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Approved Submission Fort Hikari


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
Here it is, after a long delay. Thanks to @demibear for their help, contributions and for kicking me to get back to this.

Training fort and metaplot location for anything relating to training, with potential for at least three regular plots, if anyone would like to run one:
First Steps (Basic Training)
Officer Training
War Games

Also, important point - this is a free location where anyone can make scenarios, plots or threads at the location, inside the metaplot.
If your character wants training before joining a plot, needs retraining or any special skills, feel free to use Fort Hikari!
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.

I made some minor edits for headers and spelling and removed a discontinued uniform.
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