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[Fort Hajime] Phase I: Darwin Shultz

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Planet Kotori
Fort Hajime
School Building
34日 2月 YE 38

Miyamae Eriko strode into classroom A-1 of the school building on Fort Hajime to greet the first grouping of cadets of the Star Army of Yamatai. Manuals had been handed out, bunks assigned, and parents and families had departed now that the cadets were settled into their first training class. Nakamaru Miho glided on the air to move aside from the front podium and Eriko took the position behind it.

She spoke quickly, "I should thank you for gathering today to learn more about this Empire that you have signed up to fight for and its military policies on this day specifically. I also want to thank you for your inevitable service. Though some of you will not make it, I appreciate the effort all of you are about to put in. Without any further ado, let us begin Training Phase I."

Eriko went over the mission of the Star Army, outlined the Kuvexian threat, spoke of the rank system, outlined each occupation of the Star Army as well as the benefits of being a part of it as a whole.

She spoke the creed:

Then Eriko went over the POW policy, regulations, then asked, "How do you feel about the regulations of the Star Army of Yamatai? Which stand out to you and why? Please, answer away."

She looked between all of the students and then at one in particular. She raised a brow and her long, light brunette hair looked about to topple from her head in its spikey up-do.

"Will any of you Yonto Hei tell me?" Miyamae Eriko asked.
Planet Kotori
Fort Hajime
School Building
34日 2月 YE 38

Darwin could swear he hears the fabric of his uniform squeaking with every movement, the nearly skintight garment clinging to him like an irritating sibling. Even his jacket collar feels on the verge of strangling him. This may take some getting used to, transitioning from casual t-shirts and pants to something much more formal such as this - and to wear it every day. Around him, a plethora of other students all prop themselves in various manners at their desks, their postures ranging from a meerkat standing at attention to that of a tranquilized ape. But who could blame the latter? Nobody becomes a part of the Star Army to listen to protocol.

But, if there were none, who would the army be but a bunch of paid thugs?

His eyes would dart from teacher to pages of his manual at a breakneck pace, a mechanical pencil clenched between his fingers like it's the only thing keeping him from stepping out and turning in his uniform at the door. This is what all Star Army folk go through, and if they could do it, well so could this lone human. Though his grip would tremble, he would manage to make a few notes within his manual to keep track of her punctual explanations.

He'll admit, though... some of the protocol is rather curious once you get right down to the nuts and bolts of it all. Especially that of those imprisoned by the Star Army of Yamatai. To this, he would take a moment, letting his eyes glance around the room. Nobody. It's almost as though he isn't the only one quaking at the knees. With a swallow, he would raise his hand ever so slowly so as to not seem all too eager, but at the same time, not come across as disconnected from the molasses-textured lecture. He would narrow his brows, eyes locked onto Eriko, using all of his might to not come across as completely nerve-wracked by the situation.
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The charismatic Shôshô looked around the room with a tight smile while the assistant Nakamaru Miho was settling for someone to choose. She raised an arm, about to choose a trainee with their own arm up. Miyamae Eriko put her steady hand up and lowered Miho's. She looked until her eyes settled on the human ones most focused on her.

She spoke out, "Would you tell me Schultz-hei?"
The name would ring through his skull - Schultz-Hei. So that's his title from now on. Guess it's a part of the rank. He pulls himself up to his feet. That's how he should respond to a question here, right. "I..." what was he going to say? Something about the POW regulations? That's it. "I... I noticed that even when we're dealing with individuals captured due to war, that we don't resort to outright torture or cruel conditions for them. We approach the situation, just like we do other situations, with honor and respect." He swallows a ball of spit. Was his description too flowery or vague? Did he sound like a fool? His eyes dash about the room, looking at each student gazing up at him. Some roll their eyes, others creep a smile.

"Our military isn't just a bunch of brutes with guns and ships. We're protectors and ambassadors of Yamatai at the same time, and each of these rules are in place to establish a degree of uniform integrity." He looks to Miho, then to Eriko. "is that correct, Shôshô?"
"That is correct," the Shosho said as she leaned back on her podium. She wore a pencil skirt rather than a shorter skirt that was standard issue and her hair splayed from the top of her head. The Neko pondered for a second what he had said.

