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RP: 188604 First of Many Things

  • Thread starter Thread starter Samanthia
  • Start date Start date


Cyrus let out a deep breath as he knocked on the cabin door. Today was the day that he would win her over. He just hoped that he wouldn't screw it up. He smoothed out his cloths and looked over his roses. 'I look fuckin ridiculus. I can't believe Uso talked me in to this...' He thought.

Errowyn just stepped off the bridge seeing Cyrus at her cabins door with flowers. "Shes not in." She spoke up. standing in the open doorway to the bridge with grease on her cheeks, hair tied back. wearing coveralls.

He turned around and , with mock saddness, trudded over to her. "Damn it all... I got dressed up and everything." He teased, handing her a dozen red roses. "How did your trip go sweet heart?" He asked.

"The trip was .. well a trip. I got my Hellfire missile for 5." Taking the flowers and savoring the smell of them.

"Yeah..." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Uso might have told me..." He said looking away. "Any who..." He quickly replied changing the subject. "I thought you would like to go on a nice quiet date. I actually have a nice evening set out if you would like?" He asked holding out his hand.

"Like this? " Errowyn eyes widened. "Let me at least clean up." She pushed passed Cyrus, "I will meet you in the lounge." She entered her cabin on the ship, letting the door close behind her. She put the roses in a pencil holder and added water to them. She cleaned up, wondering what to wear. All of her good stuff was in the palace or out at the Cabin on the lake. Too bad she couldnt teleport. She sighed as she put on the dirty coverall and boots. She exited the Cabin and marched to the lounge.

Cyrus sat down in the lounge and waited. He looked over at Errowyn as she marched in and gave her a soft hearted smile. "If you want I can have someone bring you some dresses from the palace, or we could just stay here." He said tilting his head. "Sorry that I put you on the spot dear."

"I know at least in the romance novels, both should in their best. I can get to my room faster than running through the palace." Errowyn spoke with a smile. "Meet me in thirty minutes in the main entrence hall." She left the F6 Queens Slave. And floated up to her room balconey.. And then entered from the big glass doors into her room. She began to really give herself a make over. Brushing out her hair after she got rid of the coveralls. She brushed out her hair and let hang loose in waves down her back. Then she put on a light feminine blue Victorian Style gown. She put on the matching multipurpose slippers. Underneath the gown within easy reach were her two commando knives on her thighs and her service pistol was in a clutch bag she had picked up while on the supply run.

Errowyn walked down to the main entrance a few minutes late. She squirmed at the lustful stares from the Rag-Mercs that were pulling gaurd duty in the palace. Seeing that Cyrus hadnt shown up yet, she sat in one of the more comfortable clean chairs.

Cyrus milled about as he waited for Errowyn. He walked around the courtyard, staring at the cloud rolling by. He was lost I thought when he looked down at his watch to see that he was late. "Shit!" He cursed running up to great hall entrance. As he rounded the corner he looked at Errowyn and it took everything he had to keep his jaw off the floor. "E... you look beautiful..." He said walking up to her, making a slight bow. He took her hand and kissed it. "Are you ready for a night to remember?"

"I am ready." She stood up, but he still towered over her. "Where we going?" She was curious as to where they was going. Anything was better than here at the palace.

"Its a supprise..." He said with a mischevious grin. He took her hand and walked outside to the awaiting Ragnacopter. As the walked onboard the ramp closed and they took off.

Several minutes later he looked out the window and smiled. "It took a lot of convincing and bribes but I was able to swing this place and full staff for the weekend." He said pointing out the window. It was the ruling family's summer home. Staffed by Ragnarok Mercs playing the roles of serveants. "How would you like to be a queen for the weekend?"

Errowyn saw the place they was heading towards. She smiled delihtfully. Then the smile lessened at seeing the Merc. "I would rather be just plain ole me." She settled back on the seat and enjoyed the ride to the Summer home of the Ex-Ruling Familys. She looked at Cyrus. "This is costing you a fortune. Whose guarding 5?"

Cyrus smiled kissing her on the cheek. "I know baby, but I had to compromise with Uso. I had to have a guard detail here." He looked over at her. "And don't worry about 5. I have men still stationed at the landing pad. There watching over it like a hawk. Just enjoy being queen, and I will handle the rest." He said leaning his head against her's.

