Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Fox at Dusk [Diplomacy]

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
Sirris VI: Obsidian City
Sirris VI - Orbit
Mark sat in the captain's chair of the S6S-Shield, one of the NDC's newer carriers, a rather fine addition at that. It had been far too long since he had been up and about, having still been in recovery even well through the first two months of the new year. But he was happy of what he had come back to. Sirris VI was starting to look like a proper home, the city was thriving, their position despite hostile elements, was well defended. They were holding their own, but it was outside possibilities that were the major concern now. Their neighbors, the Neshaten Kingdom, was one such worry. They had the numbers to make them a threat if they saw the NDC as one. That was why Mark Oaklen was in his royal garbs, a bit over fancied for his tastes, but the suit with a few archaic style aesthetics would do the job. These people needed to know they were directly talking to the leadership, and for that, the garbs were necessary.

Space drifted lazily outside the false view ports that were main screens of the bridge, the horizon of the planet below taking up a good portion of the view. It was a beautiful sight to take in, but there was plenty of time to take it in more later. The sudden announcement of jump signatures took precedent as he ordered for communications to be prepared.

Sirris VI - Obsidian City
Jack stood with the greeting delegation party as well as the usual port security as they waited at the starport for the visiting Neshaten dignitaries and inspectors to land. Truth be told, Jack was nervous as all hell, and felt the weight of just how important this event was. It either meant a new ally, a new enemy, or just another neutral bystander of a nation that the NDC had to interact with when necessary. Hopefully if all went well, it would be the first in that list, but if they were damned, he actually prayed that it wasn't the second possible outcome. The white haired lord worried to the point of feeling a growing pit in his stomach, because they would not be able to survive such a hostile relationship. Not without another exodus that is, and he wasn't sure they were prepared for such, or even could. However he would just have to hope for the best. "They should be arriving soon, I hope Mark has no issues. Is everyone else ready for this? Remember, play it cool, we want to be friendly with these guys.", Jack said almost to himself, but still checking on the rest of the delegate party one last time.
Sirris VI - Obsidian City

As the Gynoid stood there beside the male side of her parents, she couldn’t help but feel some nervousness about the situation. She had hoped for allies, but the young metallic girl knew that this could change, quite easily. She hoped that the visitors, these Neshaten Kingdomers were peaceful, and not a warrior race which she knew could be possible. She also hoped above all, that a being like her wouldn’t offend them also. Her ears, which were turned to his side at the moment picked up on his words. “I am ready, and I admit I am excited, hopefully our Visitors will be a new ally “ she told him and any nearby who was listening. She turned her ears to face the front, she wanted to make sure she heard things clearly in front of her.
Orbit - Sirrus VI

Sitting high above the planet was the Ki'Lata, a Litos'Kan class light warship which had spent the last month being prepared for this visit. It's weapon systems had been primed the moment they arrived in the system, defenses on high alert, the whole crew diligently manning their posts. The ship's captain and the latest in the family line of Ki'Lata navy captains stood in the centre of the bridge watching over her ship. Most importantly she was watching the carrier they had matched orbit with, she kept her own ship's weapons pointed away to avoid causing needless unrest on their end but no barrels were too far away.

"Prepare to disembark, launch the shuttles and make sure all the operators and navy personnel are prepped and ready. I want touchdown in 10 minutes." The commanding tone of Captain Veeran Ki'Lata echoed throughout the ship reaching the fuzzy ears of every Daur, Laibe and My'leke on board. In the slightly cramped hangar the director of Division 5, Vaughn Li'Veero, was overseeing the boarding of the two shuttles with his own operators and the elite navy personnel on one and the royally appointed envoy on the other with their personal guards.

"Captains, stay with the Envoy at all times, let the senior operators handle the inspection and general security. I want armed personnel disembarking these shuttles first and securing the perimeter, despite what we've been told about these neighbors there is no such thing as too cautious. Division 5 we're operating with 3 member Ai'Seru configuration, no communications once we land." The golden Laibe barked his orders with a stern look to accompany them, of the 21 Division 5 operators 6 held the rank of captain while the other 15 were senior operators, every one of them Daur or Laibe nodding silently and boarding their respective shuttle.

Obsidian City

After a short trip from orbit the two shuttles touched down without an issue in the starport they'd been directed towards, once landing had been completed the Navy and Division 5 members scattered out from each shuttle like a swarm of black clad ants, all of them armed with varying weapons from the suppressed needle SMG to swords and pistols. None of them had their arms pointed at the welcoming committee but like the warship they could easily pick targets if they had to, the group fanned out from the two craft slowly setting up their own perimeter around the boarding ramps.

