Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Final Test


Inactive Member
In the forest under the shade of a large deciduous tree sat a Kee'Awloo young male Kee with cinnamon tan fur with a dark black streak over his tail. The youth sat crosslegged under the tree in a deep session of meditation in preparation to attempt to pass his master's final test and perform the final technique of the discipline on him using is own cunning and style. Blazing Rain was was hesitant at first because his master was such an imposing To'Yaree. But his desire to complete the training fueled the fire that drove him to be as good as he could. Breathing in deep measured breaths, Rain contemplated his arts and which would work best in the sequence.

It would be cheating to use my self-enhancement magic before the testing wouldn't it? Yes I believe it would, therefore I shall pass this obstacle with honor and prove myself. He thought as he opened his eyes and rose to his feet in a smooth motion and began to warm up and stretch out, not doing so could mean less fluidity and that was something he didn't need.

After a few moments of stretching he assumed his customary stance with his legs spread evenly with his knees slightly bent and most of his weight on his back leg then struck out with a few opem palm jabs and a hard front kick followed by a spinning heelkick and reassumed his stance and held it for a moment and let himself out of it slowly. "I feel prepared and ready." he smiled.
A Dy'Unnar monk, leaning heavily on a cane held in her right paw, limped over to the young Kee.

"Brother Blazing Rain?" She asked, as she walked in on his training. "I mean no intrustion. But, Master Iron Hoof is calling for you."

She said while turning and limping back to the monastary compound.
"Oh he is? Thank you sister." He said politely and turned to head back to the monastary compound. His thoughts raced for a moment with anxiety before he forced himself to focus inward and concentrate to not let it get the best of him. "May I provide some assistance Sister Krisla?" He asked out of courtesy, he knew one had to be self sufficient but one also had to be kind too. Blazing Rain knew he shouldn't keep Master Iron Hoof waiting too long though.
She stopped and looked over her shoulder to him. "Thank you. But, I am quite capable of walking on my own, brother." She said curtly. Before continuing on to the monastary.
Blazing Rain nodded to Krisla in acknowledgment, then got going headed back to the monastary at a brisk pace. It wasn't that far off anyway, he'd stayed close just in case something happened and he could be easily reached. Once getting on the grounds again, he slowed his pace and headed for where Iron Hoof was usually found, upon reaching the place he spoke quietly with respect. "You called for me Master Iron Hoof?"
"Blazing Rain, my boy." Iron Hoof said, with a slap on the back of the Kee'Awloo, nearly sending the smaller one pitching forward. "Have you devised a Cascade yet? These are the last few days for the final test."
Blazing Rain braced himself for the pat to resist having to take a step foward from the balance loss. "Yes Master Iron Hoof I have devised a cascade, and I am prepared for the final test." He answered confidently though he was still a little anxious inside.
"Good, good." The aged To'Yaree said while nodding. "Go get Kridla and the other students. They're in the main hall conducting meditation. Lead them to the proving grounds." Iron Hoof said as he turned to the right, and marched through a set of opened gates.
Rain nodded as Iron Hoof headed off through the opened gates, then the young Kee monk turned and started for the main hall. Once there he pushed the doors open and addressed Kridla as well as the other students. "Excuse my intrusion but Master Iron Hoof requests all of you to join him at the proving grounds, please follow me." He said.
Krisla looked up and nodded slightly to Blazing Rain. "We shall be there shortly, brother. You should go ahead and get ready. You'll need to be for the Master's test." The Dy'Unnar said as the acolytes broke meditation and began to leave.
Rain nodded and turned to leave exiting the main hall. Once he got out into the sunlight, he paused and stretched himself then continued on to the training grounds. Once he arrived he bowed to Master Iron Hoof and performed his stretches to make sure he doesn't mess up by lactic acid build up and such. "Sister Krisla and the others are on their way Master." He said.
Iron Hoof nodded solomnly to the young monk and calmly crossed his arms. "So, you're sure you're ready for this?" Iron Hoof asked as he watched Blazing Rain streach. Meanwhile the other students and Krisla entered and stood or sat around the outer wall of the grounds.

"All right boy, come and hit me with whatever you have."
Rain nodded solemnly as well as he finished his stretching. "I am sure I am prepared Master." He said quietly and assumed his stance. He had one hand out open palm style and one cocked back with his weight on his back leg and inhaled deeply and let himself relax for a moment. When Iron Hoof told him to show him what he had, Rain nodded and pushed off with his back foot and came in low. He was half expecting Iron Hoof to block anything that came in high; which was why he came in low and drove upward at his Master with a hard elbow aimed at the very base of his sternum.
Iron hoof raised a brow line as Blazing Rain came in low. It's shown in his eyes, he knows what the young Kee is going to do.

When Blazing came in with his elbow strike, Iron Hoof was already in motion, the young monk's striking hitting nothing but air as the Elder To'Yaree twisted his body to the side, his right arm raised for a mear second, before he swings it down with the rage and strength of a waterfall.
His eyes widened a bit when he realized Iron Hoof had moved outof the way and he didn't see him in front of him. He realized that he was off to his side and went with his momentum and rolled forward to avoid the downward blow. He braced his hands and pushed of bringing himself up onto his feet and considered his options for a moment. Then took a step forward then spun with all his force and attempted a spinning heelkick hoping to land it on Iron Hoof's back. Blazing Rain was expecting Iron Hoof to either duck under it or block it and prepared followup move in his mind just in case.
There was a crashing sound heard a second after Blazing Rain rolled forward to dodge the punch. When Blazing reoriented himself, he saw that Iron Hoof had shattered one of the marble arena tiles. A strike with that much force requires a second to recover, and Blazing's kick scores a hit, on the back of Iron Hoof's head, sending the To'Yaree down to both hands.

Snapping his head back, Iron Hoof fixes Blazing Rain with a look. He then cracks a smile and gives the youth a thunbs up and nod. "That's what I want to see boy. Keep it up." He said while raising to his hooves and setteling into a loose boxing stance, fists raised slightly above shoulder level and his legs spaces shoulder distance apart.
Blazing considered Iron Hoof's stance for a moment knowing that it meant he was more ready for attacks to the upper body. Engaging Iron Hoof in that combat mode would be suicide because the Kee wasn't as strong or as tough as his master. Deciding to try and go low again, Blazing closed the distance between them preparing to go for what seemed to be a straight punch to the jaw, he kept his eyes on Iron Hoof's to make him believe that was his true intent. With such a move he was aware his master would block it and possibly counter, but that would also leave him open to another attack.
Iron Hoof crossed his right arm infront of his face, prepared to intercept the incoming punch, and himself was readying a gut shot, his left arm lowered and held tight to his stomach.
I see what he's going to do. Rain thought when he noticed Iron Hoof's arm going up to block then the left one cock back for a gut shot. His fist collided with Iron Hoof's arm as expected, but Rain had his left hand incoming to deflect his master's counter. He hoped to deflect the incoming attack then spin around behind Iron Hoof to elbow him in the back to hopefully make him stagger forward. If his timing was off even by a hair this would end in disaster possibly or at least a nice size lump. Rain also hoped to perform his cascade if the opening was created by this, chances were low though.
Blazing Rain was correct in his assesment, as Iron Hoof's fist sprag forward like a cannonshell when the inital punch was blocked. his redirection caused Iron Hoof to stagger for a second, as the punch, which was along his balance line was redirected and the inerta from the punch's power made him take a wide step to the side.

Iron Hoof then took another step forward, when Rain's elbow connected sharply with the small of his back.