Errowyn nodded. She waited patiently for the helicopter to land and shut down. "Thank you." She smiled. "Unless Uso or you guys need me to fly Airsupport. I'm going to take 5 to the Station where we got the cargo containers and the stuff you guys ordered."

As the Ragnacopter touched down and the ramp opened Cyrus stood and gestured down the ramp where a small compliment of soldiers saluted. "Attention!" The Sgt called as Errowyn appeared. Cyrus looked over to her, offering his arm. "Your home awaits your highness." He said smiling broadly.

Errowyn took his arm, motioned him lead the way. She walked at his side off the copter and headed to the home. She enjoyed the fresh air and the well tended gardens that were showing signs of neglect. "I hope you retained some of the staff here for cooks." She murmured to Cyrus as they closed on the house front entrance.

"Oh don't worry about that." He said as the front doors burst open, allowing multiple maids and butlers to spill out. Cyrus sighed. 'Had to sell the bar, but as long as she is happy.' He thought smiling at her. One of the main walked up to the pair. "Good evening madam. Welcome to you're new summer home. If you have need of anything, please just ask." The man said bowing and stepping aside. 'This might empty my accounts...' he thought again.

Errowyn nodded to the gentleman with a smile. "Thank you." She replied politely to the man. "Shall we go inside?" She looked up at Cyrus. "Unless you have dinner located elsewhere?"

He shook his head. "Inside." He said as he began walking again. They walked through the doors and into the lavish estate. He lead her through the halls and into the dinning room. "He we are." He said pulling out her chair for her to sit.

She took the offered seat and got comfortable. "Beautiful place. Almost as decandently luxurious as the Empress of Yamatia Palace." She smiled warmly at Cyrus. Then took in the surround decor. "I am surprised that Uso hadn't taken this over."

Cyrus smiled kissing her on the forehead. "I owe her, and a lot of other people for that matter." He said shrugging his shoulders. "As long as you have a good time than that is all that matters to me." He said smiling as the chief brought out the food.

Eroowyn smiled softly. "I'm enjoying myself all ready." She watched the chefs bring the food out and served it up. She was enjoying the aromas of the food as it was being served. "I think I may move here permently. Build a hanger nearby where I can protect 5 from the elements."

Cyrus just smiled and nodded. "If that is what you want then I can get that arragned. Anything for you your highness." He teased lightly. The food was several local deliciouslys, all prepared with finess. By the time they had finished eating, the sun had fully set. Cyrus turned to her as the desert plates were taken away. "What did you think? Food fit for a queen?" He asked.

"It was very delicious. Who cares about kings and queens. This was very nice!" She softly exclaimed. She leaned back in her chair relaxing, sipping on the after dinner wine.

Cyrus smiled. "Glad you liked it." He said, downing his own glass of scotch."Ready for the grand tour?" He asked offering his hand to her.

"Love to!" She exclaimed as she took his hand stood up. "Lead the way My Lord."

Cyrus chuckled. "Of course my queen." He said as he walked her throught the estate. He showed her the palor room, the study, etc. All leading up to her room. "You are going to like this." He said as he threw the door open. "Here is a room fit for the woman I love." He said geasturing into the master bedroom.

"Oh my..." Errowyn gasped at the size of the four poster king size bed. "You could fit an army on that bed and still have room left over!" She looked over the room that was highly decorated in some dark wood paneling that showed the grain in lighter swirling patterns. Beautiful paintings of the countryside. From open savanahs to wooded hills and towering majestic peeks that was covered in snow. Blazing sunsets over storm tossed wave pounding some coastline. The furniture was darken with usage, yet in perfect state as if it was made just yesterday. She slowly spun around in taking in the base relief carving of vines and flowers running up the walls and around each of the wood paneling. The privacy screen was of the finest cloth with esquisite embriodery of assorted flowers and baby animals intermingled with the plants. The fireplace was of highly polished granite and a small fire was lit. The floor was covered with animal skins with the heads and claws still attachted. The big french style glass doors that lead out to the balconey that over looked the pools and the formal gardens. She flung them open and moved out onto the balconey. That had potted plants place tactfully around to provide privacy and protection. The chairs were deeply cushoined with matching footrest stools. Placed around the room, the clear glass lamps were lit up with candles, giving the room a soft golden sheen off the highly shined reflective surfaces of the wooden furniture. The tall wardrobe like closets were also intricately carved of assorted flowers that complimented the decor of the place. The vanity table mirror was framed with gold carved vines and flowers.