After the small security force had left the shuttles, Vaughn stepped out alongside the captains and a decoy representative, just in case.
Sirris VI - Obsidian City

Almost to mirror Nyx stood the similarly canine-eared Hati on the other side of the snow-haired man, sharing a few facial features with one half of NDC's leadership but clear he was cut from some different cloth for the most part - a young, almost pale 6'2" man of barely-human heritage with two lupine ears that stuck out from the top of his black mop of hair, slightly less shaggy than usual due to the seriousness of the situation but the tail that jutted out from above the young wolf's toned flank was as fluffy as ever.

He just felt like he was here purely for aesthetic purposes, make the whole ordeal seem a lot less alien to the similarly-featured aliens that had just landed - though Hati wasn't exactly a fan of being eyecandy, it ticked him off and gave the young bioweapon another reason to dislike Jack Pine, he did understand the logic behind it.

The wolf just chose to say very little for now, muttering the cynical words, "Just be ready for if shit hits the fan," before going back to silence - hopefully things went smooth and he could go back to hiding away in that den but you couldn't deny there was a chance for everything to go wrong, had to account for that possibility too, so his crimson gaze continued forward and narrowed slightly at the shorter beings before them.
Obsidian city - Sirris VI
As the official representative of the present Tsumi on Sirris VI, Affin had enough to gain from her presence. Even if it was just improved relations with the NDC as a whole. There was nothing to lose, only influence to gain. The large female strode along with the aforementioned group that consisted of Jack Pine, Hati and Nyx. Though as far as Hati felt like eyecandy, those feelings would be put to bed at her get-up.

The large, four armed female was dressed in a combination of exalted robes and armoured plating. A beautiful dress top with chest protector over her heart. Her hair tied and held up by a golden pin, from which a jade green ribbon hung down to halfway her back. Touches of make-up, such as her cherry lips and green eyeshadow extended just a bit past her eyes. The large greatsword was hung from her back in a beautifully decorated sheath, golden touches at the top and bottom, while the leather was embossed with roses, inked in the same jade green her hairpiece had.

A soft clunking and jostling resounded as she stepped, caused by the plates that were embroidered in the skirt. Her right arms covered in golden plating, beset with lucent green gemstones. Refined and classy, though sporting quite the defense at the same time.

Affin, who had heard Hati's remark, arched an eyebrow and glanced down at the boy next to her, before clearing her throat and offering a soft grin. "Behind me, it does," the colossus of a woman spoke in her rather broken Trade. Then again, her Trade was better than the Tsumi speak of anyone in the NDC thus far. There was little opportunity for her to learn more, as well.
Charlie Team was on Honor Guard duty. Spark hated it. The Thorn clones hated it. But at least her heavies weren't sleeping. And for once, the Thorn clones were working as a team. She had been unpleasantly surprised at how difficult getting four of the same person to get along could be. Half the time, she had them on a no talking profile because if one got a word in edgewise, the others would bicker endlessly. Hades had not been intelligent in their clone soldier development, and had used a modified ST of one of the most problematic and self destructive personalities she had ever seen (Including her own), twisted it into an unstable, dangerously intelligent weapon, and someone had seen it fit to stick her with four of them. The name fit rather well, she thought. Four thorns in her side, constantly contributing to her stress and anger management issues, and making alcoholism look really healthy. The two Fenrir clones standing as heavy troopers were a relief. They followed orders, didn't bicker, didn't get in trouble. She worried that they were too compliant, some times. But she had them under orders to follow Asimov's laws. Protect your team, then protect yourself. Only if the other two conditions were met, could they follow orders. Last was a familiar face. Medic, RTO, the man was many things, and had been at her side for many years. Doc always stood ready, at the center of any formation, defiant and willing to call her out for whatever she did, and the best man she'd ever had as a second.

The fireteam stood in a neat row, seven behind her lining up from shortest on the ends, to tallest in the middle. All were in their dress uniforms, sharp pants and badges inspected by Spark herself, repeatedly. Old fashioned display rifles in their white gloved hands as the unit stood at an easy parade rest, though looking crisp. Clean. Sharp.

