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Approved Submission [Freespacers] "Partisan" Automata

Primitive Polygon

๐ŸŽ–๏ธ Game Master
Submission Type: Mach 3 Kung-Fu Robot Man
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=freespacers:partisan

Faction: Freespacers / The Wire Guided
FM Approved Yet? Yup. It's me.
Faction requires art? Nope.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?
Contains New art? Yes.
Previously Submitted? No.

Notes: Basically, it's just a modernization of the classic militant design, with a few modern tricks. Better at melee, more independent, self-repairing, and a more powerful handgun.

May, or may not, have anything to do with Alex's sky guard. There was in-RP development regarding this, but seeing as I'm not sure exactly what his ambitions are both in and out of character, I decided that the Wire Guided would just be cheeky sods, and manufacture a more unruly design than the original brief was talking about...

Yeah. If it spurs on a new robot player character or two, I'd call that mission completed. Not like I really care about using these guys as an army or anything.

Note 2: A few small things are pinched directly from the original militant article, such as the electroactive polymer structure, and the basic details of the power plant. A lot of the stats are also more or less the same. You basically don't have to re-read those bits, unless you really care something fierce... There just wasn't any point in changing them, really.

@Zack , @Alex Hart
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I love the art <:3

"Partisan"-Series War Automaton

"Organization: Freespacers / The Wire Guided " (Link these or at least Freespacers since they haven't been linked yet)

About the โ€œPartisanโ€ War Automaton
<your chart is here>

Weapons Systems
"Harrower" Coil-Gyrojet Hybrid Carbine (1) <------Please add tier.

Systems Descriptions

"devastating to light power armors and vehicles" "Pathetic against solid armor, but shreds unarmored targets, and still hits with enough force to send even armored infantry soldiers flying." (Bombastic language)

"storage hanger for" (Hangar with an A)

"a endoskeleton" (Use the word an)

"Tough the Partisan" (Though instead of tough)

We talked extensively on the subject of DR for this in chat, but I want to rehash it here:
It is t3:
1 T5 = 4
1 T2 = .5
1 T2 = .5
1 T4 = 2
That makes 8
There. Seems a bit more wordy now, but that should be everything.

Thanks for fighting the good fight around here, Ame, appreciate it. ;I
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