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RP Figments of Fantasia | Playthrough Pt 1: Crossfires

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Broken-down Tavern

The Princess smiled at the giant woman. It felt good to have a minor victory at least. She saw the Siren floating out of the corner of her eye. After the lightning vaporized their enemies, she stared at the Siren with eyes wide. She looked back at the ashes of the humans, not yet noticing the arrow in her leg.

Branwyn took a step towards the drill. She gasped in pain and fell to her knees. Velatha rushed over. She wore a worried expression. "Are you hurt, Princess?" The barmaid asked.

Branwyn leaned back into a sitting position and checked her leg. An arrow stuck out of her left calf. It had torn through her leather leggings easily. Blood oozed out of the wound. The Princess gripped the arrow and tugged. She screamed and stopped trying to remove it. "A barbed arrow. Humans and their abominable weapons."

Velatha nodded and snapped the shaft in the middle. "We don't have time to cut it out. Can you walk?"

"I think so. Mind if I lean on you?" Branwyn asked. She climbed to her feet and offered Velatha an arm. The woman put the arm around her shoulder and slipped one around Branwyns in turn. They walked to the drill and climbed in.

"Thank you, sir dwarf. I promise that I will repay you somehow." She said to the drill operator.
Nasheeka Stormrage

As Nasheeka slowly drained her power by surrounding them with a wall of lightning, humans could be seen trying to get through- all of them being turned into ash. Soon enough though, Nasheeka fell to the ground, kneeling. She was too weak to stand up and refused a patron's help to get into the drill. She knew what she had to do- to go with the friendly giant. There were thousands of humans outside and they would not make it out without her magical prowess, or what was left of it after that ordeal with what seemed like lightning. "Please...please, giant. Pick me up and take me with you." She said quietly, but with magic, she was able to amplify her voice so anyone nearby could hear.

Her skin became pale to her overextending her powers, but she had to help in any way she could. The bar was now empty, except for the open drill with many survivors in it, and the giant who had two partners already. The humans still stood outside, amazed and unsure if they could enter.

Within a few minutes, a human accidentally fell over due to the sheer crowd of them outside....and he didn't die. The man smirked as the humans suddenly started charging into the destroyed tavern. If the giant did not pick her up and run, those not in the drill would all die.

Dwarf Inside the Drill

The Shieldmantle Dwarf was at the front of the drill, where the two pilot chairs and console were. He was frantically pressing buttons and pulling controls. "Sit down and buckle up boys, you're in for a rough ride!" He exclaimed, pulling down one last lever as humans closed in on the drill. Swords hitting the metal of the drill could be heard and shouting to stop it. It was simply too late though, the drill began to spin and dig down into the earth. The Dwarf took a more relaxed tone, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Please do not hurt my family, He thought to himself.

He knew this was the right thing to do, but at what cost. Were these elves and adventurers worth his family's lives? Perhaps they would not even hurt his family....but that was hopeful thinking.

Shandris Silverpetal

Shandris used one of her hands to break off the end of the arrow in her leg, as the other hand held onto the child. It was on a rampage, swinging at everything around it, which were mainly the human soldiers who enslaved the poor being. If Shandris did not escape now, however, the giant would die with her on it's back in a sea of humans...which meant torture or death. As the giant rampaged through the sea of soldiers, she saw another giant by the tavern that was being closed in on.

There was nothing Shandris could do though, as even with the spike on the giant, it was going wherever it wanted to go. It started to head towards the walls where most of the portals were- and most importantly, an empty, dark forest. As the giant got closer, flinging humans out of its way, it let out a harrowing growl. Its huge canines became visible to the mages on the walls.....but yet, they were not scared. Momentarily, when the giant was within a few feet of the walls, ready to destroy it and several portals, all the mages turned from their portals and fired a steady stream of magic on the giant. It cried out in pain....it hurt Shandris, but she had to focus on herself. Soon enough it started to tumble to the ground.

Shandris took this moment to jump onto the walls with a grunt. Luckily she was not melee fighting, or she would surely lose due to her injury. Her arrows were getting fewer in number, but there were still enough to kill a mage or two. Before the mages could react, an arrow was in a human heart and another through a spleen.

She would not be able to hold them off though once they realized what happened. Before she could be burnt to a crisp or turned into an ice block, she jumped off the wall into the dark forest beyond the town. She let out a scream as she landed in the damp forest, which made her injury worse, and if she had to ess, at least a fracture. As she made her way deeper into the forest, she could hear the cries and other sounds from the town.
Broken-down Tavern

As Rhuna made ready to flee, even through the cursed shackles she could feel the elemental energies around them weakening, as the color drained from the magical Siren along with the last of her storm sputtering out. Emboldened human soldiers began to pour into what was left of the tavern's doorways, as Nasheeka uttered one last desperate call for aid. Her highlander honor could not leave the sorceress behind after she had clearly fought on their side... and with her one free hand, the red-headed giantess scooped up the fallen dancer and began her charge.

Her now three passengers accounted for, Rhuna wasted no time in uttering a warcry that would shake the now-crumbling walls. "LOK'TAR OGAR!!" ...before bull rushing shoulder first through what was left of the one she had originally destroyed, sending wood and brick and mortar collapsing upon the horde of Imperial assailants. All those who would still dare stand in the charging giant's way to freedom met a swift end at the hands of her warclub, knocking a group of armored soldiers clear into the town walls like living cannonballs to make a hole for the rebels to escape the chaos into the wilderness...
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