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Freespacer Starship Creation Guidelines


Inactive Member
I've resolved to overhaul the Freespacer section of the wiki, which, although very rich, is badly linked, needs updates after all the things that have happened recently, and overall, well, could use some extra work. Crux and MissingNo are helping me on this.

This is the first submission: a meta-submission, if you will, something that explains how Freespacer ships are supposed to work, a recap page to (hopefully) clear their design philosophy to players new to Freespacers or who never bothered to read much about them.

I thought this was needed, since their ships are so different from the high-tech approach of everyone else. Jessica always tried her best to make them stand out with original techs and an approach to space travel and life radically different from everyone else's, and I've always liked that.

Oh, and the broken links are about already-approved tech that we will soon move to its own pages.
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=fr ... guidelines
They seem fine to me. More factions should have guidelines like these!
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