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[FSR] Freespacer Captives freed from Yamatai "Reserve"

For the first time since the Genocide, Free Space Radio transmits in high quality. The data feed, both video and audio, is clear and hi-res, and the signal is stable.
A male-looking Freespacer automata is speaking, evidently from a starship corridor. Behind him, a large window shows a starry field with a purple nebula on the background, and a vast number of chaotic, colorful Freespacer starships of all sizes and shapes, no two of them looking alike. Many are visibly damaged and some are undergoing repairs: the sparks of welders and cutters flash across their hulls every now and then.
The anchorman's face is a featureless metallic oval set with two large eyes glowing pale green. He wears a black tuxedo over a white shirt and a silken necktie, complete with an elegant top hat on his head.

"Greetings from Free Space News, and welcome. Here is your host, Altair Seven Nine, speaking." His voice is deep and perfectly modulated, with just the faintest mechanical tone. He speaks in what might be translated as a British accent.

"After several months from the Genocide, Polysentience has been restored. The Hacker Cult is still working on optimization and improvement, and readapting to the inevitable changes after so great a trauma, and a state-wide vote, proposed by the Hacker Cult and with wide popular support, is currently running on the measures that should be taken to increase its security against malicious intrusion." His eyes light up a smiling bright green. "But what matters most is that we're back to our regular transmissions."

The image behind the anchorman turns to a rough, vague map of the Ketsurui Military sector. UX-12 is circled and a white arrow leaves that system, passes through the north gate in the FTL deadzones, and crosses a wide stretch of empty space, finally crossing Nepleslian borders and disappearing from the upper-right corner of the image.

"Yamatai has released our captured citizens from the "Reserve", as they have called it, where they have been locked up since the fall of the Great Lighthouse five months ago. Polysentience links are being re-estabilished with our lost kindred, who are currently heading towards Port Hope, the gathering point in Nepleslian space from where we are transmitting."

The map moves, centering on New Nepleslia. A point roughly in the middle of the triangle traced by P1-4, P1-5 and P1-10, has been marked as "Port Hope". The arrow is pointing there.

"The fleet will rejoin with us in approximately one month. Meanwhile, the Hacker cult is passing them with a very fine comb in order to uncover Yamatai spies and agents hidden between them, or embedded malicious programs."

The map disappears, replaced by a pie chart labeled "Freespacer prisoners in Yamatai".

"The strain of prolonged Polysentience withdrawal on the 150,000 prisoners has been extremely heavy, and many fellow citizens have been diagnosed with irreparable psychological damage. about 13,500 Freespacers, a good 9% of the captives, have volunteered for the Grinders, while other 33,000, 22% of the total, are undergoing emergency treatment. The number of the dead for natural causes or Yamatai mishandling during their captivity is unknown."

The map appears again, showing New Nepleslia and Port Hope. A large white arrow goes from Port Hope towards the north-western portion of the galaxy, reaching for Null and Void.

"Meanwhile, the Free State has decided to reassemble around the Null and Void Proving Grounds, near black hole Zero. The fleets will depart once all its ships will be assembled, repaired, and ready to undertake the journey, which might be anything from one to two months from now."

The background image returns to the starship-ridden starscape with the Nepleslian Nebula in the background. The anchorman nods a bow.

"We thank you for following Free State News, and leave you to our Art and Culture specials. Today, host Iriel Three Three and her special guest, DJ ENtropic, will present to you his latest single, The Game We Lost."
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