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RP: 188604 [Flight of the Dove] Episode 1: Royal Flush

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blizzard
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(OOC: Continued from "State of the USO Address")

Osman City
Osman Palace
Early Evening

Flynn exhaled. He needed that telegram to find out Sarena's location, yet Eisley was being a rather uncooperative sort. In times gone by, such frustrating exchanges would have been handled with his Type 38, but Flynn was a changed man... mostly.

"What do I need to do to get the telegram?" he asked the teenage girl wearily. He had a feeling he already knew what Dame was going to ask of him. On the bright side, he had a feeling that Sarena was going to be more than willing to accept his offer. He'd worked a security gig once. Keyword: once. Very dull, bad food, and no alcohol. Never again.

Eisley seemed a bit surprised that Flynn was so blunt. She didn't shift gears so easily, though. "Let's head to your ship and I'll show you." After a frozen grin and a pause, she admitted with some deference, albeit mostly to herself, "I'm going to need more than a flimsy to obtain my own space ship."
That last sentence hit Flynn like a train, yet he didn't allow his boiling rage to show through his relaxed demeanor. If this snarky kid thought she was going to strong arm the Dove from him, she was about to have her eyes opened to how the rest of the galaxy functioned.

No. No, he wouldn't kill her. He could never bring himself to kill a child. He would just scare the hell out of her, maybe rough her up a little. She'd get the message. But right now, he still needed the telegram, so he'd play along. He turned on his heel and motioned for Dame to follow.

"Right. C'mon." he muttered over his shoulder before setting off in a brisk walk towards the starport.

Osman City - Starport

The flat, disk-shaped shadow of the Dove stood out against the setting sun of '604. Flynn strode up to the side ramp and opened a panel, punching in a code into a keypad. With a loud, mechanical hum, the ramp began to lower, showing a small glimpse into the main corridor of the ship.

"Alright, so what do you want?" Flynn asked, leaning against the hull and crossing his arms.
"Oh, I don't know... a guided tour?" Eisley didn't think this was an open-ended question. "Or we can skip that and sit down. You don't seem to be in the mood for bargaining, and all I have for you is this." She slipped the flimsy she'd mentioned out of her messenger bag, careful as usual to leave her right hand near her revolver's belt holster. "I was also around when she was taken, but this is more recent than that. It's one of those 'No, I haven't been cooked for stew' messages, though most of the words are here mother's."

The slip of paper was about eight by three inches, half-covered in text.
A sudden crunch of gravel, accompanying the skittering of roughshod peasantry boots. Someone else had followed them into the compound...

"Excuse me! Mister Blackburn, Sir!" A sheepish, doe-y female voice. It was a native woman, young and pale skinned, feyish, with looms of strangely braided blonde hair. Actually a little taller than him, but lowering their head to compensate. "This may not be the most opportune time, but... I wasn't allowed into Osman Palace for the ball, and... I would very, very, dearly like to make your acquaintance, my pleasant good sir!"

A frilly white afternoon dress, looked like old fashioned pyjamas to an offworlder's eyes. Blue wax seal held a string of parchment to her chest, like some kind of prize from a village fair. Grey eyepatch covering the right eye, and the left hand ended in little but a metal hook. Slung around her back, a local-made double barrel shotgun...

"It is truly an honour to meet a sky rider such as yourself, sir, truly!" Overflowing, barely contained enthusiasm. A hurried movement of her right hand, soon producing, of all things, a ragdoll, which the wispy thing held up like a badge of office... Or maybe a present?... Lopsided button eyes, and green felt hair... Was... Was the doll supposed to be Uso!?... "Let it be known that.... Let it be known that I would love to partake in your glorious mission, if I was so honoured as to be bestowed an opportunity! Truly!"

Holding the doll in both 'hands' now. Magnetizing closer and closer. The woman was really fighting the urge not to hug him, or dance around him in circles, or something...
Flynn took the slip of paper into his hands and scanned it thoroughly. Everything about the message smelled of bovine excrata.

First, the two big things. Why would Sarena's mother need to kidnap her own daughter? And why were they working for the fucking Syndicate?!