"Schultz-Hei," Miyamae Eriko continued, "as a future Star Army of Yamatai soldier, what would you personally want to see done in the event an enemy is captured? On top of that, just to be sure you read the manual, what color is the POW regulation uniform?"
"W-well..." He would resist the urge to glance down at the splayed manual on his desk, raising a hand and glancing over to the side. He offers a wry smile. In all honesty, he has no idea what colors each of the uniforms are except for that of the infantry. He glances around a little longer. What to do, what to do? Best not make a fool of himself. "Well, if I were allowed to make some sort of judgment on the call, I would make sure that the prisoner receives no undue harm granting them treatment equal to a civilian without all of the rights and privileges of one... like receiving proper medical care and stuff... And... well... The ones in charge of a prisoner would be the police force, wouldn't they, so that would make them... maybe... a...dark... blue, right?" He looks up to her. He's seen officers wear that color outside of star ships. Maybe they would keep some kind of correlation to ensure familiarity? It's a shot in the dark, but it's better than nothing. As he finishes his half-statement half-question, his gaze turns back to Eriko.
Miyamae Eriko blinked a little and then smiled, "No, no, I meant the prisoner's uniform's color, not the guards' uniforms. What is the color of the prisoner uniform? Hint: It is a bathrobe!" She pushed her finger into the air during that last point as if excited by it.
He blinks a couple times. To think his trail of thought was the completely wrong one! He taps his chin, glancing around the room. Some students were smirking.Guess he's the idiot Human, answering a question he knew nothing about. Wait a sec... there was something about prisoners in one of the photos of the handbook. One that made him giggle. Of big, bulky men in "Bright pink bathrobes." He can't help but smile once more. Guess Eriko's is more contagious than he thought.
The Shosho nodded slowly while she shared a smile with him and then said, "Quick thinking, Schultz-hei." She turned around, away from him and the class to walk to the window. "You will be wrong in the future. You will have misunderstood of misinterpreted. It is important to bounce back, as he has exemplified well. For this next exercise you will work in teams of four with those immediately around you. Group up now and then we will discuss what you are to do."
While she isn't looking, his posture loosens, his head hanging while a sigh of relief pours out of his mouth. Guess he's at least got that for him. quick, on-the-spot thinking. To think that he got that right. Looking back, the pink bathrobes he had seen weren't in the manual, but in a magazine. One that, upon him finding it in the master bathroom, was snatched out of his hands, balled up and smacked down onto his skull by his reddened mother. He hadn't bothered to look too deeply into prisoner standards, opting to skim. Rather, he found himself enraptured by the vivid descriptions and statistics of standard equipment for new recruits.
He doesn't bother sitting back down, as everyone had begun to stand up and gather into their small groups. His swivels to look at each other Hai sitting around him, and, with a shrug and a gesture of his finger, he props himself back into his seat. "So- are we a group?"
Fort Hajime
School Building

Miyazaki Fuymi, Kazetani Yurina, and Lilina Wintersinger were sitting in the same row. When the Shosho ordered the class to form groups, the three women looked to each other. For a short and awkward moment, none of them spoke to each other until Yurina let out a soft giggle and addressed both of the girls in her row.

"Umm...well...I guess we're a group...", she started with a soft smile. "I'm Kazetani Yurina!", she said, introducing herself.

"I guess I'll go next.", replied the green-eyed elf woman. "I'm Lilina Wintersinger! What's your name...", she asked Fuyumi, going quiet when she noticed the brown-skinned Neko talking with a human man with an eccentric hairstyle who had addressed her.

"I guess we're all a group!", shouted Kazetani Yurina as she looked at everyone across the row, which included the three women and the human man.

"What's your name?", asked Kazetani Yurina.", looking towards the lone man in the group.
He had not expected this. Three Neko girls... then again, the Star Army is composed of mostly women, right? He could try to recall the statistic, but he would just go cross-eyed if he had to recall more information. A statistic or not, if he keeps being nervous around his fellow cadets, he might just come across as Lilly-livered and unreliable when push comes to shove. His eyes slip around in their sockets, looking to each one of them with a bit of a sheepish smile, much like the one from answering the Shosho. To be frank, each one is surprisingly cute. They wouldn't be out of place back at the flower shop, perusing through the buds and blooms in search of the right plant to place on the desk in her barracks. He would brush away a trail of thought trying to come up with what type of plant to offer each one - a practice his mother had pressed into him, urging him to read into others' emotions a little better for the sake of boosting sales back at the shop. "Darwin Schultz." He nods. "It's a pleasure to meet you three."
The last one within the group to introduce herself was Miyazaki Fuyumi. She looked across at the entire group with her big, blue eyes fluttering restlessly.

