Star Army

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Approved Submission Freespacer Pages Mega Update! (CCG/Types/History)

Primitive Polygon

🎖️ Game Master
Submission Type: Reformatting Faction Pages
Submission URL: (New CCG)
Submission URL: (Types)
Submission URL: (History)

Faction: Freespacers
FM Approved Yet? Yes.
Faction requires art? No.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? They are interlinking. Other than that, no.
Contains New art? Yes.
Previously Submitted? No.

Notes: There is a lot of information in here, and I'd be seriously surprised if a setting mod digs though the entire thing. Technically a lot of it is just refinement of old data, and you're not going to find any new technology elements in here.

What this submission does change is the old pages...
  • The age-old Freespacer page will be moved to an 'archive' page, and will be replaced by this new CCG/information page instead, ensuring all links lead to the newest source of information. This makes it immediately accessible from the main page of the wiki, which is why I'm bothering to make a fuss about it.
  • The individual Freespacer Type pages, of which there are many, will be compressed into their own singular 'archive' page.
  • The Free State, Independent Worlds League and Schism pages will be more clearly marked OOCly as old news and no longer relevant to the current RP environment.
  • The Skeleton Ensemble will continue to be the main Freespacer Plot, but the CCG is going to be deleted in favour of the new one.
I've been trying to avoid stepping on toes for a really long time, but in order to push this faction forward and really get a worthwhile plot going with my new Co-FM Cordinarr, I believe these changes are absolutely necessary.

So, yeah, TLDR; This is a 'Just so you know' thread, pure and simple.

That's it. Thanks for reading.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
PP is this a submission you want me to review or an update you want the setting to know about?
I've been following these on the wiki, actually.

I'll give 3 days for objections to be raised but I think these are approvable.
I'm basically just giving reviewers a chance to point out anything that looks obviously wrong with it.

Technically speaking, I think I have the authority to self-approve, but that could be seen as a little shady given the renovations in play.
Sounds good to me! I gave each one a preliminary skim and I'm happy with what I see, but I won't go ahead and review as Wes already has. I can't wait to see a 'Spacer plot! Also, very thorough and in-depth work done here!
The first paragraph of the guide doesn't seem accurate anymore. They're no longer a nation, and they do have some governments and borders now, although most of them are still nomadic and many remain outlaws or anarchists. (The word 'all' can probably be deleted from links them all together', too--I don't think the group I wrote up are the only example of fragmentation of the Polysentience since YE 30.)

The line about them 'accepting a great many sentient androids into their ranks' seems like it ought to trade 'accepting' out for 'including', or maybe use even stronger language to indicate that most Freespacers are androids or gynoids, so it's less that they tolerate them than that they form most of the population. Most of the sections following seem to assume that organic Freespacers are the default, still, though, so it might also be better to stop with just that one word swap.

We've talked about it before a little, but I still don't think 'demi-capitalist' should describe the Shravana Hive. I meant them to have a command economy, not a market economy, and for them to have everything but a few personal items be publicly owned and allocated by council, without any internal financial resources or currency.

Since this is in the CCG, the goal is to tell new players what niche each of the cadres have... Maybe 'an authoritarian scavenger colony'. We might want a group that uses elements of capitalism, like barter, wages, and prices, but I haven't written one yet. Does the Grand Bizarre count as a cadre?
I didn't know we were changing the history page as well. I'll read that later tonight and post my thoughts. The CCG and Types pages are ones I've looked over and have my "OK". I may look over them when I'm looking at the history and post any thoughts later, but for now they're pretty groovy.

Quick edit: Also, thanks for trusting me to be your Co-FM. I still have a lot to learn in regards to SARP as a whole, but I'm pretty excited for the ability to work @Primitive Polygon on the Freespacers. I've presented ideas in the past, and PP has been more than receptive of them, I feel extremely fortunate for this. There's definitely a bright future ahead!
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The first paragraph of the guide doesn't seem accurate anymore. They're no longer a nation, and they do have some governments and borders now, although most of them are still nomadic and many remain outlaws or anarchists. (The word 'all' can probably be deleted from links them all together', too--I don't think the group I wrote up are the only example of fragmentation of the Polysentience since YE 30.)

That's fair critique. Though, I'm not really sure how to describe a nationality that is mostly united by a cyberspace communications format as anything but a 'de-facto nation'. It's not a nation, but it's not complete randomness either. If you have a better way of describing it, I'm all ears.

It's worth mentioning that this is all a major over-generalisation meant for the eyes of new players, too, though, and is designed to represent the freespacers in as vague a possible sense. Technically speaking, the Astral Locksmiths are really pushing what is described here, and the Wire Guided have gotten rid of types. So it's really the best I can do, to just lay out a default state of sorts...

The Shravana Hive was included on the list because I recognise the effort you've put in, and people only need to click on it to see how different they operate. I'll make edits to more accurately reflect their description here, too, of course.

The line about them 'accepting a great many sentient androids into their ranks' seems like it ought to trade 'accepting' out for 'including', or maybe use even stronger language to indicate that most Freespacers are androids or gynoids, so it's less that they tolerate them than that they form most of the population. Most of the sections following seem to assume that organic Freespacers are the default, still, though, so it might also be better to stop with just that one word swap.

Since people tend to make organic characters, I guess I was trying to aim it towards those interests, but you do have a point. It's pretty rare that players seem to realise just how many Automata there are supposed to be. Edited the sentence to make this a lot more clear. Thank you.

We might want a group that uses elements of capitalism, like barter, wages, and prices, but I haven't written one yet. Does the Grand Bizarre count as a cadre?

The Grand Bizarre should, and I would have included them, but I'm a little uneasy about listing them as a mainstay cadre without Dumont actually at the helm. For now, it's best to just say that they exist, but aren't active enough to really be notable. The original article does mention them operating chiefly in the northern expanse, away from any known locales, anyway.

I didn't know we were changing the history page as well.

It's all good. Nothing has been retconed. Some of the early history has been paraphrased, perhaps, but that's basically it. It's just one of those things that I've heard players complain about, so it really needed its own page.

Great to have you aboard, Cordoman. ;I
Oh, I misunderstood. I didn't realize this was all new rather than updated. Maybe 'Freespacers are a nomadic culture adapted to life aboard starships and space factories, with only the wide open space lanes and the cybernetic grafting of mindware technology that links them through cyberspace to unite them.'? The word 'eclectic' might be more descriptive than 'unique', too.
How about this?...

"Rustic, mysterious and unconventional, Freespacers are a nomadic culture adapted to life aboard starships and space factories, unified only by a romance of the endless black expanse, and the cybernetic grafting of mindware technology that individually links each member through a gigantic common cyberspace."

I know that leaves out the fact that there are some subdomains on the poly, but those are at least common within their own analogues. I think it's important to immediately define that every Freespacer has mindware, even if some cadres have their own quirks in it's use. It's not like the modern internet that only metaphorically links people.
Sounds good to me. Even if the use of the word 'unconventional' used to describe Freespacers makes me think mostly of the word's use in the context of 'unconventional weapons'.
It's been five days. Went ahead and did all of the things on the checklist. Thank you for the assistance, everyone.

Man, that felt like sacrilege...

Edit; For clarity, there is now both a separate information hub page and a CCG, instead of them just being one thing. I'm open to criticism over the choice of art.
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