Not that he could judge. He'd done a few jobs for them. But that was the concerning part, considering that his work had been highly illegal. Furthermore, what security detail needed hunter missiles?! In what capacity were explosives needed to protect a casino?!

As Dame had said, these were mostly the words of Sarena's mother, which was worrisome as well. If everything was alright, why couldn't Sarena write her own message? It smelled of a cover-up.

Finally, Flynn focussed intently on the word "cookies". Sarena, as far as he knew, was actually obsessed with fruit.

Flynn muttered to himself, becoming deeply worried for Sarena. Everything about this was wrong. She could be in danger. He handed the slip of paper back to Dame.

"Thanks. You'll get your tour, but the Dove is not and will never be for sale. The tour starts right now, and includes a trip to the Ice Queen." The smuggler said firmly. His adrenaline was picking up, and he felt the increasing need to get into the void to find Sarena. That's about when Promise showed up and gave her spiel, which rather worried Flynn for the blonde woman's mental well-being. Especially when he saw that she'd taken the effort to make an Uso doll. But, it would be dangerous to go about this alone...

"Actually, yeah," Flynn replied to Promise. "I could use a hand here. Can you shoot?"
"Well-iye-moost-certunnly-can, sir! Been popin' them critters since I was wee tall, wouncha-know!" Was the eager response, through tempered by an expression that said they were honestly surprised Flynn had offered such a thing. Didn't stop them from yanking on the rope-sling of their gun, just to emphasize that they had one. "What is it y'all want me to be shootin' fer ya?"

A pause, as she beamed an effervescent smile towards him. Now that both hands were free, the strange woman was clutching a die-cast triangular medallion, retrieved from down the front of her habit.

An odd glance sideways, just for a pace, directed at Eisley...

"I p-presume this is Misses Blackburn, come to see'y'all off?... T-That's m-most... t-treasurefull!"
Eisley kept her smile on as she watched Flynn read the flimsy. At his admonition, she said, "Hah. 'Sale'..." as if she were commending him on his clever wordplay. She seemed excited to climb aboard, but frowned when Promise approached, at least until she realized how foolish it seemed to be jealous.

"Blackburn who? This is Dame Eisley Findley, of the Great Sea Findleys," Eisley answered, with some affront.
Flynn shot Dame a deadpan look that said "Stop it. We don't have time."

"Well," he replied to Promise, pausing a few seconds before realizing she still hadn't told him her name. "First off, me and this girl have no relation to each other, only that a mutual friend of ours might be in danger. What I'd need from you is to come with me to her last known location, and if things are as bad as I think, kill some very bad people. Are you up for this?"
"Oh, so you're... One of the original nobles? From this planet?..." The cyclopean woman just blinked a few more times, bundling both hands to her chest, whilst gazing at Lady Eisley with a strained smile. It was pretty clear they had zero experience in dealing with the upper class, yet were still adamant about staying positive. "Erm... Well, you survived the rain of fire! So I guess this must mean you are one of the good ones! It is only natural that I find you here, amongst the chosen!"

Attention immediately went back to Flynn. Of course it did. The space man was standing before his chariot, and offering her an opportunity to step foot into the big black.

"My life is gifted to yee, o' transcended knight of'thee aether on high! I will do this task unto my last breath, verity!" The accent had changed. She was quoting from something, most likely, because a triangular hand signal accompanied the phrase. There was a bit of a curtsey, too. "I thank y'all for guiding me on thine course! Excepting me under that steel wing! I am radiant with this joy, sir!"

Every time they started a sentence, it was like they were getting lower down, but also deeper into his personal space...

"Oh, erm... Your servant's n-name is... M-M-Miss Promise Greenview of the R-Riverlands!..." Closer and closer. The medallion was practically held against the right side of his chest, now, with her overjoyed expression beaming right up into his chin. "It is very very very pleasant to meet you, may I say once more, M-Mister Blackburn Sir!"
Eisley tried to glare coolly at Promise, but she couldn't help letting a note of panic take over her expression (and she neglected to look down her nose, anyway). Eventually she decided that explaining the truth would be too humiliating. When Flynn became the target instead of her, Eisley had no such qualms, though.