While they waited, Spark ran them through drills, making sure her element was perfect. "Remember, folks. Crisp, clean and sexy. Revenant undersuits under dress uniform ain't comfortable. But it's honor guard. We move with violence and precision. Atten-TION!"

As one, the group moved, rifles dropping forward as arms slipped from behind the back. In a second movement, the weapons snapped up to rest the barrels on the shoulder, buttstock cupped in the left hand and a hand resting on the foregrip. Third movement, heels clicked together with a sharp snap, head and eyes forward as the right hand made a fist, thumb brushed against the seam of the dress uniform's pants.

"Present. ARMS!"

Hands came up, pulling the rifles away. Grips rotated to present empty chambers, clean, sparkling with bare metal.

"Parade. REST!"

Not a single muscle moved.

"Order. ARMS!"

In a single, fluid movement, the weapons snapped back to their place on their wielder's shoulder, magazine port facing out. Fists returned to their sides.

"Parade. REST!"

Feet widened to shoulder width, and the right hands slipped behind their backs, supported on the belt, as rifles slid down, buttstocks slamming against the concrete as the barrel was rested against the hip. Spark reached up to tap a comms headset sitting comfortably in her ear. "We're ready. Honor guard for a crisp military professional air of authority, and the civilian greeting party on the other side of the carpet, right? Or was the honor guard supposed to be behind you, sir? I can fall 'em out and get 'em lined up in time, either way."

Then the shuttle landed. With the precision and quick movements demanded of them, the fireteam snapped to attention, relaxed, nonhostile, but still a powerful display of professionalism. This was triggered not by Spark's command, but the perimeter being set up by the Neshaten guards. Secretly Spark hoped that the Thorn clones behaved. They knew better. It had taken a shaving of all four of their heads to get them away from pulling hair and ripping out each-others stitches. But nonetheless, as her fireteam stood behind the rest of the greeting party, Spark made calculated, fluid movements in stepping to Nyx's side, across from the towering Tsumi. She was not a dignitary, nor was she the best of their soldiers. She was simply there, and she would use that to make the whole of the armed forces look good.
The small perimeter of black clad Neshaten personnel didn't budge as several kept an eye on the well dressed fireteam which had stood up a little straighter on their arrival, while the eyes of ever operator were visible they kept their faces a blank mask. The closest of the group to Hati stared directly at him for a moment, they all knew several of their own kind had left the home kingdom over the years but there was no official records past the last couple, and the presence of this very similar creature prompted question. Glancing quickly to one of his fellow squad mates the young Daur never spoke a word before he and his partner broke from their perimeter and approached their target.

Vaughn stood near the shuttle still as he made the necessary checks to bring out the real envoy instead of their decoy, before he could the golden Laibe noticed two of his operators confronting what almost looked like another Daur. The director kept an eye on them but didn't make a move, he knew the kind of training they all received and that any operator was capable of making their own choices in the field.

"You, state your species." The first operator barked, neither of the two had their hands on their weapons though, they didn't want to start a war when they already had an knternal struggle but this wasn't a security risk they could overlook. "How many of you is there."
Sirris VI - Obsidian City

In the delegation formed by many old members of the S6 there was one new on the eyes of many. Adrian Clark, a young androgynous geshrin was attending right next to Lord Jack Pine. Her long and red hairs gathered in a tail, black aviator sunglasses, Black long shirt with a red tie covered by a long red coat, black fabric trousers and black heeled boots. She choose such combination to better represent the NDC colours.

Adrian was nominated CEO of the Black Wing enterprises and choosen to lead the inspection tour of the NDC facilities. The invitation to such event was recieved a week ago, enough time for her to learn about the culture and the tradition of the Kingdom of Neshaten. The behaviour showed in the regards of Hati was well expected knowing the policies of the nation and his appearance.

She sighed, while looking at Jack. The geshrin was a little tense but motivated for a good outcome of such diplomatical exchange, but didn't said anything, hoping that the Lord would have taken the lead to avoid any misunderstandings.
With no particular sense of urgency the young wolf slowly turned his head towards the Tsumi with her broken Trade, cocking one dark eyebrow at the towering pillar of a woman before pivoting his head down and across to the kitted-out Daur that had barked the question at him - the fur on his tail puffing out slightly as the boy likewise pushed his chest out, the undersuit beneath his uniform creaking slightly as Hati's red eyes narrowed even more into a shrew glare.

