As I said to everyone who was in the Discord call telling me what they want to change, I'll only ever do so if it's conveyed properly - here, in the submissions subforum. The reason no changes have been made to the article following that Discord call is because it was outside of the scope of normal review. It wasn't using the right method. And those wishes were ultimately never stated here at all by those that had them, so there'd be no accurate record of what was and wasn't asked.
If the Fort and Programme are to be made separate, I'll make sure that we get the programme agreed upon before the location, as that is bound to be the most contentious. If the programme is not able to be accomodated by the fort's design, the fort needs to change not the programme. So working to approve this article first would be the wrong move. If even the name is currently a point that FMs are requiring changes to, that's a good example of why this approval would need to be stretched over a longer timespan to make sure it's perfect and up to FM standards.
If my vision for the plot is incompatible with Yamatai, that's absolutely fine, and it seems that might be the case - given we're running into sections of additonal content this early, that under FM judgement, make this article unapprovable. I'll have to reassess whether Yamatai is the right place in setting for it, if sunk-cost, the faction's lengthy history, FM preference and such is getting in the way of pushing my intended plot into viability as is mentioned.
Especially as I've explained at length in that same Discord call, that the point of the plot and fort is to be experimental - this is stated plainly in the article. To try out new things and push for innovation, rather than sticking with methods that have more resemblance to 20th century US Army training than what would be considered generally futuristic. Methods that have been as far as I can tell unchanged since the inception of the Star Army or at the very least back to about 2007?
That's one of the main reasons why trying some new things out, like this article and plot tries to do, is very needed as far as I can tell. There's been a lot of new additions since then. New occupations, new administration, new enemies, new laws, new technology, new everything. Just going off the current "wheel" as defined, which is likely more than a decade out of date going by the relevant wiki articles, would be a big step backwards in my view.
With all that in mind, I don't think I would be confident enough to run as you put it, a "first impression" plot for Yamatai if it's already faltering out of the gate in the article regarding the fort, in the FM's perspective. At least at this point. If one of the other interested parties in the plot wish to take over this article submission, feel free to. As of now, I'm going back to the drawing board and taking stock of what is and isn't possible within Yamatai, if the outlook of the plot and the wishes of the FMs are fundementally different, if it needs to go elsewhere or be redesigned from scratch.