Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

SYNC Fleet Marshal Eesis TO Yamatai Fleet Admiral


Inactive Member
To: Fleet Admiral of the Yamatai Star Empire
From: Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis of the Gartagen Union Solar Navy

This is Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis of the Gartagen Union. Our long-range communications relay has recently picked up disturbing news from a Kuvexian starship. According to this intel, a large Kuvexian fleet is going on an attack course straight through Yamatai and Nepleslian space, going back as far to reach the Union. World's of note include Keren, Ether, Neplesia Prime....even Azorea. It lists many other worlds that I will transfer to you momentarily. This call is to formally request ships to join our fleet that we will be sending to intercept them before this attack occurs. We estimate the initial enemy attack fleet to be close to fifty ships. Reinforcements are unknown, but it should be expected they have some lurking somewhere.

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To: Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis of the Gartagen Union Solar Navy
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

How are you going to stop their ships and where? When do you need our ships to be there?
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
From: Fleet Marshal Quamerate Eesis

Our fleet is heading to the Ether System, where we will gather and stock up. After we are all there, we will intercept them. From the intel, we suspect them to hit Ether or Azorea first, but we will catch them before then at Inzciki, a planet with a Gartagen presence- so it will not danger anyone else. As we speak, my associates are contacting several other governments- the I'ee, Uso's Star Organization and more, we will accept all the ships that they will send. Your ships are arguably the strongest we have, and therefor will act as the vanguard and launch the initial probing attack. There will also be Rapid Response Force Troopers on your ships to help. While that is happening, the Gartagen forces will come from behind, effectively flanking the Kuvexian forces. Depending on who else sends ships, we will add them to either of the forces or add other segments to it depending on their power and strength. We expect it to be a swift and low causality battle.
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To: Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis of the Gartagen Union Solar Navy
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

I will get back to you shortly with the forces we will send.

How do you intend to keep the Kuvexians there? In my experience they run from any fight they cannot win...100% of the time, even their carriers have just left their fighters behind and went into hyperspace when the battle went badly.
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
From: Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis

Thank you, we appreciate anything. We will have Beta, Zeta, Delta and Alpha fleets. The plans I mentioned were just for the first phase of our attack. Alpha will attack first, as I have already explained to you. The other fleets will wait close by, and if needed, they will pick off those that try to escape.

To: Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis of the Gartagen Union Solar Navy
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

I've dispatched the following ships, which are our former 12th Fleet ships attached to the 2nd Fleet.


1st Heavy Squadron "The Head"

Class Role
YSS Kōryū Sharie-class Battleship Flagship
YSS Inari Sharie-class Battleship Flagship Escort
15 "Super Eikan" Heavy Cruiser Heavy Escort
10 Urufu-Class Light Cruiser Medium Escort
10 Plumeria-class Medium Gunship Light Escort

2nd Heavy Squadron "The Body"

Class Role
YSS Genbu Sharie-class Battleship Battleship
YSS Watatsumi Sharie-class Battleship Battleship
20 "Super Eikan" Heavy Cruiser Heavy Escort
20 Urufu-Class Light Cruiser Medium Escort
20 Plumeria-class Medium Gunship Light Escort
20 Chiaki-class Escort Destroyer Escort

3rd Heavy Squadron "The Tail"

Class Role
YSS Suzaku Sharie-class Battleship Battleship
YSS Ghidora Sharie-class Battleship Battleship
15 "Super Eikan" Heavy Cruiser Heavy Escort
10 Urufu-Class Light Cruiser Medium Escort
10 Plumeria-class Medium Gunship Light Escort

1st Carrier Squadron "Right Fang"

Class Role
YSS Seiryū Sharie-class Battleship Battleship
YSS Mizuchi Sharie-class Battleship Battleship
5 Heitan-class Carrier Carrier Force
5 Plumeria-class Medium Gunship Primary Escorts
5 Chiaki-class Escort Destroyer Secondary Escorts

2nd Carrier Squadron "Left Fang"

Class Role
YSS Byakko Sharie-class Battleship Battleship
YSS Shinryū Sharie-class Battleship Battleship
5 Heitan-class Carrier Carrier Force
5 Plumeria-class Medium Gunship Primary Escorts
5 Chiaki-class Escort Destroyer Secondary Escorts
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui, Fleet Marshal Quamerat Eesis
From: Thi-Thi

Greetings, aliens.

We have heard your call for assistance, and recall the prior help that Yamatai has given the I'ee species as a whole. As a token of good faith to you, Gartagens, as well as the other aliens whose worlds are threatened by these Kuvexians, we shall send you aid.

While we represent the most powerful martial force owned by the I'ee, our starships would likely be ill-suited for a direct engagement. I have allocated these craft accordingly:

50 long range corvettes
8 Cog support craft

We shall use the range advantage of our corvettes' weaponry to provide fire support for your fleet. They shall be yours to command, Fleet Marshal.
This paltry force is already being mustered, and is ready to move on your word.
