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RP: 5th XF [Finished]Docks and Dynamite

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Kayto Styles

Inactive Member
Elsar heard the pilot saying he was switching off manual flight for docking procedures. He had only received his orders the other day and yet he was on a shuttle readying to dock with the Command Groups Ayame Cruiser YC-151. The whole fleet if he could would get new modifications to their weapon systems if his ideas ran smoothly.

A loud pop and clicking sounds brought him out of his thoughts. They were docking the air locks and he'd be walking into his new environment. At least the first one till they passed him around until they were comfortable where they put him.

Glancing back to the cargo area of the shuttle he noticed a few boxes he had brought along. This wasn't his personal stash but the Army's. With this much Plasma power cores he should have enough to upgrade the bulk of the Command Group. The hiss of the airlocks decompressing brought him to his feet and smoothed out his uniform.

"I'll leave the unloading to you guys." He was addressing the pilots who just looked over their seats to look at him. "Well since I don't know where it's going. Just get it out of the hall and I'll take it from there."

He gave a salute and hit the keypad on the side of the decompression tunnel and stepped in to cross the boundery of simple life to life in the deep darkness of space.

"Wounder if there's a party for me.. doubt it." He was talking more to himself since there was no one around him anyways the pilots where still loading the crates onto the carts.

The other airlock door slid open and he stepped onto docking bay threes main corridor of the YC-151 empty without a sign of any welcoming.... yet.
A brow raised as Yoshike was headed down the corridor back to her shuttle, someone waving for her attention. "Shosa...there is a problem here I need you to look at.â€
His hands where up slightly just at the sides of his head but his facial expression showed something a lot less then surprise or worry. His words came out as casual as if he was expecting no less.

"Wow I get a brief party after all." He waited as he was stripped of his side arms and didn't pose to be in any hurry to protest. "In all honesty I was thinking of starting upgrades from the back and work to the front other then having to back track from the way I came, Ma'am. But I guess I was out of line, just have these guys push me to my cell."

He was still smiling his uniform still holding smooth without a so much as a thread out of place.

"Oh and could you take care of that shipment? That's my lives work in those things. And I was planning on contacting the ShôShô in my change of planning just to try and be more efficient.."

True he hadn't completed the complete phase of negatively charging the plasma but he could still calibrate these ships weapons slightly, but still effective. Once the guard took the EMP-P1A off his left hip Elsar pointed out to him.

"Can you keep that safe for me? It's one of a kind ya know. Though I'm curious how do you say it holds in your hand?"

He shut up as he was getting stern looks. "Yeah" He thought. "This is going to cost me a rank or two."
The security guards did not have the sense of humor that Elsar would have hoped, taking his weapon and sliding it into a plastic bag to be put into protective storage. Meanwhile Yoshike said "Your orders did not include this equipment or anything else. You sit down and shut up...â€
Elsar was still smiling boldly. That's when it happen. A radio communication clicked to life and buzzed a man was yelling into the communicator to Yoshike.

"Ma'am If you read me incapacitate that man immediately! I repeat incapacitate that man immediately! He may be infected! Ma'am to you read! That man may be infected with a Parasitic Mishhu! Do you copy over!" The radio buzzed back out ending the transmission as quickly as it had come to being.

Elsar hadn't moved having not noticed the transmission he just sat there smiling looking at the screen. On closer inspection she would be able to see he was repeatedly keying in the words, "Death is coming death is coming." instead of a report. Yet even with all that going on he looked completely human.

Back On the YC-151

The whole guard was on high alert the two pilot's that had brought Elsar to the YC-151 had just died their chest exploding from the inside out releasing a swarm of about 6 Mishhu per pilot into the air lock corridor. Yet thanks to a quick acting Santo Hei the crates that were actually carrying Mishhu eggs along with 10 of the parasites that had broken out of the pilot's were jettisoned from the YC-151 before they could enter. That only left 2 of those disgusting things left on the ship with the guards hunting them down in full force.

Back on the Shuttle

Elsar still hadn't stopped smiling and it seemed he wasn't taking on any transformation or suffering from any type of pain. She couldn't just kill him without being sure that he was in fact a Mishhu that only left stunning him till they got to some place with medical help to check him over.
Onboard the shuttle

Yoshike rose from her seat, her eyes widened as the transmission came through. A single shot fired from one of the security personnel's Type 28A, set on stun towards Elsar's chest which would effectively stun him and anything inside of him.