"You know, Miss Promise, I'm fairly certain this man right here isn't a knight, shapechanger, or wizard." She thought she'd had a full rant prepared, but found herself suddenly out of words, only managing an exasperated intake of breath before she squeezed up the ramp around them. A moment later, Her voice floated back from halfway down the corridor. "I could sure do worse for this morning."
"Oh, but there are so many wondrous things unknown to our mere material sight!" Turning towards the spacecraft, responding to Eisley, but not going inside. It was rude to go inside someone's house uninvited. "Have you not heard of the magical armor that does ignore it's falling so? The women of cougar blood who are not born to ma and pa, but smithed as one might a weapon of steel? Even the chandelier that hangs up in the sky so, larger and longer than any land train, so I am told... Truly wondrous, holy things!"

"Mister Blackburn is a man, of this I am certain! But a one born unto special things! Knowing in the realm of the sky riders is he!"

It really wasn't a firebrand or zealous sort of emotion they were spouting. The soft and vibrant voice was more like... Love?...

Perhaps it was best to say that Promise was just, simply, innocently, very happy to be there.
"I understand about half the words she's saying," echoed Eisley's voice. It put some things in perspective, while she was busy looking around what the space men seemed to call 'a ship'. "So, is this here ship diesel powered..?" Entirely unfamiliar with nuclear physics, she couldn't think of anything more exotic to suggest.

Flynn inched his head away from Promise ever so slightly as she bent towards is face. He was starting to wonder if this was a good idea, but he felt he didn't really have any alternatives. He became especially worried as Promise described everyday technology in a divine light.

"...Alright, Promise, come with me."

Mega-Annum Dove - Cockpit

A monstrous growl sounded through the corridor. Dame's snooping had awoken Chuck. The massive bear-dog was standing in the doorway, trapping Dame in the cockpit. He lowered himself as if to pounce, firing off a few earth-shaking barks to intimidate. The one hundred fifty pound animal had been trained to keep watch of the ship, and handle any intruders in Flynn's absence. Just before Chuck attacked, a voice echoed from outside.

"Chuck! No! We have guests!" Flynn reprimanded, coming into view. Almost instantly, Chuck's demeanor changed, and the great pyrenees became akin to a puppy, tail wagging and tongue drooping from the side of his maw.

"Wait here, Promise." Flynn said to the girl before heading off to his own room to change into his working uniform.

"No, it's not diesel," Flynn explained, his voice slightly muffled by his bedroom door. "And it's not magic, either! It's an aether-generator. Don't ask me how it works. It just does."

Flynn came back out of his room, slipping plasma cartridges into his hand-cannon. He flicked his wrist to lock the cylinder, then stuffed it into the bandoleer holster across his torso. He walked back to the bridge and sat down at the helm, pulling out a cigar and lighting it.

"Now, we wait here for a minute for my pal Corgan. He'll be an excellent source of firepower. Speaking of which, what sort of combat training do you two have?"
Eisley quickly replaced in its sheath the bowie she'd been about to hold Chuck off with from where she fell, and stood up again, clasping her hands behind her back to hide the shaking. "Interesting," she said without elaborating on what she meant, and gathered her thoughts to answer briskly, "I'm just trained for self-defense, but I know how to use my revolver.

"I practice my draw and I shoot at the range, but I don't really have 'combat training'. Though, where we're going we don't need to shoot from the saddle and guide our mount with our knees, do we?" She glanced sideways at Promise, though Chuck was still receiving most of her attention, having well earned it.
Promise carefully took her boots off in the doorway, then just gazed at the angry canine, with an expression like a child watching their parents argue.

Once that was resolved, through, she immediately threw up her arms and declared "Doggie!", giving the mutt a light hug whilst letting it smell her hand. Simply sitting on the floor and waiting outside with the new furry friend, there was a look of supreme contentedness. The space-metal walls in this vehicle were literally more valuable than gold, at least as far as 188604's current economy went. Who knew what other amazing feats lay within? What astounding adventures they were about to partake in?

With Flynn out in the open once more, she followed him into the cockpit, and then sat behind him on the floor, completely obvious to what all the little lights and blinking squares were supposed to be. It looked kind of like jewellery, but with some hidden arcane fire glowing within the desk below it...

