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Fifth state of matter stabilized!!!

CMDR Scotty

Inactive Member
NASA and the International Space Station for the first time have observed the first stable fifth state of matter. We are familiar with the current for states solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. A fifth state was theorized by Albert Einstien in 1924. It was first created on earth in 1995 but falls apart in seconds here on earth because of gravity. The official name is Bose-Einstein condensate many believe it holds the key to understanding dark matter and dark energy. This discovery is made possible thanks to the microgravity in earth orbit and a device called the Cold Atom Laboratory to create a longer living and stable forms of BEC's. Cold Atom Laboratory or CAL as its called uses lasers and magnetic fields to get atoms down to chill atoms to within 1 10-billionth of a degree above absolute zero. Thanks to this discovery many scientists believe it can help bridge the gap between regular physics and quantum physics.

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