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Approved Submission Frame Running


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: New sport, biznitch
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lorath:sports:frameracing

Faction: idk Lorath and Nepleslia and a bunch others I guess
FM Approved Yet? Yep
Faction requires art? Nope

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Not as far as I know
Contains New art? Yep
Previously Submitted? You wish

F1 meets wrestling meets NASCAR meets a whole bunch of other stuff. Gives our characters something to talk about, to bond over, to yell at and throw beer bottles at on the TV, to bet on and to drool over. Our universe needs depth and not every submission should be a new weapon or ship. We need to be entertained too.

Zooming, cool costumes, smack-talk, explosions, boobs, big ass robots, racing, bright colours, grudges, bad guys, heroes, villains, underdogs, anti-heroes, big grand storylines of he-says-she-says characters suggesting what might have happened next with the entire future of the sport being up to the players and how they choose to talk about it...

Sometimes we need to write about our characters watching other people blow up shit for a change, not just ourselves. They need to be enthusiastic about something.


Step it up, Origin: Build faster frames.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is even more in-depth than the airbike racing @Kai pulled together! So cool!

It's also approved for IC usage. Have a good race!
No, it was definitely moved and then unmoved. Maybe someone accidentally hit the revert button if you left a ghost link?
I'll wait to see what Wes says about it, assuming he did it. If not, then we'll move it back to approved.
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