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Fortenza Industries

Yawn Master

Inactive Member
Forgive me if this is sloppy, it's been about 5 years since I've done anything like this (for me it's pretty hard to go from writing scripts for a couple years right back to novel format writing). Aside from the fact that I haven't seen a template for this kind of thing so I'm trying to get things set with a short story and a few side facts at the bottom. T_T I'm so lost, please forgive me.

Edit: Acknowlagements to Blas for the layout of the following info regaurding Fortenza. I did in fact make a rip off of his layout (it looked good enough to be a template). If what I did is wrong I'm very sorry and I'll rewrite this ASAP. If it's ok thank you very much!

Fortenza Industries purpose: Custom RP characters, ships, and weapons.

Fortenza's goal is to make the customer happy in every field of interest, providing custom androids, star ships, and weapons for any type of situation and environment, all at negotiable prices. Though virtually unknown outside of pirate dives, Fortenza is hoping for get customers from the Yamatai Empire with the launch of the HMS Arc XIII.

Locations: Prosperity, City 01 and orbiting Station (Freedom), Edge of Chaos system.


On planet:
- 1 large sized skyscraper (weapon and ship design bureau along with other offices)
- 2 large size weapon manufacturing buildings
- 1 medium sized weapon testing building
- 1 medium sized android design and creation lab
- 5 small storage buildings

Orbital station:
In station:
- 4 medium sized android design and creation labs (located in 4 different parts of the station)
- 1 medium sized design bureau
- 1 small public office building
Outside Station:
- 2 large sized weapon manufacturing buildings
- 5 large size ship manufacturing platforms

Number of Employees: 19520

- Accounting: 5
- Sales Associates: 20
- Warehouse and Shipping: 3450
- R&D: 5045
- Security: 1100
- Maintenance: 2000
- Android services: 3600
- Weapon and Ship services: 4300

Cybernetic body options:

- Civilian model FC-H04A.
Description: A standard civilian body, memory backup, and microcomputer, nothing fancy.

- Upgraded Civilian model FC-H04B
Description: A civilian body with upgraded senses and strength.

- Military model FMC-H07
Description: Based on the FC-H04B, this model has heightened senses and strength that surpass the H04B. Comes with the option to be integrated into a FXA suit.

-Military model FMC-XH01
Description: Based on the FMC-H07 but with partially hollowed out limbs with a hop-up feature allowing weapons to be placed in the arms and legs (i.e. a firing gun or blade in the forearm or a removable dagger in the calf.)

Military Cybernetic Endo-skeleton FXA-HS1
Description: A powered armor with enhanced mobility, strength, and optics. The helmet offers automatic eye lens polarization for smoke, fire, darkness, water, etc. Comes with built in microcomputer, communications system, heating and cooling.


Fortenza offers custom weaponry ranging from small arms to whole weapon systems for starships. (No official list at the moment. Sorry!)


Fortenza has a large selection of already made ships but offers custom ship designs per customer request. (The most recent ship design is the Arc XIII Reaper class battleship, made as an advertising project to hopefully get the attention of the Yamatai Star Army.)
Would you willing to RP with us (as a regular player) for a while before the GMs make a decision regarding this submission? We're trying to screen for people who get up and leave after RPing for a few days, leaving plot holes and such. It would also be a nice chance for you to get back into practice.
Oh my, regular player that's pretty sudden. I'd love too but my current schedule for a little bit is packed T_T. Besides I'd probably get to nervous and have major writer's block. I was wondering when and where I might have the chance to view an RP session too see how it's done here. And I feel as though I should try to catch up on the stuff that's already been written.
No problem, and no pressure.

If you want to see a live RP session, look into the JP scheduling threads and see if there is one that you can attend. Theses usually take place over YIM. The GMs and players usually don't mind if someone wants to watch in the background.
Most of the history is stuff I'd like to see roleplayed out instead of having to pretend it happened. This would give other characters and organizations their fair chance to react.
Most of the history is stuff I'd like to see roleplayed out instead of having to pretend it happened. This would give other characters and organizations their fair chance to react.

I understand. ^_^;; Uhh, how would I go about doing that?
It's easy: just post the actions of your characters/actions in the general role-play forum.

But, before we start, we should talk about this corporation - generally, players aren't allowed to control more than 25 NPCs at a time, especially people who are brand new. Would you conider maybe getting involved in a plot for a while to gain rank and experience first?
Well it would be nice to set aside all this detail work I've been doing for a bit. ^_^;; I never realized designing ships was so much work.
It might not make sense, but put your "out of character" or design comments at the bottom in a different font or color and format your entry. It's a bit easier because then we can read the entry, take it in then scroll down and have all the gaps filled in by comments.

While it's not essensial, I'd recommend it.

The LIST tag is exceptionally useful in this regard: Everything inside it is indented. Nesting indents means something's indented further and it means if you've got a big long document, it's a hell of a lot easier to read.

I'd like to see your products given prices or "recommended retail prices" but it's standard practice to roll out a company, then the products or do the two at the same time provided the products included aren't their big products.


Apple Inc.

Apple provide innovative solutions to the problems of customers, taking them forward into the future of computing and the consumption of digital media.


  • 9 Headquarters, located internationally, containing call centers & distribution management centers.

    1 Primary headquarters (Cupertino, California containing command, R&D, testing centers and an on-site campus for personel)

    10-30 manufacturing centers, many often mothballed until the manufacturing equipment is needed during times of migh demand (eg: product releases, christmas)


  • Macintosh:
    The world galaxy's most sublime, subtle and well engineered computers, Macintoshes have forever been the staple of personal computer development, setting the benchmark that everyone else would keep up with whether they immitate or innovate.

    Using Mac OS X, the world's most advanced personal operating system, the Macintosh continues to be the most powerful and simplest operating system to use, to date with a UNIX backend carrying all the Linux/Unix functionality and now with Parallels, full Windows application compatibility.


    • Mac Mini
      Using laptop parts, a tiny computer designed to be pushed to one side. A bare-bones unit.

      A high spec unit designed for home use with an extremely small form factor fitting behind the display unit and using wireless peripherals.

      An extremely high specification proffessional unit designed for the production of media.

Okay, so that was a minor exaggeration but you get the idea. Idealy, one would continue to edit this if possible, adding in links and brief descriptions to approved equipment pages (with full specifications).

I'm probably overcomplicating things.

But I do like where you're going. I'd also like to mention that provided it's Canon, I think the SARP allows for roleplay which is not in the present but infact in the past and so long as you have a firm outline (not nessesarily a script) it should be dooable.

Still, I advise you ask Wes & co first.

Keep up the good work
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