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RP Figments of Fantasia | Werewolf's Bane

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Inactive Member
Bedrooms of Players throughout the Kikyo Sector

Teenagers, kids, and adults of all different nationalities and species sat down to play the recently released game, Figments of Fantasia, a virtual reality MMORPG that makes you think that you are actually in the game, and is 100% immersive. Even the Asterian Elf XO, Alinar, played it. The game has been out for a little over three months, allowing many people to customize and experience the fluctuating world at it's fullest. Some of the talented though, get accepted into were packs, which are orders to protect certain regions of the world. These uncommon players are some of the most reclusive in-game and spend a good bit of time in-game. As they put their helmets on, the familiar menu screen would pop up, where a 3-D model of your character would be shown. For those bitten and turned into a werewolf, there was a switch you could click for your 3-D model to undergo the full transformation and watch it from the outside on your character, and soon enough, the players entered the game they played for so long.

Werewolf Cave

A middle-aged wood elf sat on a stone-carved chair that was in the middle of the cave as if it was a throne. He had long, white hair that went down to his shoulder-blades, and was ratted and dirty as if he never bathed. His clothes were made out of bones, wood, and roughly made leather. They were seemingly always being repaired, obvious from the many holes and stitching on them. His eyes were weird for a wood elf, with his right eye being a green tone, with his left eye being half green with some swirls of pure white. There were many scars visible on his bodies, from his face to his feet. Similar scruffy and barbaric men and woman were sitting in the cave.

"Where is he?" The obvious leader said with an annoyed voice in his tone, with an auburn-haired wood elf man that stood next to him responding. "He should be back soon.....and if not.." The auburn-haired man said, taking a deep breath, not finishing his sentence. A few hours ago, the leader sent out a scout to observe what the Imperium was doing and if they needed to act.

He was soon answered by the quick pattering claws against stone as a light brown-haired werewolf rounded the corner of the tunnel, coming to a stop in front of the gathering. The beast looked like a large, muscular humanoid wolf. He was much taller than the average wood elf, being slightly hunched over as well. "Alpha!" the creature said, his words slightly garbled by his wolf-like snout, "The town just west of here has been sacked by the humans."

The white-haired elf could be seen getting angry, with him even cracking his stone chair with his hand. "Why did we not know about this attack earlier?!" He shouted, most in the room showing a little fright from him. The mans stared everyone down before turning his attention to the messenger. "How large is the force....are they able to hold them off?" He said, sounding worried.

Suddenly, a large muscular woman stepped out from the edge to address her leader. "But Alpha, they despise us. Why should we continue to help them?! continue to die for them?!" She said angrily.

"Because, Shaenalda," the messenger said, sighing as he started to straighten and most of his hair start to disappear, "Do you think things will be better with the Imperium as neighbors? The wood elves just kick us out of their cities. The humans will hunt us like animals."

"The Wood Elves consider us ferals, savages...animals. The only reason they don't hunt us is that they know that they would lose. We have been defending this forest for them for ages....I think it is time to let them handle their own problems." The woman continued.

"Their problems will become our problems when the Imperium finishes torching their houses and raping their women," the recently arrived man said, suddenly started to shrink, his fur seemingly being pulled back into his body. His head's length shortened, forming a more elven physique, and soon Alinar was standing stark naked in front of the gathered elves. "The humans will destroy everything in their path and make the wood elves look like sparrows to their eagles."

"What makes you an expert on the humans?" She blurted out, staring him down. "They did not destroy the high elven cities- hell, they are living in the old High Elf capital. What is to say they won't keep what is already here, but just gain control of it?" She said, waiting for a response.

"Unlike some of my fellow clansmen," he said as he folded his arms, "I leave the cave every once and a while and see the outside. You don't have to go far to see what devastation the humans have wrought."

The woman was about to open her mouth before the white-haired elf sighed and stood up. He began to walk towards the two. "You are both wrong.....we made a pact ages ago with the green god to protect this forest, which we will do with our dying breath. But Alinar has a point, The Wood Elves live with the forest- the humans would destroy it for lumber and other materials." He said, looking at them both.