Cyrus smiled and stood off in the corner as Errowyn took in the room. He had called in the best interior designer he could find an completly desgined the room around Errowyn's prefrence. He had caught little tid bits about what she would want in her room on the ship, and attempted to cram all that into the room and more. As she looked over the balcony, he walked up and smiled. "What do you think my beautiful queen?" He asked.

"I died and gone to paradise!" She fell back onto the bed, sinking into the quilted blankets and soft matteress.

He moved and sat down next to her. "I'm glad you like it." He said taking her hand.

"Like it! I love this room. I have dreamed it after reading some romance novel. The author was crappy at description, but he could sure draw though." Errowyn sighed softly. "This room reminds me of the Heroines bedroom."

He smiled laying down next to her. "Yeah, I might have used that as the rough guide for your room." He kissed her softly. "I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me. You are my everything." He said smiling.

She looked up at him, the soft golden light and contrasting shadows played on her features. Her black hair semi fanned out from her flopping back on the bed framing her face. "Make sure the craftmen get a bonus. I love it!" She returned the kisses with soft caresses as Errowyn spoke softly. "Excuse me for a sec." She got up and moved to the vanity and laid her purse and then removed her combat knives from her thighs, letting him see her legs as she removed them. She added them to the purse on the vanity.

Errowyn then ran and dove onto the bed with childlike abandon. "Yeah-es! " She rolled over, grabbing Cyrus hand in hers. She sat up as she pulled him closer and giving him a passionate kiss.

Cyrus was taken aback at the kiss at first, but returned it with just as much passion. He broke away for a second, looking into her eyes. "I want you to know that... that you are my everything E... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you." He said scanning her face, trying to read her response.

Errowyn looked at him blankly. expressionless. She placed a finger on his lips, "Lets just live for the moment." She spoke softly. "No commitments, no regrets." She was a realist, yet a dreamer. She leaned foward as she removed her finger from his lips and kissed him.

Cyrus kissed her back. It wasn't the answer he was looking for, but he could live with it. His hands roamed from her head, slowly stopping at her hips. He broke the kiss again and looked at her. "I can live with that." He said as he pulled her close and kissed her collarbone.

She enjoyed his closeness as she let him pull her close to him. She hugged him pressing her clothed feminine physique against his masculine one. She gently held him as she semi-laid on him.

Cyrus laid back against the bed and brought his hand up to her face. He softly traced the outline of her face, his cold steel hand gently meeting her warm soft skin. "Wish I could feel your face with actual fingers." He half joked. He gave her a sad smile. "Sorry." He replied.

"What about the rest of you?" She shyly asked. Looking at him in the eyes, she laid on him.

He blushed. "That would be nice..." He said stupidly. He meantly facepalmed himself. 'Well that was stupid...' he thought. He quickly removed the thought from his mind as he leaned his head aginst hers. "I would like that very much." He replied softly kissing her neck.

"So you are all artificial?" Errowyn pulled away and rolled off the bed. She moved to the open french windows with her easy quiet graceful movements. Only the rustle of cloth was heard.

Cyrus's eyes went wide once he realized what he said. "No, no, no." He said quickly. "My arms, legs, and eye are artifical. The rest of me is flesh and blood." He said sitting up.

Errowyn stood in the open french doorway, half of her was lit up by candles and the other side was dark. She looked at him and one eye on the darkside glowed brightly as other one glowed, but not as bright. She stood there looking at him as the soft breeze blow her dark hair across her face. She was motionless, just watching him. She suddenly took a deep inhale, making her chest rise and then fall at the exhale. She turned and stepped out into darkness of the night on the balconey.

He slowy stood up and followed her outside. "I'm sorry, is it something I said?" he asked softly as he followed her outside.

"I am sorry." Errowyn spoke softly. "I was maybe expecting something different. Instead of coming out here. Maybe a night on the town. Dancing." She leaned against the railing as she stared out into the star lit grounds of the estate."Mingling with the locals." She spun and faced him. "Ever since I've been here. Its with some brat of a kid or Uso or you." She spun to again, to face outward. "This place is awesome. But I feel the timing is off." She glanced up at him. The glow in her eyes had gone dark.

Cyrus stood there dumbfounded. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. He looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry..." He said turning and looking over the room he had worked on. As nice as it was, she must have felt like a bird trapped in a cage. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "If that is what you want, I'll arrange it. I'll..."

