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Firefox browser formating pains

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Retired Staff
I'm a Firefox browser user. I love Firefox. I have the most recent version too... but ever since I switched from IE to FF, I began to have some difficulties with the formating of forum posts.

Which difficulties? It's nothing big... but it does get irritating overtime: Everytime I click a formating button such as [b] [i] [u]
I have a simmilar experiance and, unfortunatly do not know how to prevent it, but I join with you in requesting that someone save me from having scroll through the entire text when I post!

It's annoying, especially when your players write in ittallics quite a lot!

(I actually don't, I never have a reason to.)
Thirded. (Work is slow and I'm reading budgets.)

I just learned most of the code I use most often and type it manually.
Does this happen even when you highlight what you want formated then click the button?
*nods in agreement with Zakalwe* And clicking on the button itself always sends the code thing down at the end of the text document and not where the text cursor currently is.

Peng was nice enough to answer, but the channel is really just filled with a bot stating when bug reports are recieved... and that happens about 5 to 10 times a minute. Not the best place to ask for info after all and the number of bug reports leave me unsure of if it's an issue that can be attended just through bug submissions - it's been months since I've had that problem and it hasn't been solved.
Double post for bumpage to the people interested:

I found a promising thread in the Firefox forum that pointed to extensions that could be added to the Firefox browser for certain types of message boards. While it doesn't make the post format editing buttons work, it does add a contextual menu where the user can apparently select the text he wants formatted, right click to open his contextual menu and then select the formating option he'd want.

I say apparently because I haven't tried. I'm personally more interested in finding how to make the buttons work right in the first place, so, I'll keep looking. for those interested in my find though... just click on the link and go read about the extensions:

http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic ... 39#1721439


Additionally, I found this thread:
http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic ... 20#1366120

It outlines almost precisely the problem we've been experiencing and points the contextual menu extension above as the most effective counter to it - again.
*volunteers to test the extension*

Testing out BBCodeXtra...

It works fine. Just hi-light, and then right-click on the text box and watch the magic happen.

Download it here.

Say it with me: I <3 Firefox.

This is kinda cool.

Y'know what's weird though, is that I can't get center to work.
Yeah, but the length of your post doesn't necessarely indicate that it won't skip back up if you have several pages worth of text (as in, you're testing, but only writing a few lines instead of pages worth of text).

Anyone tried editing a longer text with it to see if there was a repeat on that, or are we saved from restarting on the top of the document and having to scroll back down to search where we were adding tags in the first place?
Before I posted my 'It does' comment I made sure it was longer than the box. It didn't go up to the top.

(I later deleted the spaces so not to waste space.)
I see.

Well, I completed my research over the Firefox message boards and couldn't seem to find anything relevant to the normal use of the buttons usually meant for putting the formating tabs correctly in the first place. Personally, I'm a bit tired of sifting though pages and pages of info trying to find one particular bit, so, I'll conclude my research on that note. (I mean, I already have enough content browsing to do in the SARP ^_^;;; )
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