Yoshike said "Message the Akuro; tell them of our situation...â€
*His body shook violently and unnaturally as he fell forward onto the floor in a heap. His body still twitched hear and there but other then that no sign of movement to get up showed, nor did anything looked to be trying to burst out of him.

The data pad slid out in front of him just over his head and displayed on the screen repeated over and over again was...

Death is coming death is coming to the bipeds. Long and slow death is coming and we are the bringersssssssssss

His thumb was still holding the key down from the last button he had pushed before being stunned.
The order was given and the airlock opened. Armored soldiers rushed in grabbing Elsar while medical officers looked over and spoke to Yoshike and the crew.

The soldiers dragged him through the corridor, others followed behind with their guns trained on him as he was taken to the Medical Laboratory and put into stasis.

A report was sent to the bridge giving the all clear.


Yoshike settled down after being thoroughly checked out by the medical staff. She burried her head in her hands and slid down the wall. Tears streamed from her face..

To be continued
It was fortunate for Elsar that a ship with the facilities of the Akuro was in the fleet. Otherwise there would have been no hope other than to ST transfer his essence into another body. The medical staff was prepared to do so if things got out of hand, but they were confident they could go about removing the parasite.

The parasite had situated itself deep into Elsar's pelvis. After being in stasis the medical team had their hands full to keep the parasite inactive so that they could remove it from Elsar. There was not only a need to keep the parasite alive so that it could be put into stasis again for later study, but to preserve Elsar. A team stood by ready to do a transfer if the need arose.

Four hours of surgery and over twenty pints of synthesized blood. The parasite was quickly rushed to the stasis chamber again so that it could be maintained dormant.

There were many questions that would be asked to Elsar once he would awake from sudation which would be at anytime. The ShôShô and a selection of her officers would be summoned at that time.
A low groan rolled out through Elsars throat and he turned his head. As soon as he did this his body heaved and he threw up off the side of the bed. A mild amount of blood and a mucus coated membrane lay out on the floor in the pale green liquid.*

"Uhhohh fuck t-that felt b-bad.. but at l-l-least I-I felt it..." His head was having a hard time piecing the words together how he wanted them to be maybe some after effect of having another conscience being having had control of him. "W-where the 'ell am I?" His eyes were trying to bring into focus what was around him trying to get used to the light. "Somebody get these d-damn l-l-lights out of my f-face!" He moved his arm up to try and shield some of it from his face as he spoke but when he yelled it only made him gag and he turned his head once more to dry heave.

Two security officers entered the ICU of the Akuro's massive medical laboratory, speaking lowly to a nurse they said "We have to take him now, up to see the ShoSho..." The two NH-17's looked over towards Elsar, until the nurse handed them a padd, to give to Katsuko who had ordered his move. They approached the table, literally tilting it upwards and wheeling it out into the corridor towards one of the lifts. Katsuko said to Akina as they boarded the lift "Ever done an interrogation before?" she ran a hand over her issued sidearm, just to make sure it was secure in its holster. Despite the fact that the Mishhu had been removed a certain level of caution was in order. After all, the man could in fact have been a willing party; an enemy to the empire. Regardless the fact remained that he had many questions to answer. The Shosa nodded. "Mmmm..once or twice ma'am. We had our share of Mishhu incursions. I've stood by for a few as well..for one reason or the other." she replied evasively. "There was formal training when I was a senior NCO." The woman rested her hand on the type 28A2 NSP in it's holster for a moment.

In the corridor outside of briefing room two, six security officers stood outside the door, awaiting the arrival of Katsuko or Elsar. A low conversation between them "I hear he tried to board one of the cruisers with a ship full of explosives.." another answered "I don't care what he done, ‘ya have to remember it was the Mishhu." the one who had spoken originally piped up "Bah...Still, I think she will make meatloaf outta him." silence droned after the doors to the lift opened, not Katsuko yet..but the leader of their team joined them in the corridor.

Glad to be away from the mess he had made in the ICU but not so much so at being wheeled around like he was helpless he spoke out to the otherwise silent officers. "I can walk ‘ya know. I've got legs let me use ‘em. You can even keep a gun pressed against me just let me at least walk and retain some dignity won't you?" Still the silence wore on and he just sighed letting them wheel him around like some helpless cripple or worse yet a lab rat being transported for pokes and pricks. Either way this wasn't going to look to good on his record.....

