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Approved Submission Flags of the Yamatai Star Empire


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๐ŸŒธ FM of Yamatai
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Submission Type: vexillology
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=yamatai:flags

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? YES, by me, presently
Faction requires art? YES

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? NO
Contains New art? YES
Previously Submitted? NO


1. Changes to the national flag of Yamatai were made with public input in this thread: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?threads/yamatai-flag-update.16100/ - my favorite one was not used but we made a good compromise.

2. I may also add planetary flags later on.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I see no problem with this, unless there are concerns by others, I will approve this on 8/25
I view the process of revising the Yamataian flag as an exemplary community effort, and I am very agreeable with the result.

I'd like to ask for the flag's page to also include a picture of the circled bellflower alone, so that the art could also be easily included on Yamataian starships (non-military ones).
I'd like to ask for the flag's page to also include a picture of the circled bellflower alone, so that the art could also be easily included on Yamataian starships (non-military ones).

Why would those ships use only a part of the flag? That would be like a ship only using the blue field from the us flag. After this is approved I have to update all the ship artwork for the SSS vessels.
Mostly because it'll look better?

Federation vessels in Star Trek Online don't use the entire UFP flag on their hulls either. They just apply the logo. Besides, for mostly blue-tinged Yamataian hulls, the hull color itself is a close analog to the field of the flag.

I'm glad to see it available, simply because it'll give an alternative to the Hinomaru for non-Star Army vessels.
If something like that is to be used it should probably have an outer ring of the blue to properly represent the flag

And most civilian ships in Yamatai aren't blue thats the SAOY color.
Civilian ships should just use the whole flag.
Also, Nashoba, just for reference, it's the same idea as US tanks using nothing more than a white star during WW2, and other similarities. You don't have to use the entire flag to claim your nationality, just the major identifying symbol, which for Yamatai is obviously going to be the flower.
Aendri if we were talking military yes, in fact we do have something along those lines for military ships, The Hinomaru.

Civilian ships do not use that symbol, they either fly the flag of the country they are registered to, or in some cases have the flag painted on the hull somewhere.
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