It was that lupine in him maybe, something animalistic about newcomers with similar features on his turf - definitely the scent that they carried and likewise his own body began pushing out subtle defensive pheromones in response, only really noticeable by those within whispering distance to him or with similarly sensitive olfactory receptors.

"Human, mostly~ one of a kind," was the only spoken response given in the end, spoken with the faintest hint of a growl though it would serve the purpose to hopefully answer their question and if not then his blood would say the same thing, with human being the most prevalent thing in his mismatch of a genetic code - undersuit giving another small noise of movement as the young man's fingers retracted and relaxed absentmindedly.
The operator at the front nodded after glancing at his partner once, these new people hadn't been in the sector very long so it was doubtful anyone had left the kingdom since they arrived and they had no records of anyone going anywhere but the star army and Origin Industries, aside from the one in Galactic Horizon which was something of an accident. The Daur could also tell that this, sort of hybrid, was getting defensive over his territory with their own presence. "Understood, and there's no one else here that has similar traits? If there are others of similar design it would be useful to know in advance or have them assessed before the proceedings begin, for the sake of security of course." Vaughn said stepping forwards to replace the two operators who fell back into their formation.

The director gave a final visual look over of the man before him and was satisfied he wasn't going to need any further inspection, "Now, I was informed the leadership of this nation goes by the name of Jack Pine, I would like to greet him myself before we get underway."
Jack cleared his throat, finding the fact that the special garbs alone hadn't made that clear. "I am Lord Jack Pine, one of the two rulers of this nation. To answer your question, we have several fox anthropomorphic citizens, they are Yamatai born. You've already met my brother here, Hati, he's one of our special forces members. My daughter Lady Neera Pine shares somewhat similar features as a wolf anthropomorphic. Also we do have a daur who accompanied us on our trip here from the planet Osman out west. She as I understand was the victim of a crash of a boarding on one of your merchant vessels. A group named Psychopomp had taken her prisoner as a test subject before she eventually escaped to the planet of Osman in Western space, which is where our original organization began. She is enlisted with our armed forces, and wife to our head of Advanced Research and Development.", he said straight to the point, being as pleasant as possible, and trying to show they had nothing to hide. He gave a curt nod in greeting to the official, paying the security no mind, as if just another formal meeting.

"Please forgive the presence of the honor guard, miss Spark tends to be overzealous in her efforts to make good impressions. They will be departing shortly, as to not crowd the area, or distract from the topics of this meeting. Before we begin, are there any other questions we can possibly answer before I hand things over to Mr. Clark who lead the tour of our facilities?", Jack added as he sent a private comms message to Spark on the shuttle, ["Get your team back to base, I did not order such a display! How could you possibly think a honor guard would be appropriate with a delegation of twitchy xenophobes? We make the wrong impression and we are fucked. Later, we are going to have a very long talk about tact in diplomatic situations."] She would be the only one to hear it, having it sent directly to her comm link. Meanwhile, Jack sent a reassuring sensation to Hati over the Geist's neural network.
"Group, atten-TION!" Spark barked, after giving a clean about face and moving behind the welcoming party to center herself on her team.

"About, FACE!" The seven troopers stepped back with their left, hooking their toes on the concrete before pivoting hard on the heel.

"Columns of two, from the center. Forward, MARCH!" The two heavies stepped off on their left feet, the others waiting a step before stepping off at a forty five degree angle. Their movements were clean and precise as they made two columns of three and the medic, covering the tail interposed between the last two clones precisely, in counterstep to avoid heels. Spark recentered herself with the crisp almost-run that her uniform allowed, taking her team back to the terminal.

The way Spark saw it, the maneuver of the NDC's color guard leaving was to show that they trusted the Neshaten with their Commander's security, and the safety of his entourage. Their being there in the first place and so well dressed and well trained, was to show a very formal and nationalistic race, according to the first contact reports by Yamatai and her allies, that while they were always thinking of the leadership's safety, they weren't willing to sacrifice ceremony and order for it. At least that was Spark's thought. She knew she might not be able to keep her rank for the show she pulled, but hopefully, she'd be able to keep her team.

There, they changed into standard security gear, placed their helmets on, and were dispatched to other sites to finish their duty day.
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Vaughn would have paid more attention to the honor guard had he not been within earshot of Jack Pine, the golden Laibe's head snapped around as the Lord started speaking, partially because he could finally tell who out of the flock of overdressed people was the leader and mostly because of what he said. Striding quickly over to face Jack the director's face had somehow gotten more serious, "What did you say about a Daur here?" As though linked by mind the other operators all caught on to the tone in their directors voice and turned on the spot, hands hovering near their SMG's.

