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Fenyaro Gone?! WTF?!


Inactive Member
Thanks Wes, I just lost all my characters thanks to your ruling.

How can you just up and remove a race that's in use in the RP? What the hell am I supposed to do with that Celia RP with Nei getting treatment for her eyes?
I thought he said they would be changed into non-magic using anthropomorphs. Unfortunately the culture is still getting gutted and previous threads involving the Fenyaro and any magic use is going to be rather askew.
Wes said:
The Fenyaro will be completely eradicated from the website and future role-play (at James' request). All Fenyaro characters must be converted to another species within the next two weeks (a furry-type one can be submitted and made if you like).

The race as a whole are now flat GONE.
All Fenyaro characters must be converted to another species within the next two weeks (a furry-type one can be submitted and made if you like).

Not gone just still very much screwed. >_>
They were screwed in the first place. Uso and Jadg hated them for some asnine reason which filtered into a topic in the old adminastrative board.
No, gone. James asked me to remove the race and threatened legal action, too. I don't think it'd be successful, but to avoid troubles with that and because he's my friend, I'll comply.
So like, would a new anthro race with a different name have to be created then? I know the vote said remove it entirely but couldn't it just be made so no new characters were made and removed from CCG?
Actually there are two already existing:
The Seelie (They are in many way antromorphic)

And there are Geshrins which have been gene treated.

However, I find it saddening that the Fenyaro are gone. They had the most complex culture, and species in general, and I liked them.

It would always be possible for them to exist without magic ... except it is important in their culture.
Uh, Wes, James gave creative control of the Fenyaro to me remember?

I am the one currently trying to hammer out more information on them after all.

Lord knows it's hard, but that's the joys of working with a skeleton.

And really, filtering the magic out would be easy, I could convert the Gate system into a philosophy. That is where I got the idea. The inital ideal of the Open Palm and Closed fist was more or less a Light side and Dark side of power. I can just convert that into political power instead of metaphysical.
Yeah I figured magic could be filtered out. Just make it a martial arts style instead. Just no chi blasts. lol

But I think even with creative control James had like original ownership with overriding call making privelages.
I agree, and if James gives permission, then I'd be okay with, it. As it is I don't really have much of a choice, though.

If I must, I must.

You do know this action will cause problems in the already posted stories right Wes?
Yes, I know. The actual stories themselves won't be changed (joint authorship under StarArmy.com protects it), though, but no new Fenyaro stuff is to be added, which causes story inconsistencies. Unfortunately, it's what we have to deal with. *sigh*
What will happen to Nei? She's in an active RP at the moment Wes. She just can't up and disappear. Nor can she just croak.
I don't know...play her until you can find a way for her to make her way into the background (or pass away), I guess.
You people don't make this easy for me when you bicker, you know. I consider everyone here friends. :|

Speaking as a friend, I'm sad to see the Fenyaroes gone. I know James and Chris did work very hard on the species.

Speaking as a GM, however, I believe that the decision, while painful for many, is good for the RP's health in the long term.

Chris, don't worry about Nei. We'll figure something out.
Well, can I make this suggestion about the current Fenyaro and their world?

Instead of just erasing them from the rp universe, just ya' know, make their world off limits? Like the underdeveloped world thing. Prime Directive stuff?

Ship all the fenyaro back to their world and just make it a no fly zone?
There'd normally have to be some sort of IC reasoning behind something like this (obliteration of a race from the RP), but since James is threatening legal action and seems to want everything to do with Fenyar removed, there's nothing that can be done unless he changes his mind. Maybe he should have thought about it before it became so big. But that's just how he is.

Chris, what topic are you talking about? I definitely didn't like James, but I was fine with the race. What I cared about was the magic system. James tried to change the entire RP by introducing magic into a sci-fi realm. THAT is asinine.

No offense. Hmm.
The topic I was talking about was when you were wondering why I asked for the fenyaro to be allowed as imperial citizens.

It's also where either you, Uso, or some NooB made the suggestion that the empire should just pop an army down there and take them lock, stock and barrel. I'm not sure who it was, since Wes removed that board and the topic along with it.
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