The woman snarled as she burst out of the cave to prepare for battle, her followers following her.

"Of course, Alpha," the messenger said, "What would you have me do now?"

"By the time we reach the town, the humans will already have torched it and went on....we need to strike their command center....or any more incoming troops. Either way, go get prepared...we leave at dusk." He said, making his way to the exit of the cave. "Those humans should know better than to enter our forests..." The white-haired man said as he walked out.

"If they don't understand that now, they will soon," the other elf said, walking into step just behind him and to his right. "Their equipment seemed to be more suited for city fighting anyway. Should be easy prey in our territory."

Outside the Cave

The several dozen-member pack stood outside their cave in the nighttime woods. Chirping and other noises could be heard from within the forest as the white-haired alpha turned to his pack. "It is time to once again defend this forest...and this time, leave no survivors!" He screamed as he started to grow, white hair sprouting all over his body and his clothes ripping into shreds. "To battle!" He roared, turning around and bursting into a full-blown sprint on all fours.

Alinar roared right along with the rest of the pack in answer, changing into their werewolf forms as they followed their leader, crying out like bloodhounds on the hunt.

Werewolves were nothing more than shadows in the night, hopping from tree branch to tree branch, while others jumped over jocks and slid under fallen trees. It was as if the werewolves never ran out of breath or stamina, as they ran for hours non-stop, causing little noise. A few stopped for a quick meal of deer and other animals- but they soon enough were at their target

Human Encampment

It took them mere hours to reach where the headquarters of the attack was located, the entire pack climbing into trees above the encampment. The white-haired alpha, named Awilix Redwyne, was towards the front, his vibrant white hair easily spottable by his pack mates.

Alinar climbed high into the treetops, getting to the point where he could almost run from tree branch to tree branch, tearing through the forest at a frightening pace. "Get ready to rip their limbs from their bodies, brothers, and sisters," he growled, flashing his fangs in anticipation.

Once they reached the human's encampment, several minutes would pass before a loud howl could be heard coming from Awilix, the Alpha. Suddenly werewolves every which way would start dropping out of the trees, landing throughout the headquarters of the human campaign against the wood elves. The Alpha dove down first, hitting the soft, plant-covered ground.

Alinar waited a moment in the treetops as the rest of the pack scoured the camp, looking for humans, as he waiting to see how the camp would react.

Awilix darted through the camp, throwing himself at tent after tent, with his followers doing the same...but he could not find anyone. "Where are they!" He roared in a much deeper and grisly voice, taking a moment to stop and look around.

"That's an excellent question," the tree-top werewolf said, jumping to another tree and then staying still, trying to listen for other humans besides the ones dying to his brethren's claws.

The alpha once again got on all fours, sniffing and walking around as if he was a canine pet of the imperials. He could smell them.....somewhere nearby. Awilix could not point where though, so he yelled in his grisly voice to his pack. "Tear the camp apart until we find out where they have gone!"

Alinar didn't respond, letting the other werewolves follow the alpha's commands as he waited for the other shoe to drop. Something doesn't feel right about this, he thought, pressing himself against the tree trunk.

Several werewolves would come back rushing towards the Alpha. "There is no one or anything. It is as if they knew we were coming and evacuated." One scar-ridden wolf said, looking in all directions in case they were going to attack. The Alpha was silent for a moment, noticing he has not seen his other general. Shaenalda was nowhere to be found, along with those she turned and trained.....they had to of warned the humans. "....It is a trap." He said bitterly, not believing he could have been fooled this easily.

Before he could sound a retreat, suddenly dirt in certain spots started to shuffle and move, before gaping holes in the ground were revealed. Human Imperials hopped out and attacked, with the werewolves that betrayed the Alpha- roughly twenty, also helping.

The Alpha instantly sprang into actions with his fellow pack members, ripping the head off an Imperial Guardsmen, and mauling another. Fifteen soldiers were equal to one werewolf- so he had no doubt they could handle the humans, but it would be with the rebel's help he is worried.