Turning his head slightly Vaughn made a slight shaking motion, some kind of subtle signal to his operators who went back to rest and split into their groups of three as per-designated. "Excuse me, I won't be sitting in on the discussion. It's been good to meet you Lord Pine, and your cohort here and your guard seem very well trained although you may want to reconsider how you greet potential friends in the future." The golden Laibe was as blunt as always, and truthfully he was concerned with the apparent display of force, security he understood but not this kind of show. "If there are no objections my operators and I will be conducting the inspection." Lowering his voice he spoke directly to Jack, "I'd very much like a word with this Daur of yours, if you could arrange that." The black clad man, who didn't obviously stand out as their director aside from his speech, walked back to his captains and exchanged a brief word.

The Division 5 operators and Vaughn assembled ready for the tour with this Mr Clark while the navy security of about 6 more fancy looking Neshaten accompanied the Kingdom's own envoy who approached Jack next. "Greetings, Lord Pine. I am Kiatra Ja'Kato, one of the Royal Family's many representatives, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The voice came from an almost adorably short Daur with bright red hair, ears and tail dressed in a simple but nice outfit composed of greens, whites and blues, smiling happily.
Adrian observed the entire scene. She even heard what Vaughn said to Lord Pine as she was right next to them, and the perception was that it wasn't the best of the situations but still manageable, or at least that what she thought. Still her sunglasses hid her slightly worried expression. The delegation seemed to be a mix of authoritarianism and cuteness, but their appearance did not had to even for a moment indulge her mind.

As Vaughn saluted the Lord, the geshrin made her departure from Pine's entourage too "My lord. I'll take care of the preparations for the convoy as you ordered before". She ended the last words spelled with her usual high pitched voice while slightly bowing, all right before the Royal representative showed up.

She calmly walked to the direction of the operators, as she reached a distance of few meters from Vaughn she called his attention "Good morning mr. Vaughn, my name is Adrian Clark, CEO of the Black Wing Enterprises and your guide to the NDC facilities". She said with a dazzling smile, then continued "The structures are on the opposite side of the city, therefore we have prepared for you 5 APC's for the journey". The slim and feminine geshrin made a simple wave of her arm to point in direction of the not so distantly parked vehicles, the pilots waiting outside in a resting position "Of course, you are free to designate your operators to drive them instead of our pilots, if you find it more comfortable".
Inspection Team

Vaughn turned his attention to Adrian when she began speaking and looked her over, she didn't look like the soldier type and her position within their nation reflected that it seemed, Vaughn was not one for the showeyness of politics which was partially why he went out and formed Division 5, to take action without all the talking getting in the way. Even the system for operator training he'd designed from the ground up reflected this with every individual capable of running solo or in a team with as little communication as a few nods and whistles.

"Morning to you as well, you may just call me Vaughn or Director if either is easier, I'm not one for the many redundant layers of etiquette." The golden covered Laibe looked over to the APC's and their drivers when she motioned to them and nodded once more, his expression unwavering, he'd caught a brief glance of them earlier when they stepped off the shuttles but didn't think it would be good for relations if he'd done a full visual sweep in full kit the second he disembarked. "I will leave the driving to those trained in it, and will the Daur I was informed of be joining us at all, I have a few questions to ask them and things may take a drastic turn if your people attempt to keep us from them." Despite his own dig at Jack over the presence of their honor guard Vaughn considered this meeting a grace which this small nation should be grateful for, the fact they had one of his own kind here had only put him on higher alert and threats were the least they had to worry about from him.
"An honor to meet you Miss Ja'Kato, I hope our talks today as well as your inspection go well. It is my hope that our two nations in the future can form good relations, even if not as allies, but as neighbors in the least. Shall we move to the council hall, or would there be anything you wish to ask, or discuss before we do?", Jack greeted the short daur, giving a slight bow and a nod to her as he greeted. He didn't think much of the height difference, and continued to keep up the polite and formal attitude despite how rocky things had started out being. Jack just hoped that they hadn't already doomed themselves at this point.
Royal Team

"I, along with the Kingdom of Neshaten also wish for good relations between our nations so that we may thrive together in our little area of the universe." Kiatra said, fuzzy ears and tail twitching as she beamed up at him. "Well I'm sure we will have times for questions later, as long as your people are in order and ready we will follow your lead Lord Pine, although, I have one request." The short Daur beckoned him closed while standing on her tip-toes and whispered in his ear. "You should make sure your people know that, if someone tries to touch my tail or ears they might be killed, the navy and Division 5 take my security very seriously."

