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Approved Submission Freespacer Extravaganza (Grand Bizarre)


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Corporation.
Submission URL: Here ya go.

Faction: Freespacers.
FM Approved Yet? No. Paging @Primitive Polygon
Faction requires art? No.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Working on them.
Contains New art? No.
Previously Submitted? No.

The buy and sell stuff, I just wanted someone who I can put behind the creation of everything else I'm putting up for submission.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Seeing as the IWL and the Hacker Cult have both adopted capitalism in the past, however momentarily, I don't think this kind of organisation is unfounded. A new ethos of 'adopt, adapt & improve' is pretty much mandatory for the spacer's survival at this point. It's also nice that the article links to some of the newer factors in order to make it feel more modern. Certainly not overpowered in terms of number of ships, too, especially since their population presumably contains higher non-spacer crew members than average.

Obviously submission managers have their say here, but as the FM of the Freespacers, it has my backing.
Can we get a link to the salvage agreement mentioned in this line: "the short lived UX-12 salvage agreement with Yamatai"? Not doubting it exists; just want to see the roleplay get some credit.

Same with this line: "Official condemnation ceased the second that Yamatai announced decriminalization of membership of hostile Freespacer groups, and the Bizarre began to recruit from their former members in earnest."

I would move the "relationships" paragraphs into their own section lower on the page. Helps break up the text.

Now that the short issues are out of the way, the "big" one, that probably is more of an explainer:

From where does the money come that the marketplace makes?

If we look at this like a kind of farmers market, the money comes from an outside source — customers buy products made by denizens of the Bizarre. Those customers make their money outside the farmers market.

You mention some trading with Yamatai and Nepleslia as well as the obvious Freespacer-only trading, but I want to make sure I understand that when it comes to actual currency, it's from trading with those two outside partners. Because it's my impression that even post-Schism, even after Nepleslia taking them on as a protectorate, Freespacers don't really do money. They're not about currency; they're about maintaining the society as a whole, which you talk about some in the submission.

I don't think this is a huge hitch; it's probably a misunderstanding on my part. I just want to make sure I understand how the Grand Bizarre makes money when the Freespacers, its principal set of customers, don't use it.
They don't make money at all.

I tried to use non-specific terms like profits. And they only make profit in terms of a barter-based economy. It's cumbersome and less efficient, but they're more or less mass commodity traders.

Metal from miners to trade to farmers for food, then move the food to someone else for a second hand ship, etc. If that makes sense?

I'll do the edits, but did you want it linked to specific forum posts? I can't really find much on those two specific things on the wiki.
You can link to wikipages; that's cool.

And yes, that does make sense. I think it's confusing for readers and players, though, with how it's worded. You're talking about capitalism, which by definition does not require money, but everyone's going to read it that way. Especially with the inclusion of Yamataian and Nepleslian trading potential, as those are monied economies that will expect to trade currency for goods/services.

The mass commodity aspect I get, but how do they handle cash? And how can they maintain a commodities market that (presumably) includes futures contracts when there's no cash involved?
I figured they used the Freespacer resource vouchers that are already up on the International Currency Exchange guide. Should I be adding this stuff in?
Link to it with a short explainer when needed. It's best to assume the reader hasn't read other parts of the wiki until you backlink them yourself.
I made some minor edits to link a few things.

I think this submission is ready to approve. FM approved from Yamatai's perspective.

As a general note, the Bizarre is actually welcome to wander through YSE space from time to time.