"My name is Miyazaki Fuyumi.", she intoned, giving a slight wave to the group.

It was then that Yurina began to speak: "Well...now that we have introductions out of the way, we should probably say...something about ourselves?", she said, her words rising to imply a question.

"Hmm...Darwin...how about you go first. Why did you join the Star Army of Yamatai?", asked Yurina.

He was a little caught off guard, being put on the spot once more. With a hand to the side of his head, a finger stroking the white fluff lining it - a habit he had formed since he first chose to get this outlandish appearance. "Well..." He hums, looking to the side, as though the wall were painted with his thoughts and memories. "I've always wanted to go out there and explore... to learn more about this world. My mother and father have... always been the travelling type, y'know?"

He'd returned his gaze to the three. "Well, my mother, when she did settle, started a flower shop, and uh... had me work in it..." He'd turn nervous, and a little embarrassed at the thought. This somewhat larger man who once sold is mommy's flowers now going into the military. "Anyways, it wasn't uncommon for members of the Star Army to come in and purchase flowers from the shop. I heard so much about the organization from them... I just had to be a part of it!"

"Flowers!", said Fuyumi outloud, before she was interrupted by the voice of the Shosho. The brown-skinnned Nekovalkyjra immediately went silent and turned towards the front of the room.

"There is one thing and one thing only each team is tasked with doing," Eriko said as she paced in front of the front-most volumetric screen that said on it underneath the Hinomaru:

Star Army of Yamatai
Fort Hajime
Class of YE 38

The Shosho then continued, saying, "There is something you must dispose of at each of these locations. Here is a map," Miyamae said as she had the screen behind her change to a map and those with digital minds would be able to see it in their mind's eye. "You will each be assigned numbers. Those with digital minds will see them now and, please, share them with your team mates that do not have access now." The Shosho then turned to walk to Miho and touched the little Neko's small hand with a fingertip to exchange telepathic information. Darwin's team mates would see the number 11. That designated the pool was their destination.

The two Nekovalkyrja within the group, Kazetani Yurina and Miyazaki Fuyumi promptly received the numerical designation for their assignment. Yurina turned towards Lilina and gave the elf the number, while Fuyumi looked at Darwin.

"The number is 11.", she said in a cool voice.

"I wondering what we're disposing of...", Lilina murmured quietly to herself.

"Maybe it's a bomb?", suggested Yurina. "Or even a dangerous weapon?"

"Go after what must be disposed of safely and efficiently. There is a five minute time limit on you and it is starting now. Begin!"

"I sure hope it-" He would mutter just before the Shosho made the announcement. Time to book it... but where? "You said the number is eleven, right?" He raises an eyebrow.

The two Nekovalkyrja were the first out of their seats. Born and bred soldiers, they wasted no time in standing up and moving.

Just before she left her seat, Lilina turned towards Darwin and whispered in his ear. "Just follow the Neko.", she said quietly. "Don't get behind!", she said before jumping out of her seat and heading for the exit of the room.

He sat up straight the moment he felt breath on his ear and her whispering, his eyes going wide in shock - but as he turned to face her, she would already be rushing out the door to follow the other two. "Oh come on!" he growed. He doesn't even give time to lose the fluster in his face before leaping away from his desk and bounding out the door, hot on their tails. Just follow the Neko, huh? Guess she's used to this stuff already.

Lilina quickly followed after the two Neko, doing a fine job of keeping up with them as they sprinted around the corners in the hallway and reached the pool.

Once they reached the pool they would see no lifeguard on duty as the ten-foot fence was closed at the gates.

"Looks like we'll have to fly over.", said Fuyumi as she approached the gate with Yurina and Lilina.

"Okay.", agreed Yurina. "I'll pick up Lilina and fly her over."

"...and I'll get Darwin.", said Fuyumi.

"Let's do it!", said Lilina, as she positioned herself to be picked up by Yurina, who quickly took the elf up in her arms and flew her over the fence.