Stepping back down and resuming her smile the royal ambassador gave a nod to Jack signalling him to lead when ready, the 6 navy personnel all ready to follow her, each one being far more intimidating than their protection charge. Each one a dark fur covered Laibe standing at least 7ft tall each dressed in more ceremonial robes, unlike the special operators under Vaughn's care they were a public display of the nation and also had to dress up despite their protests.

"I'm very interested to see this council hall of yours too!"
Nyx stood there quietly, observing the proceedings with interest. Her mechanical eyes moved to the left and the right, her Fox-like ears turned as to better hear the conversation. She found herself curious that she was left ignored by the visitors from another world. But she figured since she just had Fox's ears and not a tail and she was clearly a machine. It wasn’t anything that the visitors were concerned with. She wasn’t a Daur. At least that’s what she was thinking, and that seems to be what it was. Still, it didn’t occur to her that she should say something.

At least until she saw the Daur speaking to her father move onto her tiptoes and whisper something to her father. “I am certain, that my comrades would not show such disrespect in that type of action. “ She said to the small Daur before she turned to follow, also letting her father lead the way. Her mind processed the images of the newcomers she had taken. It was fascinating, how different they appeared especially to each other.

Kiatra Ja'Kato was the short Daur’s name she recalled, but as followed by Jack, she was to call her Miss Ja’Kato. The other who had spoken was called Vaughn, who had the title of Director. Her aunt Spark had been a bit overzealous though she hoped and could see that despite the Honor guard’s presence it didn’t seem to damper things, at least not yet.

The short Daur made her interests known about seeing the council hall, she didn’t understand the interest in seeing a building, but she had to consider the fact that this visitor came from another planet, and she was of a different people. Perhaps their architecture was different from The NDC’s she decided she will ask later at the opportune time.

As she followed everyone to the transports awaiting them, she wondered if she should ask questions due to her curiosities. It didn’t occur to her that maybe she should be introducing herself since she was Jack’s Daughter. Her excitement a meeting a new race, distracted her.
Adrian nodded humming affermatively "Absolutely, although it's a topic that lies in the hands of Lord Jack Pine, I can raise the awareness of our Lord on how much this meeting with the Daur is important for the positive result of this unique encounter." She ended grabbing her pad from her black small bag and tapping rapidly on it with her long and tapered fingers. Vaughn would notice how many designs of old if not even ancient aircrafts where showed in the back cover of her small pad.

The geshrin raised back her head "Done, his majesty will contact the Daur immediatly. But if may I say, I think she will reach us during the inspection, so you will have to unfortunatly wait some time before." She smiled again and then changed the topic "About more impelling things. Mr Vaughn, you are free to take a better look at the vehicles and free choice to dispose yourself as you please before departing for the facilities". Her repeating the same words was the expression of a slight anxiety from the visitor's strictness, but she continued to act diplomatically as much as she could.
Inspection Team

"Thank you, and that will be fine." The director said curtly, his team equally dividing themselves among the vehicles without needing his guidance, she'd called him mister again, which to him signified that they were nervous and despite being told it was ok they were sticking to etiquette out of some amount of basic instinct. The golden Laibe knew this unrest was probably his doing, he considered appologising but that would make things more complex he concluded.

For what was known as a very rare occasion among operators, Vaughn smiled slightly, this Daur of theirs had now become his sole purpose for being here outside of security reasons for the envoy, inspection was just a routine but a member of his race popping up like this was different. This Adrian Clark person seemed to grasp some of the importance of Vaughn meeting such a person but he doubted she knew exactly what kind of trouble this nation would be in if things went sour on this trip.

Royal Team

Kiatra cocked her head to one side as Nyx spoke and gave her another sweet smile, "I hope you are right, many foreign traders in the past have nearly lost their lives when visiting our nation without respecting our customs, however we do not wish to force our ways upon anyone else." The small ambassador sniffed the air slightly before sniffing again closer to Nyx, this person smelled different and not like a person to her. "Please forgive me if I am disrespecting you, but are you not of the same species as the others here?" The fluffy red haired Daur paused when they reached the vehicles and looked Nyx up and down once more.