Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

[FSR] The Tomb of the Libertarians

Disseminating transmission throughout all major caravan operational sectors. For those of you out there that may still be under communication blackout to keep a low profile from fascist marauders, here's a situation report on recent affairs. Sitrep as follows...

Halna has now been declared an nonoperations sector, and the majority of Guild and Free State assets are being evacuated whilst the ruins are swept for survivors. A number of nonpersons and freelancers have expressed their wish to stay on their home, but due to the proximity to the fascist state the zone is quite simply too volatile for any caravan fleet to justify the cost and risk of a large-scale infrastructure reconstruction project there. The Guild, along with all other Freespacers and a significant number of Halna locals, have unanimously agreed to abandon the ruins of Halna.

However, as per the Free State tradition of amnesty all those who wish to join, our departing caravans have been accepting volunteers to join our Free State. The many freelancers that prefer to remain independent are also being offered use of Freespacer Motherships for maintenance and protection.

The vast majority of the city is to be left untouched save for the last remaining survivor sweeps, with only one exception: one of the larger, burned out shipyard facilities is being converted into a memorial beacon to serve as a reminder of those who were butchered mercilessly by the Yamataian fascists. It also serves as a reminder for the free men and women of Halna that died in the bombardment, hence the name Tomb of the Libertarians.

At this point the majority of the planet has been abandoned save for those lucky few who had installations away from the main city, as well as a number of the populace that have refused to leave. In response to this the infamous eccentric SI known as "Invalid" has offered to launch a fortification program in exchange for the opportunity to collect combat data and field test combat technologies.

SI Invalid:

"It's a simple matter of cost ratios. Any reasonable nation-state would see that what little infrastructure and population is left couldn't possibly justify the cost of attacking such a well-hardened target. But of course, the Yamataian fascist empire is hardly a reasonable nation-state and may very well waste the ships and lives regardless, in the name of national ego...or for the sake of conquering something simply because it's there."
Many are now calling Halna the "second Relay Moon" as Invalid begins constructing a defense network of orbital defense railroad guns, missile silos, subterranean complexes. There is also word of a lunar electronic warfare grid under construction to prevent ships from scanning down and accurately hitting targets from orbit, which would give Halna's remaining population more than enough time to evacuate in the event of an attack, and allow surface defenses to hold out for a considerable time against overwhelming numbers.

Anonymous Privateer:

"My father founded our family's chopshop here on Halna. I ain't going to give it up to those swine. While most are opting to evacuate, there are some of us who are going to hole up and support our fellow 'privateers' along with this Invalid AI thing. I'm not sure what that machine is all about, but hey, free protection is free protection. He can be eating babies for all I'd care."
Meanwhile Guild elements are relocating to Kennewes, Nepleslia, and the Relay Moon. One of the Guild's directors released the following press statement earlier today.

Director of Misappropriation:

To be quite honest, the Guild actually came out much better than we thought given that situation. In terms of publicity not only do we have direct proof of Yamatai's slavery-condoning actions and ruthlessness, but they've effectively made us heroes and martyrs in the popular eye. Technologically, we've obtained samples of YSE combat hardware and now have recorded samples of their battle networking and sensor technologies along with powered armor components and nanotech residues.

While we did sustain losses, the vast majority were actually Automatons -- low-cost, mass producible units with a vastly higher turn-over rate than Nekos or Nepleslian clones. Most of our remaining casualties were actually freed slaves; while unfortunate to lose they didn’t actually have a production cost on our part, so were fairly expendable assets. Incidentally, the attack has actually earned us a considerable boost in recruitment since many of the surviving pirates have folded into our numbers.

We'd also like to thank Gillian Manufacturing and the many other civilian donations we've received. Your funds will be appropriated to helping free more slaves throughout the galaxy -- and hopefully this time keeping them safe from Yamataian slaughter.