"Hmm...wait...", said Fuyumi. "Let's see if this opens first...", she said as she began to push the fence, the metal creaking and nearly twisting under the strain as Fuyumi pushed with brute strength. "I can open it...", she started. "But I might break it..."

"Think that would even be a good idea?" He raised an eyebrow. He had just managed to catch the last bit of their conversation, running up behind them. Guess he could use a speed boost, or maybe some extra training. True, they needed to enter this fence for an exercise, but they were still on the grounds of the Fort. Breaking the lock could prove troublesome even after the training session is over. He whips out his communicator, glancing down at the clock before looking back up. "We won't have time to solve the lock's combination. We need to get over if we don't want to risk any sort of repercussions. He takes a look around. Fuyumi is quite short compared to him. Could she really lift him up? A ten-foot fence isn't that tall of a climb.

"Yeah, I agree. Let's just fly over it.", Fuyumi said. "Climb in my arms and I'll get you across."

"Let's get going everyone!", Yurina called from the otherside of the fence, unwinded at having to fly the elf woman over the obstacle.

"I'm probably going to be rather heavy for you to fly me over without any assistance." He looked over, rather nervous at the prospect of being lifted up by someone he had just met. "We might have to coordinate this." He grabs a hold of the chain links. "I'll climb to speed it up, then drop down."

"Just pick him up and go!", Yurina said somewhat impatiently. Fuyumi quickly responded, and simply picked him up, her Nekovalkyrja strength making the task easy for her to accomplish. The brown-skinned Neko flew over the obstacle and landed on the other side.

"Okay done!", she said setting him down on the other side.

He practically yelped as he was picked up, caught off guard while thrown into the air in the arms of the Neko. He was still staring forward. So this was what his mother had talked about... about him being outclassed by everyone there in every way. A bead of sweat had formed on his temple. "A-Alright..." He pulls himself up to his feet. "what's our target?"

"I guess we need to go inside the pool...", said Yurina as she looked to the rest of the group, as she began to quickly and efficiently strip off her clothes and undergarments, exposing creamy-skinned and feminine form to the rest of the group. Fuyumi nodded and followed suit.

The two Nekovalkyrja left their clothes in a pile and jumped into the pool. Lilina also stripped and jumped inside of the pool.

Before long, the two Nekovalkyrja and the elf were diving deep into the pool, their eyes scanning for any visual disturbances.

The man's words got caught in his throat the moment he saw Yurina strip down. Sure, if she had remained in her undergarments, it would have been fine - but once they were peeled off, leaving nothing to the imagination, he had no idea what to say or do. He only glanced away awkwardly, hoping that the others would - nope, they changed into the only thing they've had since birth as well. His smile returns while he shakes his head, proceeding to undo his jacket, tossing it to the side before quickly ripping away anything he had on him. No time to lose. So what if his boxers have were a tent? Once aux naturale, he gasps in a deep breath before he rushes forward to dive into the water, making hardly a splash while he slips in, arms tucked forward. his eyes open, revealing the albeit blurry image of the inside of the pool and the three girls scanning the bottom for anything of interest. He proceeds to dive down with them, bubbles of air billowing up to the surface. His ears popped and his lungs creaked, but they've only got so much time left, and he's held them back enough times already.

A strolling student watched for a moment before looking to where they had been going, then back, then walked away again while gripping their groin.

There was nothing on the bottom of the pool, but a strange and soft red light was coming from the pool filter system which brought water in from the pool through a rectangular drain and could be opened by way of a cover next to the pool the size of a hubcap.

The two Neko stayed in the bottom of the pool for thirty seconds before coming back up. They had not stayed under long enough for their bodies to be limited by oxygen supply. But rather, they had simply not found anything of particular note. Lilina also came up, gasping for air as she did. She was not a graceful swimmer. However, she was fit and strong enough to keep up with the Neko underwater.

As they climbed out of the pool, Fuyumi and Yurina exchanged few words with each other as they had been communicating telepathically underwater.

"Did anyone find anything?", Lilina asked asked, her arms on the side of the pool.

In the middle of the pool, the man popped up, gasping for air, hardly able to speak but managing to fumble with the words "The filter" - though it sounded more like he was huffing "thuh fuhhlsher" with all the water passing over his head and past his mouth. His hair had fallen into a long mop around his head while he swam over to the three girls. "The filter." He had seen it. A red glow coming from the drain where the water flowed in to catch any algae. It may just be the device itself, but there's no harm in checking. "I saw... a light..." He would keep his eyes low, trying to catch his breath while avoiding either eye contact or any prolonged gazes towards any of his classmates. Don't want to come off as perverted or desperate.