"You know the Buttonless Brigade, Sir? I dealt with them one or twice, I recall... Yeah, bounty hunter durin' the bigg-ol' mess after the war, see?" Easy, comforting tones. "Can hit three outta four guys at fiddy' feet usin' my slugger here, not even layin' down. Smaller varmints if they movin' slow."

A pause, as some cogs turned behind that vacantly wide green eye. There was literally no way to defeat such a pervasive smile, but she was also subtly wrapping an idle finger around her cruder prophetic claw, as if suddenly self conscious...

"...Left eye and right hand is fine, you know?" A mime demonstration of holding her gun, with her head at quite an odd angle to compensate for the disparity. "Been shootin' since I was wee tall, like I said, Sir! I wouldn' be volunteerin' if I din' think I was worthy!"

Yeah. Probably for the best that a lot of space guns still came with stocks.

Corgan ran up to the Dove with his duffel bag over his shoulder, Ragna-dog following close behind. He didn't see anyone outside but the ramp was still down. With a shrug, he walked up the ramp and into the ship. The Nepleslian Shepherd ran into the ship with him, sniffing the floor curiously.

A woman's voice echoing through the ship surprised him. He blinked and slowly walked towards the voice. "Hello? It's Corgan. Where's Flynn?"
Dove - Cockpit

Flynn exhaled smoke, and shook his head.

"No. We're not mounting anything where we're going. Unless there's a firesale at the local brothel. Eheh... Kidding." Flynn snickered quietly whilst going through his pre-flight checks. He glanced at Dame sideways, noting her fixation on Chuck. "If you don't feel comfortable with a prolonged firefight, you're welcome to stay on the ship. Or leave now, if that's what you want. I don't care, honestly."

"Oh, and don't worry about Chuck. He's a guard dog, but now that he knows you, he'll leave you alone. Just avoid saying the word 'pineapples'- CHUCK. NO."

Chuck had once again lowered into an attack stance and began growling, squirming his way out of Promise's love-fest. When Flynn yelled at him, he whimpered slightly and resumed the cuddles, which he was quite enjoying. Flynn watched the dog for a few more moments to make sure the command had gone through properly before continuing.

"As I was saying, avoid using the 'P-word'. I trained him to attack when someone says it just in case I'm being held at gunpoint and it would be stupid to order him directly."

"I dunno who those guys are, but I do know what a bounty hunter is. That's good. If you're sure your handicaps won't slow you down, I don't care..."


"...Please, go put your shoes back on, and stop calling me 'sir'. Flynn will work just fine." Flynn ordered with a friendly grin after a few moments of silence. He leaned back in his chair, his checks completed, and the ship ready for launch. Now, where the hell was-?

"In here, Corgan!" Flynn called out from his chair. Chuck instantly recognized the other man's scent as a source of scratches, and so pried himself away from Promise to pad out into the hall. Flynn reached down and fired up the reactors, filling the ship with a low, mechanical hum.


Dove-Main Hall

Chuck padded up to Corgan, tail wagging like mad. That's when he saw Ragna-dog. The smaller canine brought him great confusion. He tilted his head sideways, cautiously sniffing from a distance. The other dog had Corgan's scent on it, and thus was probably a friend of Corgan. Yet, why was there another dog in his territory? Why had master not ordered him to "pineapples" yet?

Who tf is U? Chuck asked in non-verbal dog-speak.
Promise noticed the dog's attitude turn, but completely failed to recoil away. Still sitting there smiling, with her fake arm in between chuck's teeth, she just listed to Flynn's explanation with nary but a slightly faster breathing rate...

...What was a 'prine narple'? Was it an accusatory word, like 'guilty'?...

Suddenly, another dog! And a new space man!

All functionality was lost. Promise just sat between the two canines on the floor, holding her shoes in her hands, and completely melting into a placid smile.

"...Today, I am most blessed, verity... Flynn is a most praiseworthy sky man..."
Dame Eisley remained nonplussed and wordless, intent on observing without commenting. She seemed comfortably prepared to draw a weapon if she had to, certainly more prepared than she was to say anything that was on her mind about the hastily-assembled crew and their mission.
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