignorance and apathy greets you. And why would they act any differently? We have spent 14 years wallowing away working as the labor for others thanks to the foolhardy decisions of those that came before us! It is time for us to reclaim our birthright as Nepleslian Reds!

I do not mean another pointless war with those fools in the remains of our former Star Empire of Nepleslia, the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. It was the dreams of those so called Field Marshals of old of ours: Johanson, Kell, Candelario, and Sahibi. They wasting our potential after landfall on some vain hope that we will resume the fight against the Greens. Gleefully taking what is ours as they plot and scheme for their own personal misguided glory.

No, our birthright is what our forebearers gifted to us when the Nepleslian Reds were formed out of the scattered masses of the Uesureya Empire's expansionism: the ability to not accept the will imposed by outsiders. All those that were displaced and unwilling to accept the new order of the Kikyo Sector are all a part of each and every one of us. But we allowed ourselves to become hyper focused on a single group of individuals instead of looking at the much bigger picture around us. No more I say.

We find ourselves in a new era where foes have become allies and the old have returned again. It is time for us to prove to ourselves that we are Reds and to show those that rejected the mantle of the empire the same apathy shown to us. Our fight is not within the Kikyo Sector, it is out there in the greater universe. It is time for us to finally manifest our destiny, wherever that may take us. Be it as allies to the Yamataians in the great beyond or as enemies to all, we shall forge ourselves into something no one can ignore ever again. Now is our time!

Always be true to yourself, your unit, to the Nepleslian Reds!"

Fresh from his trip to the YE 46 International Relations Conference, Chief Executive of the Fujiko Development Corporation Sun Horatio attended the homecoming ceremony of the 1st Fujiko Expeditionary Unit yesterday at Fujiko Self-Defense Force's Defense Base Hepburn yesterday. Part of the so-called "Saviors of Osman's Salvation" (SOS) Coalition formed by Shasta No Sekai to supposedly restore sovereignty, safeguard lives, and secure a brighter future for Osman. No word has been received as to what actually has occur on Osman and the Fujiko Development Corporation (FDC) has not replied to any attempts to gather information.


In other news related to the Fujiko Development Corporation's frontier efforts, FDC's Public Relations Department has recently released photos of a new star system they have named New Fujiko. Experts are currently in the process of verifying the FDC's claims of the star system being located 33,600 light years towards the core of the galaxy. If true, it would be the farthest the Nepleslian Reds have been known to traverse, clearly showing there is still some level of collective military competency remaining within them.

More information as the story develops.
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