"Sit down..." Obvious they weren't entertained to hear his about his dignity. The lift doors closed and they headed towards the deck where briefing room two was

Katsuko smiled saying "We will need some relief afterwards, dinner or something." The doors of the lift hissed open and Katsuko emerged first. The Corridor was quiet, just the way she liked it. The enlisted sentries saluted as she passed and proceeded into the briefing room with Akina, taking her usual seat at the head of the table. Shimizu was close behind, nodding to the sentries before the doors slid shut. She took her own seat along the table, to the right of her commander, keeping her right hand below the table.

The motion was starting to make his stomach feel uneasy but luckily for all of them he had already vomited all his stomach contents in the ICU. Still trying to break the ice and get some form of emotional contacted with another living being that wasn't living inside of him he spoke again. "Do you guys still have my weapons? I had a prototype with me. It's safe right?" Another thought came to him from the matters that had arisen. "That ship I came on! It's infested they were hauling eggs in that crate we gotta turn around and take it out!" He didn't know how long he had been out nor did he know if the matter had been taken care of. "They didn't take over the ship did they? There not spreading through our ranks right?" He wanted some comfort in the matter since it was partly his fault they had gotten so close to the fleet.

"Shut up, save your story for the ShoSho." the lift door opened and they wheeled him down the hall. The looks in the security team's eyes, each of them watched him not taking their eyes off them. One of them, you could tell she had something to say but didn't. They then pushed him into the conference room, putting him so he faced Katsuko and Akina..

Katsuko's eyes were piercing; they seemed to go right through him. No attempt to fix her hair or make-up or her usual happy smile, it had faded the moment he entered the briefing room. She stiffened her posture in the chair. She looked down at her padd saying to him " Ittô Heisho Iggagomi, I am ShoSho Motoyoshi Katsuko..." she quieted, nodded to Akina at her side, waiting for her first officer to address the man.

The red-haired Yamataian's expression darkened, as she stared threateningly at the Nepleslian. "Shosa Shimizu." she stated curtly.

Shifting in the chair he tried to make himself presentable and gave a salute the best that his current motor functions would allow him. "Ma'am's" He didn't try to break into a plea or some form of conversation to get the truth out of them. He knew what this was he knew why he was here and was almost slightly relieved. "At least I'm not going to be a science experiment.." He muttered to himself as he directed his gave toward the metallic green eyes of the red headed woman.

"Would that make you feel better? Maybe justify the fact that your actions, governed by your own accord or the Mishhu's, that four pilots are dead and a sentry aboard one of my cruisers is in serious condition?" She rose from her seat, her hand resting upon her sidearm. Her greyish silver eyes were like ice as they worked over his form. He looked like hell, but what was unusual about that for his race. Save maybe the blood and other such products which still coated the sheets where he sat. He reminded her of a wounded soldier, but she wouldn't dare show that kind of compassion.

"In other words, you failed to complete a standard pre-deployment medical screening? Do you know just how many places in the Empire's Army there are to that, solider? Their lives are on your hands!" Akina yelled, remaining in her seat. "So just what would you have us do? We can't be certain how you were even infected." she finished, waiting for answers to her barrage of questions.

"If you had any doubts that I wasn't properly treated then I wouldn't be here right now. Ma'am." He plugged on at the end rather quickly. "It was more of a reassurance to myself that I was back to my self and not still in control of that parasitic slime. And further more if you think I would be willing to consider playing hosts to something as vile as that you should not have even brought me up here to judge me. This is already humiliating enough as is having been host to that things will. Would anyone honestly give control of themselves over to a creature that eats your insides like a tape worm then burst out of you!" He had forgotten to address them as ma'am at the end but he was slightly distraught by the whole thing.

A brow rose "So how do you think you were infected?" the Admiral totally ignored his outburst. A typical man who obviously would rather get angry than be informative. He having not answered a single of Akina's questions, Katsuko repeated "And being infected why didn't you take the mandatory pre screening before coming here? I want answers...and damn fast."

The XO kept her eyes locked on the sickly man. Typical..just like the cook this morning.

Recollecting his thoughts over the jumble of words he was having trouble keeping together he regained his composure and looked Katsuko square in the eyes. "I was infected en route to my assignment on 5th Fleet... We encountered a downed civilian transport ship. The communications were down and it was drifting... the pilots agreed to check it out in case some one needed assistance." He shifted in his seat as he recalled some unpleasant memories. "There was only one person aboard and she didn't look to good. I returned to the ship for medical supply's and by time I returned both pilots were standing over her body shaking their heads and directed me back to the shuttle. Last thing I remember was turning around to return.

