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RP: 5th Fleet [Fifth Fleet] Simulated Discomfort

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Inactive Member
Borghildr Yamauchi looked down at the disposable cup in her hand and eyed the remnants of coffee contained within with a clear look of distaste. The pure white skinned – a so called 'Shiro' – Neko would rather there have been anything else to drink in her hand other than the bitter liquid. Preferably something that's job would be to put her to sleep, not wake her up too.

It could have been brandy, the Neko thought with a sigh as she knocked back the cup and finished off the rest of the drink with a grimace.

Passing the cup from one hand to the other – somewhat awkwardly as the left arm was laden down with a set of dangling and topped off canteens while the right sported two heavy duffels – Borghildr crushed the flimsy cup in her pale grip before tossing it into the waste bin off to her side.

The sheet white Neko ran a hand slowly through her tousled, chin length black hair before shaking her head vigourously to fight off her early morning drowsiness – it was after all still what would be considered pre-dawn on the artificial environment cycle of Pisces Station.

Which Yamauchi herself considered to be a boon of some sort. Starting earlier meant there would be nobody but the recruits you got ordered to ship into proper shape to report or complain about how you were wearing non-regulation black fatigue pants and a black short-sleeved shirt instead of any of the variety of uniforms that were otherwise acceptable for wear on duty.

Pushing the door to the Simulation Training area open and leaving in its position hidden within the wall Yamauchi grunted in disappointment as none of the small group of new recruits and transfers to the Fifth Fleet had decided to come earlier in order to get the jump on her.

Dropping the two duffel bags to the ground the Neko unzipped both to reveal an assortment of mock regulation weapons ranging from pistols and rifles to a couple machine guns and even an anti-armour launcher. Each one was colourless and lacked almost all of the actual mechanical portions that made a real weapon work aside from the trigger housing, but weighed what they should and would interact flawlessly with the simulation room once things got started.

Reaching into one of her back pockets Yamauchi pulled out a piece of crinkled paper and unfolded it before throwing it down atop the two open duffels. The paper, in large script, read: Get loaded out yah pukes.

Walking over to the large room's main console, the canteens over her right shoulder still sloshing gently against her side and thudding into each other, the white and black Neko fiddled with settings as she waited for her charges to show up.

Hopefully they remember the part in their orders that mentioned they were to be in the full Type 31 Field Uniform sans helmets. That getup was always a good trick to getting a bunch of PA jockeys bent out of shape.

It'd be a shame to have to send them back for rescheduling for such a minor oversight too.
Anzu was yawning as she entered. It was quite possible she'd gotten dressed while half asleep, although her uniform seemed in order. Black Type 31 with matching cap, which she adjusted after stretching her arms over her head. "Nnggg...mornin'..." She managed a lazy grin for the other Neko, taking in the area with drowsy disinterest.

Eventually her gaze landed on the pile of weapons, and she squinted before shuffling over for a closer look. Poking and prodding at the pile with the toe of her boot, she mumbled to herself as she read the note, letting out a quiet snicker. Mock weapons, of course. She didn't think they'd let her bring those new knives into the training area, but she'd worn the harness to break it in.

A pistol was stowed away as she searched through the assortment, the long anti-armor rifle held off to the side, butt resting on the ground. "What've we got in here...a B Module? Maybe a Sugar or Icer?"
Yamauchi twisted her head to take in the first arrival, who despite having a small case of the yawns, was looking sharp and properly kitted up. Taking in the trainee's white hair and preference for what could be considered the 'long rifles' of the collection that had been thrown in the duffels it was most likely safe to assume that Simo Anzu had shown up as instructed.

Of course, Yamauchi thought to herself as she finished her glance over of the other Neko and turned back to the console she was working on, I could have just checked the girl's identification patches. The Shiro Neko just shrugged to herself at that thought, she wasn't exactly wearing any of her patches – seeing as she wasn't actually in an official uniform – so it'd be fairest to just leave everything up in the air and to guesses for now.

Or the instructor could just be that lazy.

