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[Found] Nekovalkyrja Creation Process

"...and that's how I was born."

I was wondering why this wasn't done earlier, at least now we're starting to show our work and un-unuseful-fluff the setting and make it useful-fluff.
This is fairly good fluff, though it might be helpful for players if you included the time requirements for the different stages as well as what happens if the pod is breached prematurely (NH series man pages?)

I intend to approve this on Wednesday if there are no objections.
Well the overall process is 1 hour, based on the Type 30 Mass Cloning Facility.

Suggested time frames

Phase 1 - 3 Minutes (Preparation)
Phase 2 - 52 Minutes (Growing)
* Phase 2a - 10 Minutes (Skeleton)
* Phase 2b - 13 Minutes (Advanced Organs)
* Phase 2c - 10 Minutes (Normal Organs)
* Phase 2d - 11 Minutes (Musculator)
* Phase 2e - 8 Minutes (Skin)
Phase 3 - 5 minutes (Programming) - New Soldier
Phase 3 - 20 minutes (Soul Transfer) - Resurrection

Interruption of the process during phases 2a-2d would result in a dead body, in varying stages of development. Phase 2e would probably be survivable, and the body would start growing skin on its own at a substantially reduced rate.
*is glad he visited* Yay! I remember making this! I thought I had put it up for approval already, evidently I didn't, or I forgot to take off the approved tag.

On another note: Nashoba, those times look great, though to be honest i don't think you'd need 20 minutes for programming. More likely than not each Nekovalkyrja would come from a template (similar to the occupational templates we used to use), leaving the personality as the only thing that'd need to be tailored and that could be done at any point before or during the physical creation process. Further, since the Neko's brain is digital...you could basically do what a lot of other places do and just create their mind as an image (and consequently their base ST backup) and write the whole thing into the neko's body. Given the use of SPINE for the data transfer, I'd give it at most 5-10 minutes, and increase the time it takes to form the body, or add it as 'prep' time where the neko retrieves their gear and clothing.
Actually the programming time, of 20 is based on the information from the Mental Backup System. Because this process is the same for bringing someone back who died, as well as creating new ones.

I have adjusted the time values, to increase the body building time, and for basic soldiers the program time is reduced. But the ST time is still the same.
Ah, well then that works.

My whole reasoning for the reduced time due to SPINE is that the amount of data transferred through SPINE during normal use (armor piloting, ship piloting, or most other applications of SPINE) is astronomical, probably roughly the same amount if not more as is transferred during personality writing. Keeping that in mind, it wouldn't make sense for it to take the full 20 minutes to transfer the personality and the skills into the neko. Understandably, ST takes longer as it plans for the least common denominator (i.e. non-digital species) and operates in a completely different way (my guess is via some form of MRI-esque scan and some kind of gravitic/magnetic/electric field manipulator to restore data (or a wireless data link for those with digital brains).

It'd be like comparing a data transfer between 11megabit wireless and USB2.0, if that. You'd simply get a much faster data transfer rate, especially when you consider that SPINE is designed for speed.

edited twice, 1st edit added explanation, 2nd edit added clarification on 'least common denominator'
Well I think we're trying to move away from the 'nanomachines are magic and can do anything' thing.

And to Osakan:
PNUgen used to produce a HO-X series of organisms (Heavy Organic - number as opposed to NH-X) that were essentially stealth crabs about the size of a tank.
This really doesn't have anything to do with nanomachines...SPINE isn't based off of nanomachines. It's basically a data transfer system. If the nanomachines comment was directed at the SPINE comment anyway.

Using SPINE a neko can pilot/operate a starship in real-time during combat. Accessing all of its sensors, weapons, and flying it. Even if the neko were only just piloting it's still vast amounts of information from a large number of sensors being feed simultaneously into it's brain, arguably more than a single (static) personality would contain. These sensors report the condition of the ship, engines, engine temp (as it affects propulsion anyway), shields, spatial position, orientation, speed, incoming enemy fire, outgoing fire, all friendly ships, armor, fighter-craft, shuttle-craft, etc., all of that that belongs to the enemy, open communications (closed too if the pilot is also the comms officer), and any other things that might be relavent, all at the same time. Further this information is updated real-time so that effective ship operation can continue, further it even /returns/ information on how the ship should maneuver, fire, etc. (list appropriate commands to the ship here). Sure some of these roles can be performed by additional crew members, but the amount of information transfer is immense.

When you look at a static file, even a file such as a personality, you have to realize that it pales in comparison when compared to all of this. The file might be twenty to thirty times larger than a single second of combat data but when you consider that that single second of combat data is constantly updated, faster than light travels perhaps, then you grasp just how fast these blazing data transfers really are. Taking a full 20 minutes, the same time as a backup/restore, would be completely illogical.

Consider that ST tech is older than SPINE, and must work on all species. If ST tech was as fast or faster than SPINE then it would probably be used as a transfer medium for the information instead of SLICS then it's successor the SPINE system. After all, if it ain't broke why fix it?

edit: anyway, that's the reasoning and logic behind it. I digress, I don't care either way since I don't play right now. I enjoyed making the original article though, it was very fun. Hopefully you guys find it useful.
SPINE was made to be SLICS successor - a man-machine interface system.

SLICS had the console or power armor a nekovalkyrja used drive these male-connectors into the neko's shoulderholes to gain all the bells and whistles advantages of becoming one with the machine.

SPINE was really made up to streamline SLICS. I found shoulderholes inelegant (it's as if every nekos had three nostril-like holes in their deltoids. Eww) and wanted them replaced by something else.

I figured that much of what the neko did when it interfaced involved her back: either it was a bridge seat or it was the dorsal portion of a power armor. Add to that how the spinal column was really the core of any somatic command from the brain and the hub of all the returning feedback information... it seemed the right place to work with on an alternative.

I pictured that it would look like a streak of darkened skin - remember how pencil smudges look on fingers: a shiny grayish color? That's what I pictured - the reason it'd be darker would be because of the kind of nanomachine construction needed there to effect that function (I inspired myself off photovoltaic cells, which are also usually very dark so to better absorb light).

I figured that the surrounding of the spinal column would have information emitters and receptors that would allow for a secure, point-to-point transmission between a nekovalkyrja's SPINE and the hardware built into the seat of power armor backing. Seeing how some nekos were able to use volumetric projection in addition to the skinstealth option, I figured a region of flesh dedicated to information sending and reception wasn't too far fetched.

SPINE certainly has a high bandwidth to do everything Yoroko mentioned, but on the other hand I never really designed it to take into account ST backups. It felt dangerous.

I mean, if via SPINE certain hardware could go as far as tap into the brain and extract information from there... it sounds like it could be very problematic. What kind of dangers could this pose to a nekovalkyrja's individuallity and personality if her SPINE interface could become a security liability? The combat-oriented operating system (which is seamlessly inbuilt for the NH-29) and its memories and personalities are two things I believe are comparmentalized -segregated- to prevent such things from happening.

Because of this, I sincerely believe SPINE should have absolutely nothing to do with soul transfers.
Go ahead and add those times to the wiki page, please.