"No!" She yelled interrupting him. "Make it spontanious! without the guards! Without the helicopters. Just the two of us!" She spun and looked up at him. "Maybe you should read some of my romance novels. Then maybe ... maybe you will have an Idea. in that lead fill circuit board of a brain!" Eyes flared with quick anger and then fades as her temper.

Cyrus was shocked for a moment. He attempeted to keep his face blank, but his eye betrayed his feelings. He was hurt. It was only his first relationship and was trying his best, but only seem to fuck everything up. He slowly turned and walked to the fireplace and sat. He didn't speak, he just waited for her anger to fade first. Hell hath no fury like a women scorned was the old saying.

She came back into the room, after letting a few minutes pass. "I will reemburst you for the cost."

"No." He said softly. "It was a gift... You didn't want the gift and that is fine." He replied attempting to hide the tear in his eye.

"The cabin on the lake Island was the finest gift you have given me, Cyrus. l am just a machine for war. All of my knowledge after I was created was learned but no experience to back it up."

He tilted his head towards her, still trying to hide his feelings. "I'm sorry, but I am trying." He said slowly "You were my first kiss, my first date, my first everything. I didn't have time for relationships before now because I was to busy trying to make sure that others could have a future and nearly losing mine in the process." He said softly. "After that day, it hit me that I was so busy saving everyone else that I almost didn't make it myself, without getting to see what else life had to offer me." He finished slowly. He turned back and looked back to the fire as the tear fell. "Sorry, I don't know where that came from..." He said quickly wiping away the tear.

Errowyn settled next to him, with her back towards the fire. She had seen the tear fall, as she listened to him. "I.... I didnt know. I thought all soldiers had at least several women." She hugged her knees to her and rested her chin on her knees. "Including you. You looked so worldy and made me feel pretty. Not just another Neko that Yamatia grinds out in time of war. And then let loose like yesterday garbage." She sighed softly. "I should be the one apologizing to you."

He rested his head on hers. "It's fine. Most would assume that, but I just wasn't rasied that way." He said softly. "My family was all military. Mom, dad and siblings. I lived with my grandparents and since I could walk, was taught that my place was to live and die for the corp. I wasn't allowed to go out and play with anyone. I was allowed to train and read books. If that wasn't enough work then my grandparents found me something else to do. As long as they made me the best damn marine in the corp. That is all they wanted from me..." He turned to her. "When they found out that I liked to cook, I was throughly scolded. 'Marines don't cook, they fight and die.'" He said in mock imatation of his grandfather. "Needless to say, I was conditioned for one thing only. To die for the imperium." He finished softly, shuddering from the memory.

"At least you had a chance to live a lot longer. And to have choices. Whether you was conditioned or not." Errowyn spoke softly. "Right out of the vat on my awakening I was tested for 2 or 3 months before I was sent out to fight. But then. I was a fully grown too. Just another piece or tool to be thrown against the Mish. I envy you Neppies. For you had parents and a time to play as a child. Learn all them things that the Romance novels write about." Errowyn spoke softly. "So I am in the same boat as you are." She leaned against him. "I do appreciate the trouble you went to make this place. It just is not me." She looked at him. We're some messed up people." She gave rueful chuckle.

He smiled softly. "Yeah, I had a feeling that I might have went overboard, but Uso told me that I fucked up back when we had our first date. Said I should have made a move." He looked over at her. "Pathetic right? A Neppie turning down a naked neko, to just lay togther and fall fall asleep in each other's arms. If my old CO knew I did that I would have had my man card permantly revoked." He added.

"I was so hoping you would at the time." Errowyn spoke extremely shyly, and blushing a deep red.

He blushed as well. "Yeah, well I was really nervious... I... I'm a virgin after all. I didn't really... you know..." He said turning a deep shade of red.

"How do they revoke your mancard? Whack off your manhood?" She looked at him curiously.
He chuckled. "That's one way to do it, but not quite." He kissed her softly. "They just would have never let me live it down." He said turning to look at her. "I want you to know that I wanted to, you know, on our first date. But, I was just so nervious that I would mess up and make you not like me anymore. I thought, if I took it slow, maybe it would mean something... I don't know. Maybe I am just rationlizing why I am just a spinless coward." He added shaking his head.

