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[Freespace] Fleet Religious Sect

Della's a Dude.

And you spoke with him? dayum, it's been a while since we've seen him!
Tell him we want him back! Please! ^_^

Meanwhile, this sounds like an interesting bit of culture...it's got an okay from me : )

EDIT: Er, adjusting...I forgot that this was a character sub and not a culture sub...reading the character bio now. Will comment when finished.
The hair itself is an off-white shade, as if it has faded from a a deeper orange.
Double-"a"s not required.

Unlike most Freespacers, she has no fear of foreign environments and animals.
The reason 'Spacers fear these things are because of their lack of immune system. Does this one's curiosity outweigh her desire to live?

She'll come up with absurd things to talk about, which, sadly enough, she has already done an exceptional amount of research on.
I like this part ^_^ The possible conversations are quite entertaining!

She follows it accordingly, IEDs and all.
Query: "IED" = ?

The duo are not a Standalone and a Standbeside; they are Standtogethers.
This is a new take on siblingship I haven't seen in the RP yet. I look forward to seeing how this is played out : ) On the OOC side, are we going to need a separate submission for her sister or count her as part of the character?

Dislikes: (...) toenails
Another bit of fun randomness : )

Clone of child of Stargazer Eclipse 06-6133-4967 and Codespinner Argos 09-1019-8852.
I don't think that this part is required. Cloning isn't like normal breeding since you don't need both parents (by definition of "clone"), so you can just leave the Mothership-of-origin as her 'parent'. Otherwise, there's an extra "of", it can read "Clone child of..."

Amendment: Okay, the clone thing is understandable, though HIGHLY unusual for Freespacers. Seriously unusual. Like Vesper's recent submission, this is an attempt at an inately "special" character, even above the level of "special" that merely being a Standalone would give you. I'm not even sure Freespacers can "love" romantically, as far as I have seen and read, they're all child-like in their relations. Also, love implies being especially intimate, set apart from everyone else, which goes against the community "what's mine is everyone's" ethic of a 'Sacer. And it's fairly well established that they are all sterile, making the chance of two 'Spacers not only falling in love but actually having both parents _fertile_ despite centuries of cloning, which would essentially mean they're working with partially-damaged goods to begin with...

There are other ways.

If they love each other, they know they're sterile, but they could artificially combine their genes and acquire the same result, minus the still-born child. The SI could be a result of them having this love at an already-advanced age and so, acknowledging their fate to die before their child would be 'born', create the SI to take the role it does already. This bypasses the precedent of allowing Freespacers to breed (no matter how unlikely) and achieves the same result.

Still iffy on the notion of romantic 'Spacers, though. But that can be overlooked.

She understands how the ships function, and can perform any role necessary, short of operating weapons systems.
You can remove the commas with no damage to the sound of the sentence.

1 Bar Soap
1 Container Shampoo/Conditioner
1 Toothbrush, Neon Green
1 Tube Toothpaste
1 Towel, White
According to the rarity of water on Freespacer ships, this might be something she'd acquire in the service of a non-'Spacer ship. Dream was absolutely appalled that people let water fall all over their bodies, and amazed that someone casually offered her a bottle of water. In a closed environment that requires circulation and reclamation of every resource, there might be another way that 'Spacers stay clean.

Now that I think about it, they have no worry of infection while on their ships, radiation keeps the place sterile. So it'd mostly just be the dirt and grime. Maybe algeal sponges and mats could be used for scrubbing, if they've absorbed sufficient moisture. Though washing might also disturb the skin diatoms and lichen...it'd be tricky business, washing...

Well, that about does it for my review. I hope it helped, and I hope I get the chance to meet her ICly : ) Maybe an off-record JP.

Btw, all of my opinions are open for changing in the sense that, if you have a very good reason for something, I'll reconsider.

If you would please create a separate Wiki page for this concept so that it can be approved outside of the character. It would be beneficial.

Looking at this, it strikes me as justification for making a total Sue, which is something SARP looks down upon. Although I don't doubt that this could in fact happen in freespacer society, it just doesn't work for the setting, and opens up an avenue for easily making OP characters.

I vote no on this.
kai said:
Looking at this, it strikes me as justification for making a total Sue, which is something SARP looks down upon. Although I don't doubt that this could in fact happen in freespacer society, it just doesn't work for the setting, and opens up an avenue for easily making OP characters.

I vote no on this.

Honestly, yes, it does make her a total Mary Sue. But as far as abilities go, not really. Not only is this sect only existent in a single fleet in the entire galaxy, but being a Standalone doesn't really mean anything. The character's skills aren't too exceptional; she's a skilled technophile. The Sect was really just some flavor I came up with for her history. The only notable difference is that a Standalone 'graduates' to adulthood a bit faster. The education they receive as a child, while non-standard, is also just a way of pumping them off to their 'destiny' a bit faster. It covers all the basic education regular 'Spacers receive, plus vocational education based on the capabilities of their Standbeside teacher, as a substitute for:

Freespacer Wiki said:
They will take their time to explore and experience society first hand rather than simply from digital books during the next year. At the same time they are also expected to work with different members of society as apprentices so they can explore different trades.

Though my intent was for their only advantage to be getting educated faster, I can see how someone else could misconstrue this into "omg my character is a Standalone she's like Jesus!" The first thing I said when submitting the character was "she's not like Jesus." :)

I'll see what I can do about clarifying this in the wiki.
I also admit some hesitation on this. I don't like characters that require tech submissions for approval. But I don't know how to address the technical concerns, and I know that's what this is about.
Doshii Jun said:
I also admit some hesitation on this. I don't like characters that require tech submissions for approval. But I don't know how to address the technical concerns, and I know that's what this is about.

Well, less tech, more setting, really... this obviously needs to wait a bit, until the Freespacers get sorted out. But I plan on making more strange little things like this for them. Forgive me for sounding like a dork, but it's fun coming up with this stuff. So you may be getting spammed with more strange little Freespacer things.... :?
As the Freespacers are so varied in their attitudes from fleet to fleet, there is no need for this submission to exist until sufficient role-play has been posted to support its existence. There is no need to make a submission for something that, at this point, would be nothing more than part of a character's background. If a big enough player following for something like this happens it would be a good time to submit this type of thing.

It adds to the Freespacers in a minor but interesting way and I don't think it'll be harmful unless there's a surge of Standalone characters--which we could combat at the Bio forum through the review process, if needed.
Thank you for valuing my opinion as the Freespacer FM.