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[Free State Polycast / Debug Funk] Bad Neighbours

Been a long time, but Freethinker Buster Ramses Two Seven is back on your ass like a bad case of the rads! The Debug Funk Polycast has risen from the dead and is here to make some noise!~

Now submerge yourself in these fine beats, and I'll plug you some truths that you ain't getting nowhere else, baby!

♫ Slump Swordfish - Hexagon Nightmare ♫
♫ Replica Trident - Broken Floorboards ♫
♫ New Fangled - Microbe Nanite Particle Flashback ♫

That's what I'm talking about! Okay, gossip time, my meaty little eardrum farm!

First up, and this is the big one, but you would not believe what is going on down by Freehold way. Some random fleet from the east came and kicked out that ultra-negative sour puss that was sitting on the place for the last few years, and went about stripping the place down piece by piece; Right down to the busted Lighthouse unit yours truly was backdooring in order to reach my fine audience down Null and Void way!

The Locksmiths are going mental, along with those uber-religious folks callin' the place some sacred graveyard. Ain't nobody know who these spooky perpetrators are, only information that got out is that they had a bone-fide ley-line capable mothership scooping up all that neat loot for them! Not less than six hours later, there are these new killer junker designs all over the poly, and those Discord boys are saying it's all part of their master plan! Half the type five organisers on the original Great Lighthouse are flipping their transistors about what to do next!

Off further galactic east, the Viridian guys are getting mired in some kind of internal trouble around Port Hope. Station reps are saying they had yet another spree of hacking problems, resulting in whole hordes of those prototype nanomachine hand guns going missing. Some people just can't catch a break.

Are these events linked? Is there some major mojo going on underground that we aren't being told about? Drop your bro Buster Ramses a line, and you could get your very own message on air!

In lighter chat, looks like those new Moondyne Voidwalker suits are getting spread around nicely. Only those super-spiritual weirdos are sticking to the old ones, and oh baby, you folks oughta get a load of mine! Ain't nobody can take a gander at this ass in a hot pink Entropy's T-Shirt and tell me they ain't seen some brand new deities! Hypnoji goggles are the best thing since the VR burger, too. How's about both looking stunning, and stunning with looks? You can't contain this kinda funk, baby!

Sweet dreams my vixens, vixoids, and virtual vajra!

Now get lost, I need to look in a mirror!

♫ Deluxe Trash Compactor - Sound In Holospace ♫
♫ Orbital Decay - Send Our Regards To The Squiddie Cat Freaks (I've Had Enough Of These Tungsten Robot Geeks) ♫
♫ The Dreaming Comets - Guitar Song To Cause Reasonable Motivation #8473 ♫