"Hmm...well...I guess we missed the filter.", said Yurina. "Time to go back down."

In a quick and graceful motion, Yurina jumped back into the pool, with Fuyumi and Lilina following close behind. She did not dive deep, but instead, she visually scanned the side of the pool until Fuyumi, who was behind her, telepathically pointed her towards a red light.

Yurina turned and followed after Fuyumi, with Lilina close behind. As they approached the light, all three of the women scanned it for any details.

The light was not blinking but faint and unmoving. Whatever it was attached to was steady, perhaps affixed to something in the filter system. It came from the rectangular opening that was less than four inches in height. Two or three hands could get through it but with limited mobility once inside of it.

The other access point seemed to be on the outside of the pool under the circular cover. The filter was embedded in the concrete surrounding the pool underneath the cover in a cylindrical container. The light was not visible above water but seemed to shine dimly enough to be seen through the small rectangular opening.

By now a teacher had come back with her student, the one that had paused, and spoke calmly and quickly to those with their heads out of the water and out of the pool. She was army trained, of course, and saluted, expecting some in return.

"What are you doing and why?

The boy would swear under his breath, watching as the teacher approached. As she saluted, he would give one in return - with the wrong hand out of panic. "O-oh, uhm..." He would glance back at the three, his head and shoulders the only thing visible from her angle. "We're Yonto-Hei and we were just given an assignment to find...something... in this pool. We don't know what, but-" He'd look back only to be cut off. Guess they're in bigger shit then expected. How much time is left? A minute? Two? His heart could practically burst out of his chest... well at least she didn't ask for him to pull himself out of the water. His erection might have made his intentions seem less sincere.

"Once this assignment is over, report to the Shosho. You shouldn't be...dressed like that!" the teacher told him before she left for her own classroom with a huff, pulling along the student who had been eyeballing the pool itself and the girls underwater.

Meanwhile, the the three girls underwater began to work at the filtration system. Communicating and coordinating their actions telepathically, Fuyumi and Yurina stuck one hand each into the rectangular opening. Placing themselves in a somewhat uncomfortable position, the girls pushed their arms inside all the up to their shoulders, attempting to extract the source of the light from inside of the filter system.

They would be able to feel a hunk of plastic and metal with some wiring on the outside of it that ran into it. It wouldn't budge.

Seeing that she would not be much help in that particular situation, Lilina came back up, shaking the water out of her hair when she noticed an instructor walking out of the area angrily.

"What did she say?", Lilina asked Darwin.

"She says to report to the Shosho after the exercise." he kept his eyes trained on the instructor before pulling himself out. "We might be in the doghouse for skinny dipping." He wrung out one of the wings of his hair, turning to see the two Nekovalkyrja struggling with the filter. "There has to be some way to get in there... something they use for filter maintenance..." His eyes scanned the poolside, catching onto a disk set in the ground by the pool. "Perfect. Over here!" He gestured for Lilina to follow before stepping over towards the pool filter's cover.

Lilina followed after Darwin and crouched down to look at the disk. "Let's open it.", she said, placing her fingers within the grooves and making an effort to pull it up.

The closed filter system embedded in the cement around the pool didn't budge and as Lilina got closer to it, she would notice a keyhole-looking opening in the cover. It was a simple one and looked like only an X shaped key would be able to open it. That, or brute strength.

He grunted under his throat upon seeing the lock, scanning the area for something that could serve as a key. Guess not everything can be solved via rationalization or simple avoidance - such as climbing the fence instead of breaking the lock. "What to do... " He turned his gaze to Lilina. She was bent over, so at least he won't be too caught off guard.

Now that the surroundings were being focused on, Darwin would be able to see some parts of the fence were shaped and a little smaller width while still being near the same size as the cross keyhole on the cover. There was a lifeguard tower with a full fannypack on the seat and then there was the chests near the waterproof fence on the far side of the pool that did not look locked.

