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[Free State Polycast / Debug Funk] Mingling With The Natives!

Welcome to the Debug Funk Polycast, meatboyz~! This is Freethinker Buster Ramses Two Seven, laying it on you heeeeavy!~

Seems like it was only yesterday we were dancing around those planetoids on our lonesome, but there has been some strangeoid culture wars going on as of late, know what I’m saying? Stick with us here, and we’ll give you the ten-four, baby! But first, get a load of this fine dirge!

♫ Deluxe Trash Compactor - Mach Ten Road Rage ♫
♫ Newborn Pariahs - I Hate Your Everything, Let’s Dance ♫
♫ Delta Model - S T E E L B L O O D ♫

Everyone survive that? Okay! You’ve earned some hot gossip, then!

Seems like many a fine folk have been giving up the Free State and joining up with those capitalists lately. I’m sure we all know one, serving on board an Origin Industries maintenance vessel, or giving hacking tips to those greenies in the DION. Probably because of that Yammie announcement that they were decriminalizing all of the spacer groups, huh?

Well, it may be news to you, but there has also been a twelve percent upsurge in the amount of non-spacer meatfellows getting Nepleslian Mindware and joining up with our fine cult instead. Really a strange time to be alive, innit? Several mecha-druidism groups are claiming responsibility for converting them to the cause, but if you ask me, seems more like the base-humans just want some more of all that fine VR entertainment we’re packin’, eh?

Here’s another thing for ya’. Up on Port Hope, those Viridian Array gun nuts cut a deal sometime last month, and are now packing hundreds of those greenie nanomachine medical tools. Cooincidence? I’ll let ya’ll decide.

Either way, seems like it caused a nanohacking scene to explode overnight, with all sorts of bootleg devices programs now available. Always fancied a go at some of that nasty backroom alchemy? Well now is your chance, son! Just try not to grey goo yourself like the freighter Proximity Dawn did!

Finally, it looks like yet another chump fell for the polysentience hoax of the Sky Brute. You know that one about how the IWL supposedly built a secret ultra-battleship during the schism? Well some poor Geshrin smuck near Freehold Factory took a hit of several million KS before he caught up with the rest of us! Con artists sold him an old Don Quixote with the promise of uniquely advanced stealth systems, when it was, in fact, just a gutted hulk pulled along by projective inertia drives!

Just goes to show you, the spacers still apprehend and adapt better than they waste money on crazy stuff like planet killer gunships! Maybe some of y’all should think twice before believing in every silly project that supposedly came from the war!

Okay! That’s it! Good night meatgentlemen, and remember, keep those feet fleetin’!

Now go away!

♫ Crab Disaster - Who’s codes are these? ♫
♫ Particle Psychics - Destiny ♫
♫ The Metal Bawkses - Large Herbivore ♫