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Approved Character [FianPlot] Dirk Flynn

Re: Dirk Flynn

Updated your page to include the links (Don't worry about the red one, it's coming).

Couple little things. First, you need to add in his cash and all that. You can leave the pay blank (we'll work that out later), but the cash he starts with isn't changed by that. And no, he doesn't have to be limited to the starting cash a normal character was, assuming you justify it in your history, which... well, we'll get to that.

Inventory should probably be much bigger then that. Remember, he's not a marine. He's got a normal life, and if all he has to his name if his clothing, I probably wouldn't hire him as my bartender.

On history, you need some work. The Francia Project didn't even start until YE 30, and Amy didn't open her bar until YE 32, so he can't have been doing nothing for the intervening years (13, assuming the age remains the same). SO basically either he's only 22-23, or he needs to be updated to reflect what he was doing for 13 years.
Re: Dirk Flynn

Well, seems like history fix was just that you made the phrasings more general to me, but I'll let it slide.

Get Fian in here to give his approval and you're set.
I'm wary of letting your character have that much money when you yourself have only just recently started.

I recommend that all the insurance money should have been spent into the bar, reduce the amount of money recieved from the payout if you and Aendri have already decided how much share each would have invested.

Insurance aside, that is still a lot of personal cash, remove it entirely.

Every other cost should be deducted from the 6,000 DA that all new characters have, assume this is all that is left from the insurance.