Star Army

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RP: The Wayward First Steps (Ep 01)


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Tami System - Near Planet Tami

The Anbruch had made it's way from Waypoint Trade Station to Tami with no major problems. They were well within Yamatai borders now, and with a Hirakeru Satellite present there would likely not be any troubles for their stay in the system either.

Anbruch - Bridge

Tanja was seated in the captain's chair with a smile on her face, the planet visible on the view screen. "So that's Tami..pretty nice place." She turned on the comm system to engineering so that Shadow could hear her what she was about to say.

"We have arrived at Tami, we will be landing shortly. According to data, Tami is a forested planet with 1.4Gs gravity. So it is still withing what is considered 'normal' gravity and should not be a problem. However there are settlements on this planet while while it is Yamatai, we should still expect possible hostility from some of those on the ground.

Hugar, do a scan, try to locate the old Origin base."
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Embel listened and looked at the planet and smiled "it looks like a good planet, I can't wait to land on it" she giggled as she looked at the captain and the back to her station to keep checking on the systems of ship.
Reed was sat relaxing by the helm making minor course corrections as the Anbruch approached Tami. "I had heard of this place, but thanks to the Mishhuvurthyar, I never got the chance to visit this place. Origin Industries used to have it's headquarters here."
Hugar sat in the navigation chair as the planet Tami came into the view of the Anbruch, the red haired beast of a man eyed the planet lightly noting all the greenery like he had predicted and remembered back from his studies. His ears twitched ever so slightly at the voice of his captain commenting on how the planet looked nice. He tilted his head ever so slightly to the left as his hair shifted across his shoulder. He took a moment more to study the planet with extreme detail, before his eyes shifted down to the navigation controls which held the information on the planet itself. He pushed a few buttons and brought up the information on his screen looking over the atmospheric pressure, and oxygen levels quietly. Those ears twitched lightly listening to his captain once more as she listed off the information that he was just reading, doubling the amount of hold his mind would have on that information.

He took a moment to look back at her and register her orders in his mental banks before moving back over. "Right away cap'n." He typed in the commands and began searching across the luscious green planet, his eyes watching the screen quietly as data flows in. Luckily his attention to detail was impeccable so every ounce of information that found its way through the screen would be registered into his mind, after a moment of scanning he located the base and smiled but then lightly frowned. "Cap'n, I have located the clearing that has the base, there is a settlement rather close to it, but despite that there are no good places to land so we'll need to land about a kilometer out from the settlement itself at Coordinates 26° 5' 10" N 34° 2' 4" W according to the scanners." He spins around and looks at the Cap'n for a confirmation.
Tanja nodded softly to what Reed said. "Yep that's our destination." She looked to Hugar and smirked. "Good work Hugar. Reed take us down to that landing zone. I want you to circle around however , come in wide aroudn the settlement I don't want them seeing us on our way down, we're not exactly here for the most wholesome of activities." She still had the intercom on so that Shadow could hear the discussion as it went on inside the bridge. "It's time for you all to get your feet wet."
Embel smiled happily and nodded to the others as she sat at her station basically twiddling her thumbs at the moment, wanting to get this first mission done with as she was excited to actually be doing something to help other that checking and rechecking if the ships systems were okay. Embel looked at the planet then spoke up "so we are here to steal technology that may or may not be here, while we anger the locals and have fun doing it, can we bring our actual weapons for this" there was gleam in her eye that to a normal person may look a bit like insanity.
Hugar nodded towards the captain and gave a little bow before turning back to his station, he then looked over towards the very attractive Gartagen, those violet eyes studying her quietly and he noticed the insane type of look she had in her eyes. He leaned back ever so slightly as his ears twitched and he took a moment to think, after that moment was done he spoke up. "Even if we were not going to find enemies down there, or scavengers who would kill us because we're trying to get stuff from the origin base, I would suggest carrying our actual weapons due to natural wild-life that could be a threat as well. Also if we so happen to get stranded, which I have mentally prepared for, we should have a means of hunting as well there for bringing weapons would be the best choice."

