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[FSR] Several Nodes Protest Regarding Nepleslian Expansion

>> set/sender/proxy: Polysentience GLH Gateway
>> set/sender/user: QUASI Fractal Three Eight 38-9897-0273
>> set/recipient: wiredrovers@node, astralinterlopers@node, wishgranters@node, libertarianrepublic@node, merchantraiders@node, distributedartificalintelligence@node[...]

>>set/subject: To all deep space fleets. Priority flash traffic; SitRep on events as follows.

The recent announcement of the Nepleslian Colonial Expansionism has created a stir among various Fleets of the Free State. Internal discussion is growing heated. Declining political stability in various sectors, increasing eccentricity of sociological drift, probability for hostile actions increasing. However sociological projections are inconclusive as of yet due to a lack of Nepleslian official response in terms of potential negotiation. Estimated results still unfavorable due to the lack of Nepleslian forewarning in regards to their operation.

Requesting the reallocation of available secondary nodes, SI or QUASI constructs, and any excess processing power in an attempt to project event outcome more accurately. Cultists of the Network Backbone also welcome in decrypting and tapping Nepleslian communications.

Attached are samples of the discussion. Backtrack proxies to find discussion forums.

End of line.


A Spacecase said:
"We will welcome visitors and we will welcome far flung kin into our Free State. But what we will not tolerate are thieves and dictators who would not only exploit resources that belong to us all, but lay exclusive claim to it all!"
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