It was at this point that Alinar joined the fray, dropping behind the rebel werewolves and their human handlers, roaring "Traitors!" as he clawed at the hindquarters of one of the enemy. "Betrayers, killing you is far too kind," he continued, taking a hold of one of the traitor's legs and throwing them into a group of humans.

Before Awilix could go after another human, he was tackled from behind. Someone scratched their claws deeply into his back- so he knew automatically it was a werewolf, and he had a hunch who. He let out a whimper of pain before throwing the being off of his back and getting on his feet. Blood began to spill out of his back wounds, dyeing his pure white fur a red coloration on his back. The fur was black with a slight tint of green....and he knew automatically it was Shaenalda, the general that had betrayed him. "You worthless will die like these pathetic Imperials!" He roared as he charged on all fours towards the woman, and she did the same to him.

As they clashed, the fell to the ground. Growling and furious snaps could be heard as if they were two rabid dogs fighting to the death. Their jaws snapped at each other's mouths, aiming for the throat. Soon Awilix was able to get the upper hand and get her on the back with a claw mark on her face, but it did not last long as another grunt werewolf tackled him off, both him and the grunt rolling to the side. That was a fatal mistake, as Awilix quickly got up and bit into the neck of the disoriented werewolf betrayer.

Shaenalda begins slowly making her way towards the distracted Alpha.

"Don't even think about it, bitch," Alinar growled, bowling her over as he leaped on top of her. They rolled a few times until he was pinning her to the ground. "So what?" he asked as he clawed at her face, "You like being the pet of some human? Spreading your legs for a few scraps from the master's table?"

Shaenalda spat in Alinar's face, grinning with a snarl. "You're dead...and you wouldn't do what was right to save the pack," Was all she muttered before Alinar would feel a sharp pain in his side. A human soldier, who was forced in the agreement to help protect Shaenalda, had stabbed Alinar with a spear.

Meanwhile, Awilix was ripping the throat off some woman mage when he heard a noise from where Alinar was. He could not lose his other general....or any more of his pack for that matter, he started running towards Alinar and tackled the soldier who stabbed him, ripping his limbs off.

The messenger groaned as the spear pierced his side, but he didn't let it bother him too much as he squeezed down on Shaenala's throat. "And what's stopping me from taking you with me?" he asked.

Shaenalda could feel her old werewolf attacker's grip loosen as soon as he was hit, despite trying to choke her. It gave her the perfect opportunity to push Alinar off her and finish the asshole for good. "You're injured." She muttered quietly in response to his question, and soon she used the strength of her hind legs to push the lithe messenger general off her and onto the ground himself. She wasted no time in standing up, taking a moment to slice one of her own human's throats, before pouncing onto Alinar's chest and digging her claws into him. "It is time for you to die, pathetic little courier." Shaenalda's deep voice rumbled, preparing to bite into Alinar's kneck.

As her maw was mere inches away from his throat before Awilix charged her and used his shoulder to push her off. Awilix swiped his left paw at her face, scratching her once again.

"Retreat! Back to the cave!" He yelled at Alinar before howling to signal a retreat as the woman would retaliate with a bite to the arm. In frustration, Awilix dug his claws deep into her side until she released. "I will return for you." He said lowly, blood dripping from his body as he and the others retreated

Alinar growled as he glared at the female werewolf, but did as he was told running away from the clearing, clawing a few humans on his way out.

Somewhere in the Forest

Awilix sat, sitting on a large rock. The other surviving, albeit injured pack members were scattered around him, on the forest floor and in the trees. While the more medical inclined tend to the wounded, he was counting the number of people who survived. Twenty betrayed us....and seven dead. He thought to himself. That meant seventy-three pack members were left. It was still a good bit- but they are family, and those that were lost hurt him. He was about to speak when Alinar approached him- his one loyal general.