He thought back to the time when he was a slave, the horrors he had to go through and for a moment there was a tense look on his face. The thoughts of all the times he had to endure torture from the Senator, or forced to stave off hunger in the wild for the enjoyment of his previous master. Having to fight to the death with other slaves for her amusement, it was not something he liked remembering. However, he would always force himself to remember those times, because despite the horror it brought upon him it did make him grow stronger, and into the dependable man he was today. As soon as those thoughts were done he took a breath reclaiming his calm like demeanor and looked at the captain with a smile. "I am ready Cap'n." Were the only words that were spoken from the lips of the red haired Helashio.
Reed listened to first Hugar and then Tanja. Grinning, he finally removed his feet from the helm controls and sat up. Inputting the cordinates into the navi computer, he brought the Anbruch into the planets atmosphere. The turbulence accompanied the transistion from space to atmosphere was jarring but normal. He took the Anbruch in a wide circle around the settlement, flying just above the treetops, toward a large lake. A clearing on the far side of the lake was the best spot for this landing. He brought the Anbruch down in a shallow dive and was virtually touching the lake before Reed pulled up slightly and brought the Anbruch safely down in the clearing by the lake.

Reed turned to face Tanja with a smile, "There we go, not a scratch."
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Tanja smiled at seeing the ship touch down on the flat lands. "Very impressive Reed." She tapped a few buttons on her console to see a few camera views of the area. The main screen showing trees, tress and more trees. "And it looks like there's no one around either, this is running smoothly." She then stood up, stretching lightly before getting a more serious look on her face and speaking into the comm system.

"All hands, suit up for departure and meet at the air lock in 10 minutes. Geboku, the ship will be in your care."

After her orders she turned her attention to the bridge crew. "Everyone dismissed. Bring what you think you'll need. Let's hope we don't need it, but you never know." She smiled and then stepped off the bridge heading to get ready herself, giving off a slight aura of excitement. This was her first real mission besides mining since she left the military and her crew looked like it could handle itself, so she wasn't too worried about there being any major problems.
Embel stood up and looked at the others then waved bye as she walked out of the bridge with a little wiggle and made her way to where her rifle and ammo was stored then picked it up and looked around thinking if there was anything else she needed apart from herself and her weapons, she sighed and made her way to engineering to check on Shadow to make sure he was coming.
Hugar stood up noting the trees, luckily his people were very tribal like so this wouldn't be anything new for him at all. He went to the locker area where he would pick up his customized spear and his rifle and Vial. He'd put on his suit and stretched a bit which showed off the muscle he had, he checked over his weapons for any mistakes or fatal flaws that he could note before putting them in their correct holsters. With spear at his side he went ahead to the Air Lock giving Embel a little wink as they passed, stopping there and waiting for the rest of the group. He was excited, even if his face and demeanor was calm and betrayed said excitement, he would ensure this mission was a success as it was important to make a name for himself on this ship.
After 10 minutes had passed everyone had gathered on the lower deck at the air lock ready to make their decent, this would be their first time leaving the ship with a purpose. Even the captain was showing signs of excitement, stepping into the airlock and motioning the others in as well. It was a somewhat tight fit with everyone inside, but the two women were soft enough that the occasional bumps against them made it worth the tight squeeze. The process was brief however, the ship could detect the atmosphere was within acceptable ranges so it did not need to go through the depressurization process.

Once the lift lowered and opened it's doors everyone was free to step off. They could feel the soft breeze passing over the lake and flowing over their faces, carrying the scent of the forest with it. Even though they landed in a clearing, they could see plenty of trees around and it was no wonder this planet was used to harvest woof for projects on Yamatai. Even the sounds of birds could be heard in the distance.

"This would make a nice spot to have a vacation." Tanja spoke softly and groaned as she stretched once more. She seemed somewhat lightly equipped having only a knife and a pistol at her hips. But she was wearing a full set of Styrling's Everyday Armor set and her goggles were covering her eyes, with the way she carried herself she seemed like some kind of urban special forces fighter. But her military experience was obvious and she did not seem to be underestimating things either.

"Well we have a kilometer to walk, we should get there in about 10 minutes if we take a decent pace"


A decent pace it was indeed. The forest was not nearly a comfortable a walk as the area around the lake was, but it seemed Tanja was set on keeping her 10 minute schedule, the more difficult the terrain got the more she picked up the pace to compensate for lost time. Now you were nearing the facility though, you could see through the trees just barely, and make out the structure in the distance.