Errowyn gave a soft chuckle. "well it would have meant something to me. I dont have to worry about getting preggy." She looked at him. "I dont think you are spineless coward. You face hell and spit in the Devils eyes, and strutted off to tell everyone about it. and display it proudly." Patting his leg then his arms.

He smiled and placed his hand behind her head. He pulled her in for a long, deep kiss. More passionate then he had ever been before. His tounge traced hers. He pulled away, and looked at her. "Well then, give this lead filled..."

"Give it up.. " She interrupted again. She kissed him with passion, letting Uso teaching guide her. Letting her tongue play tag with his as she kissed him. Then she broke the kiss with a soft >pop< She smiled at him. "I think we better get some sleep. Uso wants to hold a meeting or somet..."

He interupted her with a finger to the lips. Mimicing her from earlier. "I am going to catch hell for this later, but fuck Uso. Right now all I care about is us, in this moment." He said replacing his finger with another kiss.

She returned the kiss when he kissed her, forgetting all about everything as she focused on the man she was with. She hugged him to her. Letting the moment be her guide.

The man hadn't a clue what he was doing, but let his body do what it knew to do. He pulled her in close, as his hands began roaming across her body. He pulled her down with him onto the carpet as he continued to kiss her.

After several long hours, they were entwined on the floor before a smoldering coals of what was left of the fire. Their clothes were scattered and her fine gown was trashed. The soft cold morning breeze woke them up. in each others arms. She was the first to stir and felt his manhood slip from her as she had to answer the call of nature behind the privacy screen. She was sore in all the right places. She smiled softly as she now knew why men and women sought each other out. She was not a virgin any more....

Cyrus stirred as he felt Errowyn get up. He rolled over and watched her she stepped behind the privacy screen. 'Shit...' He thought. 'Now I know why the guys gave me so much shit... I've been missing out...' He thought with a huge dumb gut grin plastered all over his face. He looked over at the fire, and watched the embers slowly blink out one by one as he waited for Errowyn to return.

There was a definite change in her walk. Just as graceful yet different. She had a soft smile on her face as she picked up the torn gown and frowned. "I hope you thought of having a spare outfit, wildman!" She softly exclaimed teasingly. She tossed the fine clothed rags aside onto the chair. She had cleaned up the signs of losing her maidenhood. She looked through the empty wardrobeds and drawers. "I hope one of those serveants know hows to sew." As she moved to the bed and crawled into bed. Looking very content.

Cyrus smiled and stood. "You weren't complaining about the torn dress last night." He softly teased as he moved and crawled into bed next to her. A puzzled look came across his face. "You know this bed is comfortable. Why didn't we move over here once things got started?" He joked as he cuddled up next to her.

Errowyn snuggled up against him, "Probably the same thing that gonna happen to make you forget to have my dress repaired," She reached down between them and started to fondle him.

He smiled, drapping his arm over her chest and doing the same. "Wow, normally they buy me dinner first... but I will make an exception for you..." He said teasing her.

Errowyn kissed him as she let her hands explore his body. "Dancing.. remember that..." then gave him another kiss.

"We could dance right now... I always wanted to dance in the nude with a beautiful woman." He said letting his hands drop down to her stomach returning the kiss.

Several more hours had passed quickly. It was around high noon and her hunger woke her from blissfull sleep. She woke up and slipped from the bed, hoping not to wake Cyrus. Seeing the dress still where she had left it. sighed and stole a sheet off the bed and wrapped around her toga style. She took off with the dress and went in search of food and serveants to repair the dress.

Cyrus slept well after round two. He stirred for only a moment as Errowyn moved to leave. He looked over and smiled. "I can see your ass." He teased as he rolled back over, waiting for her to return.

Errowyn was down in the dining room, eating a meal of well prepared food as her dress was off with a serveant getting repaired. She was lost in thought about her future as she ate her meal of eggs, venison and hashbrowns with pancakes. Her fighter needed a techs along with parts. She finished her breakfast as the serveant arrived with her dress, repaired.

Cyrus finally awoke after another hour of sleeping. He stood and grabbed his fatigues and threw them on. He grogily stumbled down stairs and into the dinning from. He walked in just as the servants brought out the repaired dress. "Hey... they fixed your dress..." he said smiling as he sat down next to her.

Errowyn, smiled, "Yeah, they did a good job. Enjoy your breakfast." She scampered out to change back into the dress.....

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