“Oi marksman.” Yamauchi's voice was raw, almost ragged sounding, and held all the hallmark signs of a naturally soft spoken person who had spent years forcing their voice to be rough and rumbling. Each syllable the Neko spoke ending with her sounding as if she was just one step away from a coughing fit. “You see any other scudsuckers dallying about on your way over or did everyone else just find it too much of an obstacle to wake up and get dressed this morning?” Still looking down at the console she was working with Yamauchi raised her left hand and poked at one of her white furred ears as she sighed. “If you end up the only one in for this evaluation I'm gonna have to find somewhere else to hide out until I'm off the books again. What a hassle.”
Anzu had a mock B Module slung over her shoulder, using the other oversized rifle like a staff as she turned toward the instructor. She seemed satisfied with what she'd scrounged up. "No ma'am, I didn't see any newbies lollygaggin' about. They're probably sleepin' in, or maybe they needed a second cup of coffee." The Neko smirked, revealing a pointed tooth.

"Why don't you just turn on the 'do not disturb, simulation in progress' sign and we can catch some extra shuteye ourselves. Maybe an early lunch after. Ma'am." She gave a hasty and informal salute, before breaking into a giggle.
Yamauchi's ears twitched and the Shiro Neko stood up straight at the suggestion that they just go back to sleep since no one was showing up besides the young marksman.

“Haaaaah.” The instructor drew out the sound of her exhaling before shaking herself from the waist up, the canteens at her shoulder smackomg together softly. “No, no. Nope. As good as that sounds-” The Neko once more extended her vocalization, her voice playing around with the syllables of “sound” as she drew out the word while turning on her heel towards Anzu. “- I prepared too much last night to make this experience as twisted and sadistic for a bunch of newbies as possible.”

As an almost heartbroken frown seemed to fall upon Yamauchi's face the Neko devolved into a grumbling mutter of which the only scratchily audible words were 'speech', 'madness', and 'colour sergeant'.

Snapping her attention back towards Anzu without missing a beat Yamauchi shrugged and let an unpleasant grin show up on her face. “Since it is only you though, I'll not waste any of my material and get straight to the point.” Slinging one of the canteens off her shoulder the Shiro Neko tossed the container at her younger counterpart.

“Drink that – all of it. It will simulate fatigue, which in this case means you'll feel like you spent all of yesterday being a ping-pong ball for a couple of asteroids.” Yamauchi slung a second canteen from her shoulder, uncapped it, and downed half of it herself. A loud snort followed her pulling the canteen away from her mouth. “Bitter like a bullet in the gut by the way. It mostly just a poison though – as long as no one tried anything cute with your immune system you won't die.”
Anzu grunted, giving a shrug. "Worth a shot." She raised an eyebrow as the other Neko grumbled to herself, before breaking into an unnerving grin. She had a moment's warning as the instructor readied the canteen for the toss, shifting her grip on the oversized rifle to free up one hand. She snatched it up easily enough, although she wasn't sure why she was being offered a drink. At least not until the contents were explained.

"...so you want me to drink poison. Any particular reason? Ma'am." Simo gave the canteen a shake, eyeing it warily. "If you just wanna drink somethin' nasty and feel like hell, I know this great little bar, found it last time I was on the station. Well, if it didn't get closed down. Again." By now, Anzu had removed the cap to sniff at the concoction, wrinkling her nose and making a disgusted face.
“If you're worried on whether this is an approved method or not – which, really I won't blame you on that one -” The Shiro Neko pointed to her casual attire in support of her comment with one hand as she raised the canteen back to her lips with the other and drained it. “- then don't. This is all quite in pace of the regulations. No point in a simulation if it is just flashy lights and a bunch of silly picture shows after all. We all got enough of that with all the knowledge that got drilled right into our noggins, right?”

“Now, as long as we are being civil, yeah I do want you to drink it. Drink it all and in a quick fashion, without a drop spilled.” Yamauichi leaned back against the simulation console and crossed her arms. As the instructor took a moment to just stare at Anzu, the Shiro Neko's grin widened and her eyes took on an unhealthily energetic gleam. “'course, if you insist on not listening to a civil request of mine –” Yamauichi face was showing all teeth now, incisor, canines, and every other glinting little oral devil shining happily in the room's lighting. “Well, once you learn how to grab one kit about the scruff yah never really forget how to do it.”
"Wish I knew why so many perfectly nice Neko turn to Dren soon as they get a promotion." Anzu sneered at the threat, managing to restrain herself from doing anything worse. "Kit." She snorted. "You're probably only a year or two older than me, at best." Still, after staring down the instructor for a few tense moments, she looked away and took a swig from the canteen.

"Ugh. I'll knock it down, but if it comes back up all over your pretty non-reg outfit, it's your own damn fault." She took a breath before chugging the rest of the concoction...gasping and coughing as she finished. Anzu childishly tossed the canteen to the ground, near the pile of weapons, once she was done with it.
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