Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

[FSR] Several Nodes Protest Regarding Nepleslian Expansion

>> set/sender/proxy: Polysentience GLH Gateway
>> set/sender/user: QUASI Fractal Three Eight 38-9897-0273
>> set/recipient: wiredrovers@node, astralinterlopers@node, wishgranters@node, libertarianrepublic@node, merchantraiders@node, distributedartificalintelligence@node[...]

>>set/subject: To all deep space fleets. Priority flash traffic; SitRep on events as follows.

The recent announcement of the Nepleslian Colonial Expansionism has created a stir among various Fleets of the Free State. Internal discussion is growing heated. Declining political stability in various sectors, increasing eccentricity of sociological drift, probability for hostile actions increasing. However sociological projections are inconclusive as of yet due to a lack of Nepleslian official response in terms of potential negotiation. Estimated results still unfavorable due to the lack of Nepleslian forewarning in regards to their operation.

Requesting the reallocation of available secondary nodes, SI or QUASI constructs, and any excess processing power in an attempt to project event outcome more accurately. Cultists of the Network Backbone also welcome in decrypting and tapping Nepleslian communications.

Attached are samples of the discussion. Backtrack proxies to find discussion forums.

End of line.


A Foreman said:
"We have roamed far beyond their known reaches of space for decades, and we were sparse in our harvests as to leave resources for future generations. But then all of a sudden these Nepleslians decide to claim ownership of these systems. By what right do they claim these worlds as their own? By whose authority do they lay claim the birthright and sustenance of our children? None I say! Free space should remain free, for all time!"
A Freethinker said:
"The fleet will welcome to our brothers and sisters so long as they return such courtesies in kind. What the fleet is really concerned about is if they start enforcing sovereignty claims, and limiting or even preventing us access from the resources we need to survive. We aren't fueling some kind of war effort or trying to turn a profit here; our people are born and bred shipdwellers, so we need these resources merely to sustain our way of life -- and of course to survive."
A Spacecase said:
"We will welcome visitors and we will welcome far flung kin into our Free State. But what we will not tolerate are thieves and dictators who would not only exploit resources that belong to us all, but lay exclusive claim to it all!"
A Codespinner said:
"If worse should come to worse I imagine we'll have to, once again, move farther into the reaches of unknown space to satisfy the tide of our neighbors' expansionism. We will survive, no doubt. Personally, I'm just afraid what will happen if more radical elements take this as imperialism or jingoism; the violation of basic rights to freedom. The shrouded past of the Free State is one of freedom fighters, separatism, and rebellion -- I only hope these radicals aren't merely overexaggerating this turn of events for the sake of taking up what they see to be a righteous crusade."