"Lilina." He pulled himself to his feet. "You have a way to cut off a chunk of that fence?" He nods towards it. "It may work as a key if we get some of the wire..." He would take a step over. It's time to chill out and focus. He leaned down to where the two Nekovalkyrja were struggling with the filter. "You two!" He shouted, hoping they could hear him through the water. "Fuyumi! Yurina!"

Fuyumi and Yurina quickly jumped out of the pool with a sudden display of athleticism, finding that their efforts were fruitless in extracting the source of the light from the rectangular opening.

"Find anything else?", Yurina asked Darwin, as she stood up outside of the pool.

"A maintenance lid. But it's locked. I need you to go over to that chest over there..." He extends an arm, turning her attention to it. "...And see if there's a key. I'm going to check the Lifeguard tower for anything of use." Don't break your concentration now, Darwin. Save flirtation for slow days when deployed. As he finishes his statement, he kicks off, jumping into the water to get to the tower as fast as he could. He was never the best swimmer, but it's better than sinking like a rock.

In the digital minds of all the students a timer would begin to show. One minute and thirty seconds were left.

"Sounds like a plan!", Yurina answered. "Ohh and ninety seconds left!", she called out, already running towards the chests near the fence with Lilina.

"I'll check the tower with Darwin.", said Fuyumi, opting to float up towards the tower for more speed.

When Yurina and Lilina reached the chests, they quickly opened each one and scanned the contents looking for a key of some sort. In the first chest were floaties and pool toys. The next one yielded swimming boards to the brim of it and the last was empty.

Fuyumi had already made it to the top of the tower and was waiting for Darwin to climb up, holding the fannypack out towards him.

Drenched from the dip and gasping for air, the human sprawls up the ladder within a few seconds, opening the fannypack andshuffling through the insides. "There's gotta be something in here besides bandages and a whistle..." He even opted to turn the pack over, dumping the contents onto the floor of the tower and scattering them around. "Come on... Find anything?!" He calls out towards the two at the chests.

The sound of a small piece of metal hitting the ground along with the contents like plastic bottles of skin cream and bandaids could be heard.

"A key?", Fuyumi said as she dropped the fannypack, picked up the piece of metal, and visuallly scanned it.

The key was non descript save for two key features, which were its cross-like shape away from the cylindrical base and the inscription SAoY on the base that his thumb and index finger now held. A lanyard dangled from it.

"That's it..." Darwin panted while the ghost of a smile formed on his face. "We need to get it over to the filter. You go ahead. I'll catch up." He turned to face the two girls over by the chests, their full figures and clear view from this angle. "We found a key! Let's get over and check what's inside the filter!"

He moved to jump from the lifeguard tower... half diving and half flopping into the water. He's reaching his limit. He can't stop now... Star Army would kick him out if he can't breach his limits.

"Let's go girls!", said Lilina as she ran from the chests and back towards the closed filter system. Fuyumi jumped from the lifeguard tower and floated towards the filter system, with the key in had, Yurina followed close behind.

Luckily, Fuyumi was the first to reach the circular filter, placing the key inside and beginning the process of unlocking it.

He scrambled over to the filter through the water, his swimming stroke sloppy from exhaustion. Only five minutes of intense running about, and he's already gasping for breath. He pulled himself out, dripping with water while his jaw hangs loose, his hair no longer pointed, rather, it's bedraggled and drooping to each side of his head.

"Pop 'er open. Let's... let's see what's in there once and for all."

Inside of what should have been an empty space for water to accumulate in the center of the filter was a boxy metallic black piece of equipment with two bricks of what looked to be C4 wired to it. That same red light glowed from a better angle and may have appeared brighter.

"It's C4, Hanako's Hips!", said Lilina as she took a step away from it. The two Neko also did not look too excited at the prospect of having to disarm the potentially lethal explosive. Especially without any sort of protection.

The three women exchanged glances with each other and Darwin, remaining silent as they waited for someone to volunteer for the job.

It was no secret that the man was shaken at the sight. Staring down the tube was like staring down a loaded gun, either about to go off at any second. "You three go as far as you can from here. Grab your clothes and run. I'll do what I can to disarm it." He looks up. "You've all done your part. It's time I do mine." His heart races. Could they have really planted live C4 in their very pool? He looks down and swallows hard. This could be it for him. Right here and right now. "I don't know much about disarming bombs... but it's better that one of us gives it a shot while the others can get to safety."