"Going back to the cave is a bad idea, Awilix. They know where that is." Alinar said in a worried, but grisly tone. When transformed into a werewolf, everything is changed, even the voice.

"I know, Alinar. But we know of no other home...and this was the only way we were going to escape and meet up." Awilix said in response, then looking over to the mender of his wounds. It was a young, brown-haired woman. It was obvious she was newly turned, having ripped some leaves off to cover her naked body- as she did not yet use to her newfound family and their usefulness to what was happening. Other menders could be seen transforming into human form to treat wounds. A young, semi-muscular packmate approached Alinar, with auburn shaggy hair to treat Alinar's wounds.

The messenger nodded at his packmate and kept in his form as he was taken care of, to make sure the spearhead didn't do more damage during his change. "Then I ask to be given a few wolves so we can scout out a new home," he said, looking at his alpha. "We might be able to defend our home for a while, but they could just set up at the entrance and starve us out."

It was obvious Awilix was deep in thought, taking several minutes to respond to his general, while his wound was tended to. But when he was ready, he looked back towards Alinar. "Nowhere is safe from the matter where we go, where we try to hide....there is no denying they will find us..." The Alpha said, stopping, but it was obvious he had something else to say, but he was actually worried and nervous to say it.

"Then we'll have to find a place where we'd be safe despite not being able to hide," Alinar said, hissing as the spear point was taken out. "As much as I hate to say it, Alpha, but we might have to find some allies of our own if we're going to survive this."

The alpha's eyes closed when he heard his general's last statement. He knew it was true and was at first going to say it himself...but could not bring himself to do it. Many in the wood elven communities disliked the werewolves, ever since the growing support for the moon goddess and not the god of the forest. "You are correct....we can stand no longer alone. We once protected the elves, but now we need them to help protect us.." Awilix said, looking around to the group as the woman mending his wounds finished up.

"Not sure it'll be that one-sided," the general said, sighing in relief as his injury was wrapped up. "Anyone we run into will probably be in similar straits as ourselves. If nothing else, we're warriors that can take down a score before we're taken out. At times like these, I don't think a leader worth their salt would turn a pack of pissed off werewolves down."

Awilix nodded. "Nyrean can't deny our help any longer....we need to stand united to defend the remaining villages of the Wood Elves, and just pray they don't reach Sylus and the Faeries." He said, finally standing up and shaking a little. The dried blood was all over his fur, making his fur matted.

"Shall I go and find the Priestess then?" Alinar asked, testing his balance as he got up as well. "Better to potentially lose one of the pack than to risk the rest."

Awilix shook his head. "There is nowhere else to go but east, so we might as well go as what we are, a pack. The Imperials are going to keep marching East, so it is not an option to split up, we will go to the wood elven capital together." Awilix said simply, waiting to see what his general says.

"Then we might as well get on our way," the messenger replied as he looked over the pack. "Unless we have a brother or sister too injured to move."

Awilix nodded to his general, moving about the werewolves sitting down and to those injured. He asked every single werewolf that had an injury if they were able to move until he came to a battle-scarred one, one of his most top fighters, who had gotten a brand new scar earlier. "Are you ok to move, Tanaek?" He asked his packmate, kneeling down to him. The grisly looking werewolf looked at the Alpha and a smirk appeared on his face. "Whenever have I not been?" Tanaek said simply, standing up with the Alpha.

The Alpha nodded in relief, giving him a pat on his large, furred shoulders. "Then I do believe it is the time we make it to the next town eastward!" He roared to his pack.

Alinar roared back with the rest of the pack in agreement, then once things quieted down a little, he asked, "Shall I take the front or the back, Alpha?"

"You know the way, Alinar. Lead them." He said, waiting for his pack to leave before chasing off after the multi-colored furred creatures. They howled as they darted across the forest floor, while the more lithe ones climbed and jumped tree limb to tree limb.

The brown-haired general set the pace on the ground, keeping a steady speed despite his injuries keeping him from going as he usually would. "Keep it going, brethren, we can sleep when our enemies are dead," he said.
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