The Flag Admiral drew her sidearm and fired a single shot, a streak of blue zipped past the top of Elsar's head as she said, yelling now "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU COMMUNICATE WITH COMMAND...ANY STRAY IN FLIGHT PLAN IS TO BE REPORTED..." she was angry now, she continued on him "You DARE to tell me that you found something suspicious about the behavior of two pilots at a check point....instead of following procedure you decided to search the cargo unattended? You sir, have little respect for the Empire...Procedure is to be followed."

"If the pilots didn't know that sure as hell gives you no excuse!" Akina continued, unphased by the drawing of a weapon, this was actually rather tame for an interrogation. "Who do you think were blasted into the vacuum of space!? Do you realize how many soldiers could have died because of this?!" she screamed, lurching forward in her chair a moment. He certainly didn't seem concerned with the lives that had been lost, for whatever reason.

Rather used to projectiles whizzing by him he didn't give way to the shot and thought he probably should have to at least follow suit with this interrogation. "GETTING us to" He stressed the word to as if she had missed it the first time around. "our check point. We were a day out from it what did you want me to do step up to the both of them and confront them on their behavior and ask to radio in ahead about what was going on all by my hunch alone? I was taught better then that and set out to get viable proof to perform an act of mutiny on that ship. It's not like I have any piloting skills." He wet his lips as his steel gray eyes turned back to Akina. "If you want to blame the deaths of those that died while serving their duty on me since it was my outer appearance and not actually me that was in control then be my guest. I am sorry that they died and I lived if I could have given myself away and gotten killed before it had the chance to escalate that far I would have and believe me I was trying but every one of my motor functions were being controlled. I was literally choking on my own thoughts to break free."

He sunk his head and shook it solemnly. "The only reason I'm even trying to clear my name instead of having you kill me is so I don't bring shame to my family's name. Check my serves records a large sum of my income goes to may parents each week. The army provides me with the basics of what I require and for that I am thankful." He was trying to hold back the thoughts of disgracing his family's name and then remembered to end his little speech with. "Ma'ams"

Suddenly the commander seemed to calm, yet her words were laced with a more sharp tone "So, instead of risking your own neck. You decided to wait until the shuttle got to it's destination so that others could loose their lives for your cowardice..." She looked down at the pad, typed a few things in and looked back up. Not giving him the chance to respond she asked another question "So do you think you are to be blameless?â€
The following morning, Katsuko had cancelled her usual breakfast. Made her rounds on the bridge and then proceeded to the starboard docking area. Security forces had already arrived with Elsar. His hands bound in cuffs. Katsuko arrived, along with two of her sentries, no doubt Akina was shortly behind her. She had not seen her this morning. She looked at Elsar and said "Anything you wish to say, feel free to. A statement will be sent to your next of kin along with a report of what happened here." Shimizu Shosha, in her white-paneled bodysuit, casually strolled up behind the detachment, and stood slightly behind the Admiral. Her hair was bunched together in one very long doubled ponytail. In addition to her sidearm, a survival knife was in it's grey sheath strapped around her thigh.

Good morning, ma'am. She transmitted to the local area before attending to the proceedings.

"I have no next of kin and I've told you what to do about my parents." Lifting both hands since they were cuffed together he scratched his chin as he thought. "But you could tell whoever dives into my research notes that I still hadn't found a way to compress the nano-machines in a safe casing that wouldn't destroy them on impact..." Lowering his hands back into his lap he leaned back staring off above their heads waiting for them to get it over with.

Katsuko looked to Akina answering "Good Morning..." She then raised her left hand, motioning for the two sentry Neko's to put Elsar in the airlock. Akina snapped to attention as the order was being read, a cold expression on her face. She said "Under the authority of the Star Army of Yamatai, I am authorized to order and carry out the executions of anyone who endangers the lives of others. You sir are responsible for the deaths of 4 pilots. You were negligent in your duties which lead to your infection by the Mishhu." She nodded to his requests...

He sat there now staring through the window of the airlock. Now that he could stand up without being forced back to his seat he pressed his forehead against the glass so they could get a good look at the show that wanted.

The inner airlock hissed closed...Her hand reached for the panel..she tapped the sequence in and the outer airlock door slid open....She whispered lowly "Hopefully...if there's something you believe in. It will be more forgiving than I..."

Akina could already see well enough as needed. She was hoping indifferently this would be over quickly, and normal duties could resume.

The first ten seconds when he was exposed were the longest where he had remained conscious gasping for air. After that he was out cold and falling back to the ground where his body began to swell to about twice it's normal size and twitch uncontrollably. Soon after he was floated out into the coldness of space blood seeping out from his cold dead eyes and mouth.
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