"Okay. We're going to the Shosho and to tell her that the C4 has been disposed of. When she comes back, it needs to be done.", said Yurina in a monotone voice as she projected a uniform over her form. "Lilina, grab our clothes after you finish drying off and dressing. Fuyumi and I are going back to the classroom to report our success."

Fuyumi also projected clothes over her body. In a flash of speed, the two Neko were gone, floating at nearly max-speed from the pool and back towards the classroom.

Lilina nodded at Darwin and picked up Fuyumi's, Yurina's, and Darwin's clothes. On her way out, she dropped Darwin's clothes next to him and sprinted for the nearby dressing room, leaving Darwin alone with the task at hand.

He drew in the deepest breath he could muster, doing all he could to clear his mind. To him, calming down would be a necessary chore and use of time. One false move, one errant twitch, a shaky hand would be all it takes to turn him into a fine mist across the pool deck. He can't help but give a sad look to the three as they ran away. if only he could have gotten to get to know them better. At least he could die with a sliver of dignity. He pulls his pants on, leaving the boxers on the ground - hoping to have at least something on... in case something does happen.

His hands trembled towards the bundle of C4. How did the manual explain the function again? They are not a heated charge. They need percussion to go off, right? He grit his teeth, slowly peeling the lump away. If anything, he could toss it into the pool itself. So long as there's no debris around it, it would be safe. He swallows a ball of spit. Water mixed with sweat drips into the filter. "Hah... guess I should have studied a bit more..." He mutters.

The C4 could not be pulled easily from the bundle of black equipment but he would be able to see a toggle slapswitch on the equipment next to the C4.

Fuyumi and Yurina arrived back at the classroom, quickly saluting as they entered the room. "Shosho, we would like to report a success in the disarmament of the C4.", Yurina said without a hint of fear or anxiety in her voice.

Meanwhile, Lilina had finished drying off and putting her clothes back on. The lithe elf had begun her sprint through the hallways, back towards the classroom.

The Shosho smirked slowly as she put a hand on her hip and bent it upwards. "And where is your full team then?" Miyamae had looked away from a half dozen students in a half circle aroound her and went back to talking quietly to them.

"Lilina and Darwin are on their way here.", Yurina answered quickly.

He swallowed, but took the risk, reaching down and pressing the switch. "Here goes nothing..."

The light dimmed and then was gone in an instant and the equipment and C4 itself detached from the wall of the filter and floated up towards Darwin.

He sighed at the sight, lifting up the explosive. He pulled on his boots and hoisted his clothes over his shoulder, marching over to the dressing room. He was too wet to put anything else on comfortably, so he best get an opportunity to air dry. He put his head to the wall, eyes closed and his breathing slowing. The deed had been done. "Lilina." He calls out. "I... I got the C4. It's done. Let's get back to the Shosho and hand it in. The whole class is probably wondering where we are."

Silence was the only response, as Lilina had already left the dressing room. The elf arrived in the classroom just as Yurina was speaking to Shosho.

"Reporting, Shosho!", said Lilina, giving a quick bow.

He sighed once more, and pulled himself up to stand up straight once more. With that, he walks over towards the school building once more, dresed in only his pants and boots. At least it's more comfortable than when everything was on.

By the time he arrived at the classroom, he was mostly dry. He stood slouched, still a tint shaken by the exercise. "My apologies for the lack of timeliness, Shosho. I had the rest of my teammates evacuate while I disarmed the bomb. I wanted to minimize casualties in the event of mission failure. He gently set the item atop the desk before looking up to her and the assistant.

"Well..." Eriko said to him, this time turning away from his own team mates with whom she had just been speaking and spoke, " As I was telling them, there was no bomb. There was the inevitabilty that you would run out of time and nothing would happen. Not the case this time. You de-activated it with seconds to spare!" With that the Shosho stood more straight and called out, "Class dismissed for the day. Yes, Schultz-hei. You were the last one in the room." With that. the two teachers turned to one another and began speaking in low voices as they exited the room first.

He would watch as they leave. So this was his life now. The last man into the room. The last one to approach. The last one standing beside the bomb. This must be why his family told him he would be left in the dust. He was but an insect before the mighty, each individual around him capable of powers far beyond his comprehension. If he's going to make it here in the Star Army of Yamatai...

He would have to adapt.
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