The compound was large and though it had vines and moss growing on the walls it was still very noticeable. Though the building stood out like a sore thumb something felt strange about the area. Perhaps it was the lack of any indication there was life in the area. No chirping birds, no animal tracks, nothing. Something was definitely different about this area compared to the rest of the forest.

"That's our location. We're looking for anything we can salvage, information or physical technology. Of course the better condition the better the pay. It's a big compound with several buildings but our main areas of focus are the OMC factory and the ORIN and ODM manufacturing facility. There is also a space port, a little harder to get anything from there, but it'll be worth a lot more. So how do you kids want to do it?"
Embel stayed quiet throughout the time from when they left to when they go there, she was keeping an eye ut for ambushes and attacks from animals as they got close she noticed the animal noises slowly disappearing and thought it was odd, when she coud she the base she knew something here may be affacting the animals.

Embel looked at the captain while she was talking "hmmm I think either all together or in small groups there isn't that many of us so maybe two groups and meet up for the end" she listened for animals again hearing nothing "I think they may have some sort of barrior against animals, like high frequency or something to keep the animals away, so be careful, if we turn it off animals may charge us."
Reed was standing a little behind Tanja. He was wearing his Sterling Everyday Armor and Field Cap and had his pistol holstered and his Vial was visible on his double looped belt. "I think we should search the main compound first then we can try to go to the spaceport as a group." He paused and cast a questioning glance at Tanja. "Exactly what kind of dangers will we have to worry about here?"
Hugar kept a close look at his surroundings, his cat like ears twitch ever so slightly at every movement and every sound. He would follow the group not even really paying attention to what they said more so paying attention to the surroundings of the area. He pauses at Reed's question. "Well assuming you mean natural dangers rather than human made dangers, I'd say carnivores. Pack Hunters seem most likely, but considering its a forest we should expect tree users as well... reptilians and Arachnids as well."
Shadow followed with his rifle ready, his pistols and knives hidden just like old times. "sorry im late I was sleeping off the last few weeks. Hmm a high frequency barrier might do it maybe.. well if they try to kill us we'll kill them first" He said smiling
Tanja looked everyone over a moment and thought. "I didn't think about there being a barrier of some kind...if it's man made we should probably stick together could be a sign of someone trying to keep the area to themselves.. We'll head to the OMC factory. It'd we're lucky then maybe we can find ourselves a truck to haul stuff with." She drew her pistol and cracked her neck, moving forward to lead the group now. She did stop a moment though and look around before shaking her head an then continuing.

The walk to the factory was only 200 meters from their current location, probably had something to do with Tanja's choice to hit it first as well. The most obvious entrance was a garage style door that was partly open, but everyone would have to duck under it to get in, and the door was much too large to bother with pushing up at the moment.

The inside of the facility was large, and there were no lights, making it somewhat dark, but even without good visibility everyone could feel a sense of size to where they were. It wasn't a large empty room it was more of a pathway, probably for the trucks delivering materials and transporting products once they were finished. However this darkness that most would have to adjust to did not stop Tanja at all, she only paused a beat to lift her goggles before continuing, she did realize after a moment that the other's could not see just yet and waited for their eyes to adjust before continuing on.

Before they could get further though, a loud clang of metal on metal echoed through the facility and struck everyone's ears. Just as soon as the sound appeared, it dissipated with no sound to follow up the eerie quiet and stillness of the air encroached upon the environment once more.
Upon entering the building, Reed paused and closed his eyes waiting for them to adjust to the dark building. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and lifted his foot to take a step when he heard the loud metallic impact of metal on metal. Startled, Reed acted on reflex, he drew his pistol from it's holster in the blink of an eye. He stood, peering down the dark passageway searching for the source of the sound.
Embel followed slowly keeping an eye out behind everyone incase of an ambush as she thought it would be best to have someone keeping everyones back, even if the possiblility was extremely slim there was still a chance that it would happen.
Hugar kept his eyes open and his ears alert. His weapon was held at ready for anything they may come across, along with his spear located on his back. He took a moment to listen to the captain. He stayed near her side as he walked, noting the lack of lights. Luckily, his eyes were decent enough that they got used to the darkness rather quickly. So he stayed near Tanja. Suddenly, he regretted keeping his ears alert and winced a bit as a large sound shook his ears as he raised a hand holding his head ever so slightly. "That...hurt..." He said lowly before raising his weapon and bracing again.